Bunker 666 (my thoughts and video)

Of course i am. :grin:

I don’t think Veronika would be in there. Though, there have been hints that we may see Veronika and probably some other key people as NPCs in the future expansions of the game map.

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Images are from May 14, 2020

Yeah Cipp already spoiled that one :smiley:

It’s more about the bunker’s context and what’s around it that tells us a lot. I won’t plug myself every chance I get, but I gotta say I’ve covered this. If you’re interested to know, this is a possible mix of two ‘cult-like’ factions that were quite religious and seemingly work together now. One’s presence (Iron Church) is more present, though and what is going on inside would seem to be a fightclub - by the sounds of it…

Threads merged. I’ve also put the images in a spoiler.


I found the glasses in my profile, put them on, everything is in black and white.

Maybe it’s a factory where the system is processing humans and putting human brains into the bots.

Like the processing factories in Quake or Terminator

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Was thinking about the Strogg in Quake 2…

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It’s a fight cluuub. Just listen what’s behind the door. Human vs Machine with raw human strength


While hearing what’s inside Bunker 666, I thought I heard either a Hunter’s melee attack, or a Harvester’s Melee attack.

If what I heard in the bunker was in fact a Harvester, then Bunker 666 might be a lot bigger that we thought it was

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This is the same thing that’s on Bunker 666, so this might be a base for them?

Possible Swedish word for Stick, the same word on Bunker 666
These bases are both on the Archipelego Region, one, if I recall correctly, was one the pass beteween the Archipelego and the Farmlands, the other was the base on the Western part of Norra Salthlomen, not Masskar, but along the Northern coast of the Western part. Its either that, or the base by Vesslan

Found some unique eyewear in front of bunker 666. They are more interesting when you put them on because everything becomes black and white plus very staticy.

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Lol I just went to bunker 666 for the glasses XD

They make everything black and white :confused:

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Same discussion topics merged.


Hi folks, im surprised no one else has mentioned it but there is literally nothing behind the door. Ive had a look in a bunch of places and the only thing of interest behind a locked door was at Norrmyra Artillery base

There isn’t and we know, because a modder clipped himself through the ground to spoil that for us. Still, it’s about the implications. The discussion itself, as you can see, spiked so much in information and understanding about cults in the game just by the exterior view and sound alone.

Video plug (at 12:50) about the Bunker from me - Video


Hello, I should point out that discussing cheats and ways to glitch yourself where you’re not supposed to is prohibited on the forums. So keep that in mind in the future. I can recommend watching @Pufty’s video’s, they are both informative and wellmade :slight_smile:

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Hey! Im pretty new on the forums, just picked up playing after having a 1 year break, bought himfjäll dlc and all these weird spots on himfjäll has really sparked my interest. So i went to the bunker 666 and picked up the glasses and went to the church and some of the other places in himfjäll and put the glasses on in hope that i would be able to see something with them on but i didnt.
Has anyone else tried this out? And if so did you find anything?

Pretty sure they were the spiral glasses…if so the game should look like this…

I thought it was the moustache one @AliasDJA ?