Character Biography

Thanks for posting your character profiles! They’re great, and it’s also interesting to see characters who aren’t Swedish! I understand what Akiko and Amelie are doing in Sweden and why they could be on Östertörn (vacation trip?), but what is Jim Henderson doing in Sweden and on Östertörn? Did he go on vacation to Sweden and Östertörn as well, or is he there because of the US Navy?

Thanks a lot, that’s great and a relief to hear! I think it’s really cool too!


Hey guys just took Bella for some fighting she got sick of just seeing her brother kill machines and thought hey i should be doing that too! Bella’s first harvester kill was yesterday as well! :grin:

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Hello Alicia Storm,
nice to hear from you. In short Amelie is in Sweden because she wants to studie there to escape from her parents house.
Jim is a US. Marine Soldier, that was on a practise and tried to help the Swedish Army at the outbreak of the Crisis. His Platoon was killed in Action and he was the only survivor.
Akiko studies medicine in Sweden and she was on a vacation trip with her cousine, her boyfriend and the boyfriend of Akiko’s cousine.

It is all embedded in the Story “Helldivers Diary” here on the forum. It is a topic in the Comunity Content.

When you look at Day 8 you can read how Helldiver meets Amelie.
When you read Day 72. you can read how about Jim meets Amelie and Helldiver
When you read Day 75. you can read how about Jim Amelie and Helldiver meet and rescue Akiko
When you read the Day 34 you can read about the first meeting between Amelie, Helldiver, Thort and the group around Akiko.

I listed the Days for you so you must not read the whole story to find out this.
When you have quetsions don’t hesitate to ask me.

Best Regards


I see, thanks for answering my question! It makes a lot of sense for your characters that they’d be limited to average human! Is there any way for them to shut that limitation off if they are under any circumstances? Such as if they have no other choice. As mentioned earlier Alicia also has enhanced strength, speed and such, but the limitation on that is instead limited to the highest level of what the human body itself is capable of. It’s actually pretty similar to Captain America!

Also, I know your theory on the player characters being machines, but how does that theory view items and damage sources in the game that would only affect organics, such as adrenaline shots and the poison gas? I read in-game very recently that part of the reason the machines were originally concieved by the military was so that they could be used during engagements or in locations where hazardous materials such as poison gas would be a problem for human soldiers since the machines would be immune to it. And yet the player characters definitely take damage from poison gas and can die from it. And adrenaline shots could not possibly work on machines, since adrenaline is an organic hormone produced by the adrenal glands and part of the brainstem.

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Thanks for the reply! I’ll be sure to read the diary as soon as I can. I’m sure it will give me inspiration for Alicia’s diary I’m planning to write!


I’ve also updated Alicia’s profile with an image gallery, and edited Major life events and Hobbies slightly.

Also, it’s a pity that Nordic myhology-themed metal wasn’t a big thing in 1989, because that’d be Alicia’s favourite genre of music. And this is essentially her theme song!

Edit: Also, deleted the post with the first before and after machine invasion outfit, since it’s not neccessary anymore.


For a-shots, i imagine that they are jump-start pens, giving a good jolt of electricity to reboot F-X’es, once enough damage sustained shuts them down (Downed).

As for gas, there are many forms of gas and corrosive gases do damage the machines as well. While it takes a while for corrosive gas to penetrate through the metal frame, sensitive electronics doesn’t fare that well against it.

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Hey, nice music, I like it :smile::+1::+1::+1:


If you need help for your diary, don’t hesitate to ask me.


Thanks for the offer, I will ask if I need help! :grin:


Even if there would be “switch” to turn the limitations off, i can’t implement it in the game and i am bound to the in-game rules. However, they do have an “overdrive” feature, which they can use as a last resort to deal massive amounts of damage without any regard of their own or anyone else’s well being. Taking analogy from Norse mythology, a “berserker’s rage” is close match to it.

Unless she had a good dose of super solider serum, i wouldn’t compare her to the Cap. However, Wonder Woman would be much better comparison:

That’s a good song, reminds me Manowar and their songs about Norse mythology as well, like: Warriors of the World, Gods of War, Sons of Odin, King of Kings, Die with Honor, The Metal Kings.
All these songs are in the same gerne as your example and you can look them up from Youtube.

I was thinking to add a theme song for my F-X’es as well but since there are so many good songs to choose from, i can’t just pick one above the rest.


was a good tip your music, i listen to it while i’m working on the translation of Helldivers Diary :smile::metal:


Makes sense! And the overdrive feature sounds interesting, since an onlooker might consider it a severe fight-or-flight response, like the desperation of a cornered animal, letting their cover remain intact if a human witnesses it.

Concerning the in-game rules, I would say Alicia’s strength works absolutely fine, since there’s no way an average person could carry such a high amount of weapons, ammunition and equipment. I know that’s mostly game mechanics, but it still works in-character for Alicia. I imagine that she does have a backpack to carry supplies, even if we can’t wear backpacks in-game…though we should be able to! Could come with a slight increase to weight capacity, like how some other apparel items improve other stats. Anyway, Alicia would also have a rifle sling for her AG5 assault rifle, a shoulder holster for her Klaucke 17 handgun and some form of back scabbard like this for her 12 Gauge Shotgun. The HP5 submachine gun would normally be carried disassembled in the backpack. While I don’t think that shotgun back scabbards like that existed in 1989, Alicia would construct her own improvised one out of leather; she knows how to skin wild game and tan the hide into leather since it was part of the wilderness survival she was taught. When Alicia intends to go into combat or infiltrate a hostile location, she leaves most of her gear behind in a safe place and only brings what she needs, since carrying everything definitely does weigh her down.

I wouldn’t actually say so. Wonder Woman is literally superhuman in abilities, and that’s not how I view Alicia. Wonder Woman has actual super strength, super speed, is nearly invulnerable to damage, has magic powers, magical artefacts and can fly. Alicia does not. Captain America is a soldier and, if I remember correctly, is described in the first Captain America movie as simply being at the pinnacle of human ability, which I think is a much better similarity to Alicia. The origin of Captain America’s enhanced abilities had nothing to do with it.

I’ll look them up, thanks!

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Are you translating it into Swedish? If you need help, let me know!


Actually i translate it in English because my native language is german. I wrote that story first in my native language because that was easyer to me. But translate it in swedish is a nice idea, but then i nead massive help because i know only a couple of words. During i’m writing the story i have learned a little swedish, only a hand full of words. But i found out that swedish is a little similar to german because it is an indo germanic language. French, English,Spanish and Italian is decent from Latin.
For example
swed mig is german mir
swed met is german mit
swed dansa is german tanzen

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I stay optimistic for August…though the nights are darker now.

Why here?

What’s here that is so important. The machine inside hold’s no threat at this time, though I feel FNIX is coming and I won’t be ready. There are so many questions to be asked…

“Why do you make us suffer this way”…

“Why did you not plan ahead?”…

I end up talking to myself in the evenings, planning what’s to come. Trying to look at every possible outcome - but time is not with me. A resistance member, good with his hands takes interest in my photo of Von Ulmer. Goes by the name of Pontus, sits in the same place often - keeps to himself daily - but a fear struck him with he saw Svante. Why did this picture mean so much to Diesel, why did she go.

The mortars at Maaskar have stopped. Only the bent metal can be heard twisting in the wind like a beacon of hope. I’m half way…soon our time will come.


I updated Alicia’s profile a bit. Added a few new entries in Major life events, some more details about her weapons under Current equipment and a screenshot of Alicia in her new combat armour.


Just found out Bella must have slipped in some radioactive sludge because her hair glows image


I’m assuming that it’s the hair’s specular map not reflecting the in-game lighting very well under certain lighting conditions. In my experience it has mostly happened during low-light conditions such as night time like in your screenshot. I’m of the opinion that a similar reason is why the character’s eyes can sometimes appear to glow orange under certain lighting conditions.

And it happens to Alicia as well. She has black hair, but sometimes it appears white or gray in-game!

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Alicia rocking and playing air guitar while Fortunate Son is blasting from the speakers in the room.