Beautiful Hike Routes

Not at this moment. I very busy with paint work and isolating my house. And doing a bit of GZ. I will take my time. I will find that spot and have a see. Thanks for letting me know.

Edit: I added two ingame-maps to the ingame-map route.


Special Sheds

Route 19: Special Sheds - Click here

When roaming around the world I found a lot of sheds that had content that told something about the owners. Here a few that I found special. And there’s more to come.

Purple light and Ducks

Drums and boxes

Drinking shed

Boxes and sandbags

Almost empty

Almost Half full or half empty

Almost full?

Small fire

Big fire

Church stuff

No peeing here

But luckily here we can pee

Living quarters

Chopping block


Carpet to wood

Food galore

Soccer shed

Lampshade man

Extra bedroom

Sleeping bags (for Iron Church recruitees?)

Farmers shed

Harbor shed

Waiting for Spring

Waiting for Summer


Chaos shed

Organised shed

Swedish Military changing/washing shed

Barred off shed. At least the hose can still be reached.

A shed with a Toilet facility.

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Added some more sheds that stand out.
Of the last shed in above route I don’t know it’s location. I think it was in Marshlands, but forgot to take a map picture. So if you happen to know… :coffee:

Edit: I found the location, It was in Forest.


I love your attention to detail :blush:


Special Cars

Route 20: Special Cars) - Click here

In addition to Route 3 with Trucks I also started to document any special car that we find in the game. With the latest world enrichment I’ve seen several nice car compositions. :coffee:

Police and other Security Cars

White Civil Police car

Burned Civil Police car

Red Fire Chief car

Orange Facility Security Patrol car

Green Swedish Military Police car

Black Swedish Secret Service (SÄPO) car.


Civil Cars

Nice grey Björk with (Snowy) white trim and bumper…


Car with Ski-cargo-box on the roof


Orange Maintenance car with ladder


This blue Fisherman’s Car is parked on a parking strip next to the road. If we walk NE towards the coastline then we find the fishing spot of the car’s owner. However, the fisherman is not there. I called out, but no answer.


This car has Skies, a Gunbox, an Ammo box and some other stuff on the roof. Set for survival in the snowy mountains, I guess.


This black car in Markbacken has long planks, an Ammo box and a Gunbox on the roof


Three wheels on Kenneth Larssons’ car at his father’s place on Pärlsjö Vägen.


Another three-wheeled car this time at Alnästet.


Yellow Car hidden in Container near Borgakulan.


This burning car, is really depicting the drama of people trying to get to safety. Away from the horrors of a brutal hostile occupation. They didn’t make it.


Look at that car(go), it’s on fire!


Watch out for dead trees


Watch out for fallen trees!


Need a jump start buddy?


Found a parkour parking spot!


The resistance followed Calle’s idea, but instead of a truck they armored a Björk.


Two Iron Church cars with weights in them. (Fitness site Farmlands)


Scene: Burning Car with two dead Armored Soviets. They most likely used this car to get about, but were attacked by FNIX machines and killed. Wouldn’t it be nice if it had Soviet Markings? I added the star to promote a Soviet car. (-1525, -2489)


People pack the strangest items when they are in blind survival mode. I wonder what is in the bag. Venison?


Knarrebo: How about taking a bent and broken bike with you as well as a painting? Never know when that will come handy to survive? :thinking:


Accidents can lead to flying wheels through a window!


Or involve running over parked bicycles in Himarvet.


Car doors with broken hinges


Military soldier dead in Civilian car


Car almost went through the fence over the cliff


Skinny-dipping Car


Car boobytrapped with explosive barrels


Car with chemical barrels


Yellow car with a white bonnet on it’s side. Not sure if the bonnet is always white… need to check that later. There was also blood next to the car but I could not find a body.


Flying Cars

How did this fiery car get up that tree?


Futuristic Flying DeLorean (Easter-egg in a Granhöjden Barn)
You can interact (only once) with it on the back, making it fly away.


See also Route 3 about Trucks
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There’s not much to go on for now, maybe if we find more lore. Only thing I can think of is that they might be other planned (or discarded) Soviet Landing-zones.


FYI, and pleasure, I documented new pictures and edited some removals in the game, in the routes: 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 16, 17, 20

The Mountain Eye, and the Dig Hole are no longer places you can find in the game. :slightly_frowning_face:

Teleport me to the top


Route 21: Red Lights Locations - Click here

In the world of Generation Zero there are locations that are illuminated with mysterious Red Lights. The first thing that someone said about the location with the curtains and red lights that it could be a version of a brothel or gentlemens club. Another suggested a darkroom for developing Photo’s. But I don’t think any of these fits the bill. What exactly the Devs had in mind is yet another topic for speculation.

But then there was the idea of @NJR87 who thinks it’s an easter-egg resembling “the red room” from the 1990s series Twin Peaks. This red room is also known as “the waiting room”.
The locations with the curtains and easy chairs do look like leasure rooms, so this could well be a reference to Twin Peaks. Let’s ask the devs! @Avalanche_Pontus

Mean while I will document any new location found in future updates.

On the end of the street in Tornberget there’s a House and next to it a cabin, both are illuminated red at night. The cabin is locked, but the house is open.

Interior "Red Lights" house



"Red Lights" Locked Cabin at night


East of Villa Broskulla just over the border on a hill in Forest Region we find another Red Lights Cabin and a Caravan. Both illuminated red at night.

Interior of Cabin

Interior of Caravan

Then we have two locations which seems to belong to the resistance, but are also illuminated red. Both have the same clue wall with maps, photo’s and documents linked together with red thread and pins.

RL Red Lights location in Algnäs Garage.

RL Red Lights location in Gamla Stan (Old Town).

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Tutorial Graffiti

Route 22: Tutorial Graffiti - Click here

With the the new Dawn Update we got a few tutorial missions, and all over Archipelago we find Graffiti that show us how to tackle the various machines

I will list all Tutorial graffiti locations here when they cross my path.


The location of a seeker Graffiti is found respectively at Stenhaga and at Lerberget


The location of a runner Graffiti is found respectively on a white board in Saltholmen Church, on a target at Mörtnäs and on a shed at Stenhaga.


The location of a Hunter Graffiti is found respectively in Forest worker barrack, on a white container at Mörtnäs farm and on the wall of a barn at Stenhaga.


The location of a Harvester Graffiti is found respectively in Salthamn Bomb Shelter, on parking on road west of Björkvik Farm and in the garage at Seggesta Farm.


The location of a Tank Graffiti is found respectively outside on a garage wall at Seggesta Farm, and two in Alby Church.


The location of a Firebird Graffiti is found in the Hidden FNIX Facility in the North Coast.

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Scenic summer bike rides in Ostertorn.

Experience the warm temperatures and cool breezes rustling the multi coloured leaves of tall trees on either side of the bicycle track. See the blue sky and dappled sunlight and red optics of a military grade hunter as you ride by…

Ahhh Ostertorn…


@Gysbert could you do a root of all of the Soviet camps?

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Sure, I will see what I can do. Do you mean all places with soviet presence or only these camps camp ?

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Either is fine. It would just be nice to see all the Soviet installations.

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Soviet Camps

Route 23: Soviet Camps - Click here

The Soviet Camps have interesting names, and I will try to give as much info I can find on them. If you have better ideas please let me know.

So far we can find 12 Soviet Camps / Bases / Outposts with this icon camp

Amurskijj Tigr Outpost

This Soviet Outpost is named after the Siberian tiger or Amur tiger and is native to the eastern part of the USSR. The outpost is located North of Garphammar in the Marshlands.

Trivia: Triangle bullet arrangement fount in Soviet tent

Babaroga Outpost

The name of this Soviet Outpost may come from old slavic folklore and means “Old witch” or “Old woman with horns”. The outpost is located North of Stenbacka in the North Coast. At this outpost you can find 7 Soviet EMP holders, each containing a small EMP. They are easiest collected at night because the Soviet holders they are in, are flashing a bluish-green light. When picked up you only get the EMP device, not the holders.

Soviet holder with green light on top and a small EMP device in it.

At night Soviet EMP holder flashing.

Bukavac Outpost

This Outpost is named after a "demonic mythical creature in Slavic mythology. It is believed to be a six-legged and horned monster. The outpost is located South of Jarvhålan in North Coast. One of the tents is a medical tent and has a Soviet star on it.

Bukavac Outpost is close to Tatiana’s hideout. Most likely Tatiana’s leg was amputated in this tent by the FNIX machine. We find a pair of small sized boots on the ground and a lot of blood on the foot end of the bed. A hacksaw and bloody knife on the table.

Buryjj Medvet Base Camp

This Base Camp’s name means ‘Brown Bear’. It’s located West of the Skvadern Bunker in the Marshlands.

Trivia: Greek-Cross bullet arrangement fount in Soviet tent

Chjornyjj Kaban Outpost

This Soviet Outpost’s name means ‘Black Boar’. It’s located East of Norrmyra in the Marshlands.

Trivia: Hexagon bullet arrangement fount in Soviet tent


Before the Soviets occupied Ekebygården it was a Swedish Fishing & Outdoor activities center. It’s located West of Arkelstorp Lighthouse in the North Coast.


Seryjj Volk Base Camp

This Base Camp is named after the ‘Grey Wolf’ (E.g. like in the fairytale Seryi Volk & Krasnaya Shapochka (Little Red Riding Hood). The Base Camp is located South of Borgakulan in the Marshlands.

Trivia: Square bullet arrangement fount in Soviet tent

Soviet Command Quarters

This Soviet Camp is located within the walls of Hagaboda city and has it’s Command quarters set up in a local house, a stone’s throw away from the eastern wall. (First seen with New dawn)


Soviet Recon Camp

As the name is implying this Camp is set up by Soviet Reconnaissance Scouts for military observation of the Östertörn area and to locate or ascertain strategic enemy activities. The Camp is located in the woods on higher ground south of the Myrdalen Water Tower in the Marshlands.


Soviet Research Lab

In this Lab the Soviet scientists did research on Ticks, probably to find out what made them tick. The lab is located within the Hagaboda city walls, just north of Alby Church.


Soviet Trenches

The Soviet Trenches are located east of the St. Anna Church ruins, where FNIX has established a Data Centre.


Egorov's Hideout

Egorov’s hideout is located on top of the mountain plateau less than 200 metres south of Hagaboda East gate. (Dark Skies update)


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Dear lord @Gysbert how did you do this so fast? I asked you yesterday if you could make a route. Good job man. Im going to go find all of these tonight.

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It’s not ready yet, need more pictures and gather some info.

I almost would have said that you already have screenshots of everything (including coordinates and a describtion of what is seen) which is in your map and that you just have to put them together. :wink:

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That’s not how I work. :coffee: I love these travel-assignments, because they give me a goal to travel the GZ-world on foot with the chance to find new things not yet seen before. I do have a lot of pictures, but they are most of the time not what I need. Heck even those that I just made I probably replace with nice weather ones.

But it’s always night, misty, or snowing when I need clear pictures. :joy:


Ok, what about this, as I haven’t seen such a route yet…

Could you make a hike route for trails?
In some of the last updates they were added at several places. I don’t know, but is the one at the starting location new with Dark Skies?

I take this as example for what I mean with trails. It leads to a small camp with tents next to Yttervik.


Yes, I know these trails well. I added them to the map too. But yes, these hike-trails with the Infartmarkörs would make a nice route. :coffee: