A case for vehicles Megathread (collective feature topic)

I don’t think drivable cars are needed in this game, I don’t think it would work, I know it’s just my opinion but it’s not day z, the bikes fit with the game🤔

I see your point, not even sure how cars etc could be implemented and balanced but I feel there needs to be some better way to travel. The bikes are janky and slow when traversing large areas. Maybe a powered bike like a moped are even the ability to use the stamina bar to pedal quicker for up-hill stretches would improve the experience.

Can’t you use the exp. atomic medkits and cycle faster? …

But one thing I’ve got to test today :
Using medkits directly from inventory while using bycicle.

Happy to see this thread up and running again. I gave quite an elaborate suggestion as to what vehicles could be included and how they could work. Having a Plundra in the back would be overpowered, but giving the vehicles inventory would be useful.

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Oh dear. This again. :wink:

Adding tanks and cars as vehicles would mean a re-balance will be needed. I.e. robot speeds increased to be a threat to vehicles, possibly damage dealing increased, which in turn would make it incredibly difficult for players on foot to deal with enemies. Not to mention machines already struggle with collisions with fixed objects when they go full tilt and often end up embedded in buildings. I imagine if they go even faster they’ll end up vanishing into cliffs or falling through the map. :smiley:

On the whole, with a small team of devs with limited resources I think there are more important things to deal with than a big overhaul to turn this game into some sort of a retro GTA vs robots.


Have you considered implementing vehicles in any other way than the worst-case scenario? First post quite elaborately covers how it could work.

Well, point 2 has already been addressed. Point 3 would greatly unbalance the game in favor of the players who are already the hunters and robots the prey for the most part. Point 4, only if set on a different island where different rules apply. Point 5, sentimentality is fine but I’d refer to point 3 really unless implemented as point 4.

I really can only see this working if on a different island (would have to be the biggest the make any sense at all) or the mainland where the game rules would be quite different. Again I refer to the the small team and the limited resources to develop an entirely new aspect to the game where more attention really is required to polish what is already in place. Is it worth the hassle? Should they look to sell out to one of the big developers to get the resources to redevelop the game so radically?

PS. On the point of sentimentality and pure fun I totally agree that vehicles would be great fun. i’d love to drive an EPA tractor or a suped up Puch moped around Östertörn but for me it wouldn’t work with the basic idea of the game.


With the introduction of Russian Wolfs and Lynx’ even more machines roam the playable area (except for Himfjäll). I don’t even dare to ride a bicycle not to mention cars. It’s like an acoustic beacon “Hei machines, here I am.” (and if this is what you want there are lures and radios available already)

As @incendito already mentioned, implementing drivable combustion engine equipped cars would need a serious rebalance. Since the devs already struggle with rebalancing the game from the point where they introduced experimental weapons. I don’t think it’s a good idea to open another minefield where the devs possibly introduce new bugs and needs for improvements.

And in addition look at this thread how many different types of vehicles were suggested for implementation. Even if the devs add just 1 drivable car this will of course not suffice. There will always be a demand to implement more. Look at the comments on pure racing games, players want more cars, a certain model, more tuning possibilities etc. This is a pandora’s box that’s better left closed.


Therefore my suggestion was just to have one of the 4doored cars to be spawn- and driveable. The model already exists and the car itself should not have more health than the car-object.

So you would have the possibility to drive a car if it has enough gas. But how far would you be able to come?

On the other hand I totally agree with you.

Well i think we dont need vehicles. We already walk most of the time and here is a list of why it whould be a bad idea.

  1. It is loud
  2. We need fuel
  3. They are not safe against machines
  4. The game world is big, but with a car it whould be to small.
    So no i dont think we need a car

That’s what I mean somehow.
Even if there would be useable cars as described (everything else would be unrealistic or senseless), noone would use them as much, because it’s a rolling trap for yourself.

But you would be able to :wink:

yes, perhaps the players could install a Plundra upgrade on bigger vehicles

i think that you should also be able to drive the Swedish Main Battle Tank that you see everywhere. Maybe i could be a paid DLC or something. Vehicles should also require ammo, gas, and they should get damaged over time, requiring players to repair them.

or they could fast robots that are designed to take out vehicles and might not attack players on foot.

i love this idea!!, perhaps the host could set it on “auto-pilot” and players could defend it while it is en-route.

i do want to see some sort of glider or plane in the game, possibly with the armed ones being part of a paid vehicle DLC, along with a helicopter. BUT, no vehicle should be too OP. new enemies should also be added to counter any vehicle that is added. Maybe something like the Hailfire Droid from Star Wars:

it could be a fast robot with weak points in its missile launchers, eye, and wheels. As it gets higher in level, the missiles could lock on.

some sort of AA bot would make quick work of the aircraft. Again, the prototype variant would have unguided missiles or flak cannons, while the FNIX class could feature heat seeking missiles.

there could also be new structures available for base building, such as a garage to upgrade vehicles and a hanger + runway for aircraft. in these buildings players could upgrade vehicles with different features. there should also be a limited number of upgrades that can be installed on each vehicle at once. also, upgrades should both help and hurt the vehicle’s stats.

Example: Upgrading Armor = Reduced Speed

this would help to balance vehicles. Also, IMO, vehicles belong in GZ. it is literally a game about Guerilla warfare, Guerilla fighters have always used vehicles to attack and strafe/raid enemy positions. Maybe they could add new missions in which you had to attack a FNIX convoy in a 4x4 with machine guns on the front.

RAMs could also be an upgrade for the front of vehicles

Water craft would also be nice, except that they could potentially allow players to get to Himfjall without the purchase of the DLC, kill barriers would be needed.

giving players jets is like giving a baby a bomb with a red button, it will be very funny to watch time lapses of crashes.

Vehicles could be implemented a million ways. Advantages and disadvantages are necessary.
Like many others, and I don’t know why, you argue against it by stating how it could be implemented in the absolute worst way possible.

If it’s an unlockable that you get hold of relatively late in the game, does it matter that it makes the world feel smaller?
Does it have to consume fuel? And if there are advantages to the use of vehicles, wouldn’t fuel consumption be a reasonable way to balance their use?

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Here’s a translation with a next to non-existent amount of copy-editing.

Cars, bikes and other vehicles?
Hi; it would be cool if devs saw that post, because that surely would make the game more “alive”: having cars or something, but at least bikes which we could build, or maybe the same thing for cars, or maybe more like… trucks; and a fuel system, and a part system to modify vehicles, etc.; even on the street, we find a borderline incalculable amount of vehicles which we can’t drive although they are 100% still drivable; so talk about it or share that idea if you wish they add vehicles in the next update


@AgreedThread763, s’il te plaît, utilise la ponctuation! :sweat_smile: Également, écris en anglais à l’avenir. (Je sais que c’est ennuyant.)

@AgreedThread763, please use punctuation! :sweat_smile: Also, write in English in the future. (I know it’s vexing.)


Thanks for translating, @Bowi. You’re really the embodiment of what a Regular should be :+1:

Since it concerns new vehicles I’m moving the translated post to the relevant thread and
locking the old one.



does anyone think we’ll ever get access to the mainland? Cuz that could be the perfect place for vehicles.

There’s just endless woods because the devs haven’t fleshed it out. The DLC island also didn’t have anything of note before they revamped it.

@Madchaser Don’t post exploits on the forums please. We have a strict policy against that.
