A case for vehicles Megathread (collective feature topic)

Well, why don’t you make a gz mod for far cry?
Would be welcome for many people who love to play far cry, love gz and loved far cry 3 blood dragon.

It already is possible to make mods as far as I could see and it probably is more stable to run your suggestions.

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I gave it some thought and i think that okay vehicle s could be in the game, but like i said i think the limit whould be military offroad vehicles, like the tgb 11

I think a plane like in Fortnite would be cool, with the skins like that.


Yes and then you can use the fortnite glider, And different types like the fortnite umbrella!

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I really hope they like your ideas I think it would be great although maybe they can have it so that the vehicles can get destroyed and you have to repair them over and over so they are not op

Yeah,that would make sense. They would sort of be like the bases.

I agree vehicles would take away much of the feeling of expanse in the map, Gen Zero is hanging on to something a little different, I think most long time players still appreciate this, vehicles would not really work in my opinion :thinking:


I would qualify as a “long time” player, and although I obviously don’t speak for everyone, in my opinion vehicles would be a good thing. Much earlier in the thread we were talking about some pretty crazy stuff, like armored trucks, half tracks, you name it. I admit those might not work for GZ, but we could at least have some kind of car, dirt bike/motorcycle or four wheeler. Maybe as some kind of DLC, I’m personally ok with paying for that sort of edition.

The only stipulation would be quality. Unfortunately, the “bikes” we currently have are barring uncontrollable when it comes to uneven terrain, and forget about hills. So, if there was a vehicles DLC, I’d personally like them to be worth having, and be easy to control. Especially the dirt bikes, because if a bicycle is nearly impossible to control, id hate to think how a dirt bike would handle if the devs employed their current driving physics.

I stay at my opinion.
If there would be other vehicles to use, then just the existing ones. (of course don’t forget skateboards and ski)

Of course they may improve the models and textures of them, but nothing more.

That would fit best as first step for more vehicles.

Why is that per say?

Because these devs have a serious issue with adding content that’s not finished, and not going back to it until years later.
Bikes for instance were added in 2019, yet are so buggy and just janky in general they are near useless

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That’s part of why I’m suggesting a DLC. But like I said, I am willing to pay for it, but only if it’s tested, and works on something more than perfectly flat ground.

Bikes aren’t useless.
But they aren’t very usefull, too.

Mostly they are just for some fun.
But now you can even stick a remote controlled bomb on them. And you can do a wheely. (hold left stick down). But bikes are almost silent. They are perfect for what they are for.

With cars it would be vice versa.
They just are rolling death traps.

And the implementation would have to be for everyone, too. Well, you don’t have to use them, if you aren’t forced to… But it would be a change to the game that you can’t sell seperated.


Ok, so I’m not sure if it’s just me, but I seem to be shot at even if I’m on a bike, so if I have the choice between a bicycle that’s barely usable, or a dirt bike/car that’s 5 times faster and (in theory) works mechanically more smoothly, I’m taking it, even if it makes more noise. In my opinion it’s an acceptable trade off.

It’s true I’ve seen way too many FARCRY5 mods from replacing the enemies with buff Pokémon characters

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Bikes are not useless, just don’t know how to use them in the game. First, they are great in a 4-player co-op as a bike gang. Enough said. Ride bike into a battle, loot WAY to much and can’t sprint or fast travel. Jump back on the bike and reach sprinting speeds back to a safe house to dump loot. Ride bike into battle with to much ammo and weapons to sprint or move much, jump off bike, drop enough loot by the bike and use bike as a marker to find that extra loot. You can even tell other players in co-op where the stash is “BY THE BIKE!” so they can rob your stash too or add to it.

Bike also has a bell that can be use as a signal to other players to let them know formations or directions to travel. One bell go north or flank north and 2 bells for flank south and so on… Bikes are not useless, just the riders are! :frowning_face:

You can even stick a sticky bomb on a bike, one player cycles into a horde of machines and… Boom. :sweat_smile:

I wouldn’t mind a motor bike in the game. I bet that would add to a lot of fun for many GZ-lovers. Don’t mind the noise, with that speed enemies can be easily avoided. I’m sure the teenagers in 1990 would use a motor bike if they had one.

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I can get behind this idea, mopeds was a big part of teenage culture in sweden in the 80s and 90s.

A beat up puch dakota or honda mt5 would fit nicely in this game