A case for vehicles Megathread (collective feature topic)

however, this does not mean that i will not continue to argue my case about vehicles here.

I don’t think cars are a good idea for todays game. In a possible Gen Z 2 then why not. But I think it will take away all aspects of sneeking around. But for this version of the game I say no to vehicles. Better the devs put focus on more realistic things. I don’t think the game engine would work that well with cars. It would be sluggish. And to fix that it would take more work for the devs than it’s worth. For a second game they could use another engine if they would like to implement vehicles.

It’s not just a matter of the engine, but of the ressources of the used system in this case.

On PS5 I never have framerate drops.

But I agree in general with you that it would be at best if it would be part of a sequel instead of integrating it in this game. There would just be more technical problems for the last gen consoles.

Ok, here is a vehicle idea that hasn’t been touched on yet. Picture this in Generation Zero:
2 Seats
Fast on snow and mountains but slow on grass and roads.


Yeah, definitely would be cool. Only issue is that it would need to work completely different than wheeled and tracked vehicles.

I agree
perhaps it should flip if you tried to drift in it

Snowmobiles are awesome. Not enough games have them :slightly_smiling_face:

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A two person Jet-Ski would be great too.

And this could be the first air vehicle:

No i dont think we need all of these vehicles


I’m yet to find a game that can make these types of vehicles fun, apart from those where it’s the focal point, like Pilotwings and Wave Race.
They’re abysmal in GTA, Far Cry and pretty much all other open-world games. Jet skis in particular would fill no function as there are no water-based enemies and nothing to find out there. Not to mention that water physics would be a nightmare to implement.

They are not m**s, they are special coding operations. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Finds rare item called “car keys” allows player to drive whatever civilian vehicle in game but with a catch…it explodes just as easy and attracts alot of attention, but you can drive with friends :joy:

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Just what I suggested.

Maybe they are still preparing something like that.

Don’t you think that it could make sense?
Why should they just add fuel for crafting health-packs?

  1. There could be an additional lategame usage for lock picking tools, as at a certain point you won’t need the skill or tools any more.
  • Cars could have a chance of 90%, that an alarm sirene gets activated when just opening the doors.
  • with a second (and maybe third) lock picking skill this chance could be lowered. The third skill point could give you the ability to override the cars ignition.
  1. The new fuel item could be used to refuel a car. For example you need 100 fuel for starting a car. But: you have to carry them with you, not just have them in your recycling station.
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what if we could get an experimental runner head from base defense and attach it to a dead runner and ride that? would be faster more menuverable, a mounted gun, you would have to give it ammo and gas and other crafting materials for when its damaged, runners also aren`t really that loud but it would be easier to spot for the machines.

edit- they can also explode if hit in the gas tank, probably should have to make armor for it so that doesnt happen

Sorry, I personally don’t like that.

For a third person action adventure game a good idea. But we have to be as realistic as possible (not just regarding realism, but if and how the game engine probably could handle it and how it would feel for the player).

For example I would love it, if car driving AND bicycle driving would be in first person. (hm… Could be a feature request as well…)

Riding a runner in first person could be too wobbly (regarding motion sickness). And I think riding runners would change the game too much.

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I have no idea about how easy/difficult it would be to code and integrate, but what do you think about a quad runner?

what do you mean quad runner?

A runner with fwd?


wait a moment…

my answer is near…


Ok, no, I don’t like it.
I think we should stay as realistic and sensible as possible. The game takes place in a late 80s version of sweden. We are teenager who investigate, what happened to our home and try to erase these machines and to defend against the soviet invasion.

There are almost no sci-fi elements except the enemies and the experimental stuff (ok, and the flying de’lorean as easter egg) . The machines are, what the core of the game is about. Well, there are many mysteries, too…

But again: complete new futuristic vehicles would be too much. That counts for mad-max-like combat vehicles as well as for airborne or seaborne vehicles.

Of course we may have dreams. But the chances that our exclusive dreams come real are lesser than less, if the game would change completly or if there would have to be so many new elements (new models, physics, animations, new core elements in source code,…).

Just let us drive the existing cars (under special circumstances) as a first step… And other bikes, skateboards, ski,…

Maybe later there could be some “experimental vehicles”. (I just have another “back to the future” easter egg in mind… :shushing_face: Experimental skateboard… :wink:)

Or an experimental bicycle which isn’t sci-fi from our point of view. A bicycle with an integrated small fuel cell: A pedelec :wink:. Additionally, regarding to this Idea, you would need less stamina for sprinting with the bike.


In 1982, Suzuki introduced the first 4-wheeled ATV called the QuadRunner 125. Before that, they had 3 wheels and were crazy unstable.

Yes, of course. There are many interesting vehicles back in the 80s.

But we should stay in sweden with some swedish cars. The actual car models look like volvo (4 doors) and a saab (two doors).