Alpine Unrest - Coming Soon

Yeah, you’re right. I feel stupid now. :laughing:


@Argamae not stupid. You just got worried. We’re all human and we freak out.


Don’t worry too much about your plat status, young fella. Does it actually give you so much uplift in your social environment? You beat the game, to the full extent. You know that. Isn’t that enough?


People have a right to be pissed that they PAID the dlc and expected to be work which unfortunately, it didn’t. It didn’t work for me and the Alpine Unrest dlc is a mess. Achievements/Trophies did not popped up as it supposed to and some dlc missions are buggy. I came from Xbox so I know how PS4 players feels. To answer your question, it is not enough even though we beat the game with 100% when dlc came along and it doesn’t work .

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Yeah honestly, @pegnose, the Gardner Achievement means a lot to me :joy:


“Young fella”… that’s adorable. I turned 50 this year. :wink:

But to answer your question, no. That trophy does not mean the world to me and I also do not need it to show off or brag about it. But it would look nice on my trophy collection, you know. :wink: Thanks for your reply. I really like this community.


My apologies for making any assumptions. There is a saying about making assumptions… I will consider it in the future.

EDIT: Sometimes I feel a game like GZ tends to attract a more mature audience, like you and me.


Ah yes, Subnautica. Another man of good taste I see.


I feel like I’ve gotten lucky with alpine unrest, as I haven’t encountered any bugs or crashes whatsoever during my play through.


The trophys are seperate from main game trophys , no one will lose thier platinum … :+1: , no they will not take it :sweat_smile:

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It’s all good, pegnose. I still may have the mindset of a 14year-old. :joy:
And yes, you may be right about the attraction of older folks to specific games.

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Ah, you’re still a younker to the likes of me! Fifty? I dream of being fifty again. I could…, well, I still do it all, but that’s not the point: I do it with more experience. We’ll all club together and give you a Community Trophy, instead. :grin:


I can’t remember - probably! I’ll have to look it up. When I hear someone even more aged than me say, “It’s so nice to see young people in the Church,” I still think they are tallking about me. I first went when I was 17 and nothing inside has changed! I still haven’t thrwon ourt my cricket gear, or my rugby boots. Mind you, I’m a qualified rugby coach so may easily get to play again, if only on the training field. It certainly helps to bring down Tanks - grasp them firmly around the knees and twist

@Zesiir I’ll tell you something, mate, while we are (elsewhere) having the discussion, look at this thread. It is 113 replies long, and the subject it is announcing is days old. It’s turned into a meandering banter session, and that may not be a bad thing - all of us are being told that replies are here, because we’ve contributed, so everyone’s just discussing and getting on. It may be the ideal sort of place for binding and friendships to form. What I mean is, when the subject is out of date, we may be able to be moe relaxed, and focus the discussions that need to stay focused. Tell me what you think on the other side… :smiley:

The French have a saying: “On cause mieux quand on ne dit pas causons…” That is - one chats (chats) better when no one has said, “Let’s chat”. Just a thought…


When I was 25, my then girlfriend and I met some preschool kids in the bus. Somehow we ended up in an age guessing contest with them. When my girlfriend had tried to guess their ages it became their turn. They guessed her age spot on: 25 years. Then one of the little girls looked at me and said: “And you are her father, so you must be fifty”. The good news is that now 25 years later, I still looks like a fifty year old.

But I’m afraid I will get very old before I get the time to play Alpine Unrest … with a little luck by the end of next week. That’s a loooong wait … :cry:

… and I just brought us back :smiley:


Ohh, don’t make me cry! Pull yourself together, man! :roll_eyes:

Now you leave Xezr alone! He is doing his job and he is doing it good! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


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@Bootie i agree better to have banter in topic that has fell flat on it face with DLC upset … otherwise people would normaly come and kick off and leave cussing messages about the ‘’ bug with no name ‘’ , seeing us here just waiting on fix and chilling is good for all including the dev’s , hence why we are all in forum keeping things pleasant ._ xezr has been good about this and you guys right here in this topic and forum are the best any forum has ever had even Hanz :+1:


We are discussing - it just struck me, looking at this thread. Go on, cry - you know you want to. There’s nothing sissy about it - have a good blub, you’ll feel so much better…


Yes love pass me the salt so i can join my friends and have a good cry , , :joy:


At any rate, this is a great place to be at. I like you guys. sob


Now I really cry … :sob::rofl: