A case for vehicles Megathread (collective feature topic)

Do you agree that any OP vehicle with weapons like the Swedish MBT or a plane should be part of a paid DLC?

Also, I saw some people suggesting that there could be a paid DLC for every vehicle excluding bikes. This DLC would add in vehicles to every island. So then you could choose if you wanted vehicles or if you did not want vehicles. I think this would be a great way to implement vehicles, as some parts of the GZ community want them and some don’t.

If they did add vehicles, then they should get damaged and players could repair them, or add armor or weapons. There should also be new enemies that are super fast and only detect vehicles. If they added jet skis or aircraft, then there should also be enemies designed to counter them. There also need to be fuel meters on every vehicle.

In my opinion it would be a too great gamechanger for a paid dlc for a game that you can play with whoever you want.

It would devide the games community.

If there would be more vehicles, then for all players. And therefore they should be cautious with more vehicles.

A skateboard or ski could make sense. Mountainbikes as well.

Simple cars for up to four passengers would be ok, too, but it should be very dangerous to use them… The machines destroyed almost everything, why not a single car used by the players? But it should be at least an option to move a bit faster all together in a party… Or to die all together.

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I disagree, bcuz not all of the GZ community wants vehicles. A paid DLC would be the perfect way to make both sides happy.

And players should not be able to drive every vehicle they come across.
For one, you should need the key to the specific vehicle that you want to drive.
Second , there has to be a fuel meter. This will limit the power of vehicles.

The vehicles should also have realistic physics. Cars should have the chance to flip over if you go into the ditch at high speeds, and IF you feel like ramming something it will greatly damage your car.

I would love to be able to use Skis on Himfjall, and the skateboard could be fun in a city. On a side note, there could be emotes for certain vehicles like the skateboard, skis, and bike that allowed you to do tricks. I would love that.

The main function that i see cars filling, is for coop, and for exploring the map. Coop would be so much funner if your buddies could shoot LMGs and bazookers out of the windows of a car while you were performing hit and run tactics on enemy positions. ( I know that the back-blast from the bazooker would kill everyone in the car in real life, but GZ is not real life. It would be cool if they added that tho ) And if any machines showed up that posed a threat, then you execute the “getting the hell out of here” maneuver!

Also, perhaps you could put thermal camo on your vehicle, or some sort of gadget that would make the machine think you were another machine.

I could definitely imagine vehicles being a paid DLC, but then it should come with its own island, its own questlines and enemies.

I don’t understand why vehicles (without major alterations to the game) should be a paid DLC for the sake of people who don’t want them. If you don’t want to use vehicles, then just don’t. I’m advocating for vehicles to be rewards for questlines, not something that should be available from the moment you boot up the game and not something the game would have to be rebalanced for. So the implementation of vehicles shouldn’t in any way effect those who don’t want to use them.

Vehicle customization would be awesome. Silent drive, camo net (which camouflages heat IRL), upgraded engine, weapons etc. Preferably in a way where you need to balance different aspects rather than just “maxing everything out”.

Aircraft would be cool, I’d love to fly a Draken, Viggen, or even SK60B, but I don’t think they’re doable. Games like Just Cause, Far Cry and GTAV show that aircraft in games with ground-based gameplay just aren’t fun. Avalanche would need to crank up the draw distance for enemies a whole lot and develop a whole bunch of extremely finicky sensors and weapons. MAYBE they could implement the hkp9 with TOW missiles.

perhaps it could be like Just Cause where you can only have a certain number of upgrades per vehicle, that way you would have to choose your upgrades carefully.

I 100% agree with this.

I would want vehicles to be available everywhere except underground.

Now this is different, i agree that the dev team should not have to re-balance the game for the addition of vehicles, just add a few new enemies to counter them. But we can agree to disagree about the quest thing. I think that if you have the key, parts, and fuel, then you should be able to drive the vehicle. Altho, I would be fine if better vehicles like tanks or APCs were rewards for quests if they only spawned at a certain military base.

But standard vehicles like station wagons or police cars should be available relatively early. This is just my opinion.

altho, i do not think that players should be able to drive the cars right off the bat, the devs could make some problem, for example: none of the cars on the first island have any gas or are missing parts because Harvesters salvaged them.

Either, if you don’t want them, you don’t have to use them.

It should be a senseful addition to the game and not just some sort of total conversion for the players who want to play an other game.

Come on, stay sensible.

You can’t just change the complete way the game can be played through adding those vehicles just for the ones who want to pay for it.
It would be a complete new mechanic for the game… Which is actually a cooperative open world multiplayer game and which is identical for all players in its core.

By adding those vehicles for the complete game just for the ones who like to pay for them you devide your community and their experiences.

An example what could be thinkable:

If they add a simple car as driveable vehicle for up to four persons, a paid dlc could be to get more different vehicles or some crafting for your vehicle (new colors).

But the general system for the cars would be needed for all players so that they still can play together as it is now.

I think I’ll leave this discussion now.
Just wanted to give you something to think about. But last but not least it’s the devs decision.

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Yes, they should be available everywhere, but if they’re to be part of a paid DLC, that DLC shouldn’t just be a bunch of vehicles thrown in. There would have to be a new region with quests, specifically designed around the use of these vehicles.

If made available from the start, vehicles would cause problems. They’d break the pacing. Like many have warned, they’d make the game world feel small.
If they were unlockable through quests, they’d instead solve problems. They’d be worthwhile and desirable rewards for completing quests. Perhaps you’d get blueprints for vehicles when reaching the control room of bunkers. So first bunker you get an EPA tractor, second a station wagon, third an armored truck etc.

I haven’t played that, but I’m more thinking of how upgrades work for weapons in GZ.
For example if you get hold of an ikv91, you can choose whether you want to use the turret that it has IRL (90mm slow firing cannon) the experimental 105mm (more firepower but significantly more bullet drop and perhaps no coax MG) or the fast-firing 40mm autocannon of the CV90, or maybe even a mortar.
Engines could be swapped either for a more powerful or a more silent one.
It could either be left as is, to maintain performance and mobility, or up-armored

It’s like with any addition to the game, the cost (worktime) and benefits (usability, amount of players using that feature) has to be considered. With the addition of the russian machines cars are really more a case of a death trap with an included acoustic beacon. Sounds to me more like a new lure then anything else.

If you want the cars on a new island specifically made for vehicles, that sounds almost like a minigame to me. As you can see already making a new island available is no easy task. This takes a lot of cost that cannot be used anywhere else. In addition the map is made for vehicles specifically, that means the way you played the main island and Himfjäll doesn’t work anymore/not so well.

When I think about open world and cars there are basically two games that come to my mind: Fuel and The Crew. The former lacked a lot of things to do but had so many things to explore. It was a giant map and you could drive on end. But of course there were no enemies in the open world, just some competitions on certain locations. The Crew is almost the same, with the exception, that there is way more to do.
Those games are their own completely individual genre. I cannot imagine any crossover between that and GZ. And to be frank I don’t think the cost required to implement even the most basic functionality is worth the cost. It had to be a completely different, standalone version of the game, like GZ - The Crew, where the world is vast but not as detailled, where the game mechanics are trimmed for vehicle-based combat.
The actual implementation struggles even on normal speeds. Even with my GTX 1080 I experience a lot of frame drops in certain areas. Imagine you would drive at 50 kph or faster. The whole thing becomes a stuttery mess. This would even require more cost to trim the game engine for quicker loading of assets and such (which I would welcome anyway).

Doesn’t mean you can’t dream though.


I would have thought about Days Gone as an example. An open world with hostile humen, animals and zombies.

One of the most important parts of the game is driving around with your motorcycle. Because of that there are also some enemies that are fast enough to follow you while driving or to shoot you off your bike. You may shoot while driving, too and you need to refuel and repair your bike.
It works great, but it’s one of the core elements of the game.

For GZ there would have to be more limitations for using cars. It should be a nice option but not a way to play the whole game with.

  • Slow speed (just 50 km/h, which is about 10 km/h faster than a bike)
  • Not more armor than a normal car (object)
  • possibility to shoot out of it while being passenger
  • need to refuel, limited fuel
  • car is not able to drive anywhere or at least will be slowed down when offroad
  • availability after completing the main story (so that there is no need to make changes in mission design

“possibility to shoot out of it while being a passenger”
That statement just skips past introducing the physics of binding a player to a seat in a car, moving that player character with the car and all the other considerations that goes into making multiple player characters movement being tied to an object in the game. :slight_smile:
“availability after completing the main story (so that there is no need to make changes in mission design”
But what about multiplayer? So two players have finished the game and can use a car and two have not, would this mean you’d have to have a system that prevents the two that haven’t finished the game from entering the car with the two that have?

That’s what I meant by saying, this feature would have to be built in for all players. It would have to be part of the core.

The car itself should be available after completing the main story, in my eyes.

So if there is a player who is able to spawn the car, all other players are able to enter and to use it.

That’s why it should not be just an optional paid dlc. If there are cars able to spawn and use in all regions, all players should be able to use the existing ones… And not just the playere who paid for it…

That’s what I meant with “a paid dlc would devide the community”, because they would not be able to play with every other player.

And I totally agree that cars should not be provided just with a new isle, so that every player can play with each other on the main isle. That wouldn’t make much sense. If there is a new isle then just like himfjäll with some more story. Every new feature has always to be for every player.

i agree that missions should not be any easier, and i have always wanted a limit on fuel, and the ability for people to ride shotgun.

Altho, I do not really want a separate island for vehicles, I would want vehicles to be on every island. Maybe, instead of complaining and shit posting to the devs about how much we want vehicles, we should just make a vehicle mod. Does anyone know if you can mod the Generation Zero Microsoft Store Edition or just Steam?

I still dont think we need cars or tanks or any “real” vehicle.
I will keep it short.
. The game is not made for vehicles, they whould probably be buggy as this isnt the right game for that
. Death trap
. Fuel is needed
. We are fine without it, we can fast travel and walk


It’s forbidden. It’s even forbidden to talk about it here.

I agree with you in most points, but this one not.
Well, maybe bycicles weren’t there in the first version, idk. But why should the devs call the vehicle station like that if they didn’t think about more vehicles?

The same goes for the option in multiplayer settings to allow or not allow vehicles.

But that’s why I once suggested more vehicles without a motor, like skateboards, mountainbikes (or other types of bikes) or ski (in the snowy mountains).

well, if it is forbidden, then I will respect the rules and stay quiet, I am already banned from over 60 sites, games, and apps because of my actions, and I don’t want to add this one to the list. Altho, my opinion will remain the same: we need vehicles, they are part of the setting of Generation Zero.