A case for vehicles Megathread (collective feature topic)

You can do all of this on a motorcycle but better.

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So we finally got them! And feedback seems positive.
Here’s hoping they add EPA tractors next.

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Honestly, I was skeptical about the dlc from the way that bicycles handle, but once I tried it all 3 work great. I’m pretty impressed.

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Bicycle handling was also improved with the update. They accelerate faster, and are more responsive.

I still want a flakmoped though.

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Yeah. They improved animations, so the characters don’t sit bolt-upright at all times, and you can now skid.

Skidding was a good addition.

I would like to see a Jetpack. I would also like to see a ATV,

all right, i will fulfil your desires:

And now you have seen them.


I do see a certain desire for a multi seat vehicle (like a ATV or side-car for the motorcycles), but i see no reason what so ever why a jetpack should be included in the game.

Its not fortnight you know… :slight_smile:

Time to revive the Megathread!


A Jetpack would be dope. Perhaps limit it so it’s not too overpowered, and only allow it to be used in short bursts. But it would offer a cool perspective by introducing a new vertical way to fight Machines.

We have problems in 2023 making jetpacks so i dont think they whould nfit in GZ, and i whould rather have a car than an atv.

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You read my mind.
I don’t need a new perspective in that way.

But it would be cool to have paragliders at some high locations as a fast and save way down a mountain.

For driveable vehicles I stay at my opinion. Either sidecars for motorbikes (maybe as another bike in addition for the motorbike dlc pack) or the existing vehicles (cars and trucks, like I suggested recently).

Hey, and what about ski for himfjäll? :wink:

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YES skies are perfect!

Yeah, cross-country skiis! :smiley:
They work downhill too, especially in the “Telemark”-style, but work fine on flats and slight uphills too (i used to crosscountry-ski alot in my youth)

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i would love some decent vehicle’s .the push bikes are as fast as the motor bikes why cant we use tanks, atvs cars and some weapons that do some real damage .

No, they aren’t.
Bicycles are about 40km/h fast (which could be even 30 in my opinion, while running should be 25 at max stamina), the mopeds go about 50km/h if I’m not wrong and the DLC-bikes up to more than 70km/h.
Additionally each bike has its own characteristics.

Tanks, ATVs and even stronger weapons just wouldn’t fit the games intention and setting. It once began as survival shooter. Just we teenager with some weapons against hordes of deadly machines. There were no experimental weapons and no vehicles at all… Even no melee weapons. It’s like David vs Goliath or humen vs Terminators… And it should stay like that.

Otherwise it would be hard to explain why the whole swedish army with all their equipment had no chance against fnix.

Their fault was, that they were too many, too great and too loud targets.

But we players (teenagers) are like a rat in the barn. Easy to kill, but hard to find…but we can still bite.


I think it’s more about the 1980’s aesthetic than realism in GZ’s case. I mean, we didn’t exactly have autonomous war machines either.

Yeah, humanity has problems making jetpacks. But that doesn’t mean that FNIX, a super intellegent AI couldn’t make one. It would be cool to see some jetpacking hunters.

I believe the reason the military failed was because of their tactics. They had the same ideas as the British during the American Revolutionary War. They went out to meet FNIX head on, when we’ve seen that the real way to fight FNIX is guerilla warfare. FNIX also had the element of surprise.

Have you any insights into 80´s swedish military tactics?

Its not widely known fact but the swedes have been training guerilla tactics for ages.
If you´re defending against a large invading force, no other tactic will do, its better to hide and hit your enemy in the back before vanishing into thin air.

I have been exploring old military fortifications since i was a teenager and been interested in the swedish military for way longer, so the stories i could tell would probably land me in jail :stuck_out_tongue:

So i am certain that the only real reason why the swedish military failed defending Östertörn against Fnix is that the game would be quite boring otherwize… :slight_smile:

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