A case for vehicles Megathread (collective feature topic)

Ok i´m going to enter this confusion.

Look guys, almost no one really wants drivable cars in GZ.
We want more options for the cars like some other games have :

  • lures in cars (like Dying Light)
  • traps in cars (explosive bombs and EMP´s)
  • maybe the option to store in a similar extra Plundra vehicle that is near churches, like a big van

But drivable cars?

Let me tell you a story, Stalker Lost alpha has drivable cars, it´s cool, but there is the need for fuel, you have to exit almost every time you encounter enemies, it atracts enemies, and it gets damaged, it makes the game smaller.
Basically instead of helping it feels like a chore.
Just like Stalker, GZ has not been made to have cars.

There are many good games that have cars

  • Far cry series
  • Mad Max
  • Rage 2
  • GTA clones and similar games
  • Dead Island
  • dozens of others

Now, giving us a better Bike to deal with the hard terrain, it´s ok :+1:


Don’t get stuck! :rofl:

I could always get out lol
The suicide zombies are the worst though.

I may not have expressed my idea very well. The character is more than able to take a hit, in general anyway. But, if there riding on a bike, they get thrown off. At least, in my experience. In a car, even without armor, it can take some damage without throwing you off into the line of fire.

I agree with you in some regards. Some people might play like that, but why is that a bad thing?Also, there could be limits on the avalability. For instance, if you are maxed out, at level 31, then you could earn the car (beleive this was stated earlier by a different person) at that point, you wouldnt have a whole bunch of things to do, so its not like you would be cheating, and using it to complete all of the misions. And, also you make a good point. Maby not all of the ideas would be there. Hogge is right, its gotten quite complicated.

Sure, some people like to play games where there are vehicles in it and for that, there are other games to play, besides GZ.

That reminds me early request of PvP. Almost every 4th person asked for that until devs were fed up with it eventually and gave a hard NO to the PvP question, by also stating that there are other, good PvP games out there.

Yes, they do. Though, Bikes were player request and i’m half-thinking that devs perhaps deliberately made the bike as it is, just to please those who wanted it but not giving the “perfect” bike, to show their dislike to it. Either that, or the Apex Engine in GZ isn’t really designed for vehicles and any other vehicle will have the same, “sort of” working state.

Level locking it does reduce it’s availability but also brings a lot of hatred from anyone who isn’t lvl31. Also, how do you expect it to work in MP? Especially when there are one or two lvl31 players and others are below lvl31? :thinking:

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Maybe my character can’t skate. But then again. Maybe he/she can’t drive a car either. So you go against your own logic here.

It takes a few minutes to handle a skateboard enough for you to be able to skate along a road. Wouldn’t recommend downhill that soon though. And it’s not Tony hawk so no need for tricks. And for thoose that use melee weapons you could swing with your skateboard.


I think we need to start from another aspect. well, we introduced vehicles. plot the route on the map where it will go ?! the whole map is strewn with irregularities, holes, mountains, ravines … the roads are often blocked up with concrete blocks and checkpoints. It is impossible to bypass, along all the roads there is an irresistible ravine for cars. take your car, improve it, pump it, but there is nowhere to drive it. Again the conclusion is obvious - you have more than 100 teleport points throughout the map, they are everywhere)


I never said it would be a peice of cake to progrm in. And, im sure, the devs would probably make it that everyone had to be levelled up to 31, or just not make them available to mutiplayer. Thats not nessisarily how I would do it, but I have a suspicion that thats how they might, just to add a bit more of a challenge, simplify programming etc.
Also, why would it matter if it brought hatred from non levelled-up players? All the more reason to level up. Nobodies complaning that you have to unlock the lock picking ability (at least, not that I know of, but correct me if im wrong). So, sure thats a valid point, but if your worried about that, then you should take a look at all of the other game features that entale that kind of levelling up requirement.

True, but its more likelly that they would be able to at least know how to drive. Maby not have their licence, but you get the idea. For instance, I dont know how to skateboard, but I do know how to drive. So, in a post apocyliptic world, I wouldnt be spending my time trying to learn the skills required to skateboard. I would just drive.

Also, the charecter apperars to be an upper-classman highschooler. Often times these age brackets are either learning to drive, or know how to drive, so yet another reason it makes perfect sence.

Also, kind of off topic, but why the heck have I never seen an abandoned shool in this game before? just a thought.

Anyway, as I was saying. driving isnt as a rediculous idea as your making it out to be, if you think about it objectivelly. Also, Terrorrobot made a good point earlier, the skate boards are small, and portable. So, although I dont completelly agree with the idea, its not a bad concept, if it was executed properly, it might be a good addition to the game.

There is only one level locked feature in the game and these are Experimental weapons, that have a good use for the game. Vehicles only do the same thing you can do with current network of safehouses, Fast Travel and Field Radio.

And if you’re going to say that skills (for skill points) is another locked content in the game, well, there are several people who have completed the game without ever spending a single skill point.

With that high scarcity (especially if only for solo play), don’t put them in, in the 1st place. It’s not like you don’t have much to do post end-game where vehicle would give you a lot more to do.

To add to the missing POIs, there aren’t any hospitals/clinics either.

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I never said that you would be able to go everywhere with the cars. In fact, thats one reeason they wouldnt make you super OP. Because, they can get you where you are wanting to go, with some level of protection, but after a certain point, you have to branch out on your own. Also, some things like military baracades, you can go around, youd just have to be careful. So yes, there are obsticles, but there not untriverable in some regards.

In fact side note I thought of whilest writing this post. The cars could act as a portable feild radio, if they limit the number of safe houses. Per game loggon, you could have maximum number of jumps you can make. Not a completelly nessisary feature, but I thought id mention it, just to see what yall thought.

Thats exactly my point. Theres a level cap, so ounce you get to 31, your done, It would be something for the people who completed the game. People who are pre 31, are still doing things. So its not an overly nessisary thing for them to earn.

Have you done that? I mean just out of curiosity, cause like, respect.
But to us mortals, skills are something that are used. So saying skill points aren’t earned by leveling up because some people don’t use skills at all. What kind of logic is that? No offense. But that makes no sense. Skills still can only be bought one at a time, by leveling up. Also, there’s a skill tree limit, so as a reward for all of your hard work, you get a nice slap in the face at the end that says you cant level up anymore. Then, it presents you with a big ZERO XP sign every time you do something dope. You also cant unlock all of the skills, not even partially. So you kind of have a half baked character.

Sorry, that got a tiny bit off topic, but my point stands. You cant say that skill points aren’t earned and used by leveling up, simply because you, or people you know of, don’t use skills. Which is impressive by the way, but again, very few people do that.
Also, skills are locked for literally every body, until they unlock them. So, those people who have completed the game with no skills, still don’t have skills unlocked, until they unlock them.

Then, for another way we could fix that problem- Make the cars available at an earlier level. I’m just thinking of a way that would be fair, but also logical for the game. Besides, you said that experimental weapons aren’t available until level 31. Why? You have nothing else to complete, and you yourself said that they have a good use for the game. Why not make them, available earlier? You cant say cars shouldn’t be in the game, when they would only be for level 31, when you added a bunch of super powerful weapons, which are only available to people who hav completed the game.

I completely agree. Maybe the next update will have few surprises.

Leveling up wise, yes. But there are plenty of things to do besides main and side missions. And devs are adding in even more features for post end-game players.

My main issue with vehicles is (which i’ve said above as well), that GZ isn’t a game where player drive-able vehicles are suited for. To me, it just doesn’t feel right to drive the car for e.g 400m, to the 1st blockage, then ditch it and walk the rest, similar like current Bikes are.

Personally, no. But i have a friend who did that (also used his help to test out how different, less picked skills work, since he backed up the save).

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It’s not impossible to drive around blockages, even in a car. Also, its not like you can only drive one car. I think there should totally be a limit to how many you can use at one time, but its not like you can only use one (logically, you would find keys for cars in more than just one house).

Ok gang, hopefully hope everyone is staying safe in this crazy world.

I’ve been thinking more vehicles over this weekends session, and I don’t think it should be completely written off.

Though with the current state of the game there is no real need for it, at all - there’s fast travel and bikes so CURRENTLY > no need.

However, this is clearly a subject that is of very, very mixed opinions - but I’m working on something that may be considered for the future for development team as the games “future” in general is extremely grey.

I’ll be back.


But we dont want like an M1 abrams or blackhawk, if you have an idea on vehicles then look at swedish 80s vehicles, not american or soviet

Ah, but Sweden did import a lot of European, and American cars and bikes in the late 70’s and early 80’s.

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not so much american, we did import european cars but then we built our cars, like the swedish companies of SAAB and VOLVO they built many many cars so we didnt need to import cars from other countries, and most of our military vehicles was also built in sweden, trust me i am swedish i know my history