Casual chat discussions

Lol! :thinking:wonder which area it will affect when you kill him!

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Are you saying he’s not allowed to? I was born in Canada. Can I not move somewhere else like The USA or Sweden?
Besides… who’s gonna tell HIM no!

I did tell him no and got the experimental hammer.

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Just be sure to use it wisely!

Discussion moved to proper topic.


Someone has been using too many mini nukes on Super Mutants and Ghouls…

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(sigh) Fallout memories…
. Hate '76

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What is 76?
Latest fallout game is fallout shelter and Fallout 4.

Lol! I stand corrected Sir!

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I totally agree, we need to see animals in this game. Some kind of wildlife has to have survived the machines! But armed with semi-auto rifles? I don’t think they can hold them my friend!

There’s COTW for that.

oh right, I misspelled

Yes, So i can run away from enemies while still firing and watch my bullets curve around to still hit them. All kidding aside, I did love this in Borderlands 3.

@MarsGodOfWar @DeadWanderer
And would we also kill the wildlife?
There is already the call of the wild for that…
I really don´t want to kill wildlife on Generation Zero.

If they add a survival aspect to the game like the poll suggested, then maybe.
But like in some games, like my always loved Fallout New Vegas - it could be turned on or off.

Well all i can say is that hearing about this makes me wish for a nuclear winter.

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I hate animal cruelty :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: and have never cared for hunting games, but it would make survival mode more realistic if they implemented it. Only being able to scrounge in houses for food and water wouldn’t be realistic when woods with animals and streams are available. Just sayin’

PS. is your “quote” working? I keep having to cut and paste other peoples quotes into the convo cause it keeps disappearing

But you did get the joke right?
If they implement animals, i want all weapons but tier 5 to degrade, much less ammo (there is ammo EVERYWHERE) and machine swarms roaming around the map, like 4 per map, being almost impossible to survive them.

Yup working as intended

Just a few here or there would be better in my opinion. Most probably would have been killed by the machines but seeing a deer run away at speed through the woods, or a groundhog or prairie dog disappear into a hole right after you see him maybe being pursued by a runner or tick. And immune to being killed. Only for visuals to make the game more realistic.

Stupid Quote function! Work for me as intended damn you!

And yes, I got the jist of the joke.

Discussion moved here to keep the source topic on-point.


And where are the options of reducing the capacity? :thinking: Since without these, i can’t vote.