Can't pull companion out of storage box

For some reason all my inventory got stuck into the storage box and now my companion is stuck in there and can’t be pulled out. This is after the vulture update.


same issue here, tried uninstalling, rebooting the game and nothing


More info - sorry for not having it in original post

Platform: Xbox Series X

Description: I switched between two characters and when I switched back all my inventory was stuck in the box including the dog. Nothing I’ve tried has been able to get the dog out of the box.

Steps To Reproduce: Obviously on this one I can’t reproduce it.

Images / Videos: Any screenshots or videos of issue you encountered

Host or Client: Single player

Players in your game: Single Player

Specifications: Xbox Series X

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I would have wished a hint of the devs that a companion, dropped into the plundra, may cause issues after the update.

I just read a short advice by someone who seems to be a beta tester, but that obviously wasn’t as helpful for all the community.

An info by email or on the main menu of the game “important steps for preparing for the next update” should have been the least.

Fortunately I’m not affected. I learned by myself that it must be an unintended feature, as the plundra is shared between all characters, but every character just may have one personal companion. So dropping it into the plundra can’t be good. But that’s me.

Carni, is that already on your list to be fixed somehow? Like giving the ability to reset the companion at the companion station or a forced move to the characters inventory, if it’s located in the plundra with the next update?


Platform: I play on pc via steam

same here, but my inventory was already empty, was doing some loot management after playing. and now i cant retrieve my dog. my buddy tested it and he cant store his in the plundura, it just comes up with a red circle with a line through it like when you dont have enough quantity to recycle something.

I was playing in a single player world with it set to friends via invite only

Specifications: intel i7 7700 / 32Gb ram / 1 TB hdd / GTX 1060 6gb / windows 10


After the Sky fire update, my companion will no longer transfer out of the Plundera box. It was in storage before the update. I have tried taking every thing. Clicking and dragging, Wasd and e, taking everything out using the transfer all button. Everything comes out except for the companion. I have no idea what is going on or how I can fix it.


I have the same issue. I had my buddy test last night and he was unable to put the companion in his plundura storage box. it came up with a red circle with a line through it like when you dont have enough quantity to recycle something. I think its part of the update but they didnt anticipate anybody storing the companion in the plundura so now its non transferrable.


Platform: I play on pc via steam

Description: due to the inventory system change with the skyfire update, I believe I have soft-locked my runner companion into my inventory storage chest. before the update, my companion was in my storage chest, now after the update, I cannot retrieve my companion. my friend tested it and he cant even put his companion in his storage chest. I think I soft-locked myself unintentionally. For the record, I was playing this morning before the update around 3am eastern standard time (us and canada), its currently 9:30pm EST.

Players in your game: I was playing in a single player world with it set to friends via invite only

Specifications: intel i7 7700 / 32Gb ram / 1 TB hdd / GTX 1060 6gb


Basically what the title says, my game lagged, i ended up storing everything including my companion and now i cant take my companion back outProcessing: 1000008653.png…


I posted the same thing. Happened to me when I switched characters. Everything somehow dumped into the Plundra and the dog is now in a permanent kennel…


same here, but my inventory was already empty, was doing some loot management after playing. and now i cant retrieve my dog. my buddy tested it and he cant store his in the plundura, it just comes up with a red circle with a line through it like when you dont have enough quantity to recycle something.


Merged a bunch of reports into the thread. This is now the main thread for covering this issue.


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better yet! you Cannot get it out of your plundura now. mine was in there before hand because I was doing some inventory management but now its softlocked and I cant remove it.
playing on pc via steam
specs: intel i7 7700 / 32gb ram / 1tb hdd / GTX 1060 6gb / windows 10


Moved post to main thread covering the issue.



Since the update I cannot remove tge Machine companion from my Storage Box into my inventory.

Anyone else having this problem.


Everyone who dropped it to the plundra before the update.

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Merged with main thread covering the issue.


I encountered same issue. Jointed my friends’s game and when I was managing bullets and itemas, I pushed some button (X on game pad maybe), all my items/wepaons went to storage box. Including comapnion, equipped guns (Before update, at least equipped items would stay in my inventory?), then I can’t take my companion out of stroage…

platform: steam
as a client
4 players in the game

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Can’t you pin an info on the forum and social Media that players, who stored their companion in the plundra, currently aren’t able to move it out of there?

An additional info that the team is working on that would be nice to, of course :wink:


Still the same today companion in the box and staying there.