Companion and pUpdate (18-07-2023) discussion (Spoilers)

i wonder what will happen if you throw a hacking dart at your friendly runner

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He will turn hostile, and will be able to summon any nearby machines, it will be the fight of your life, a secret mini boss that wont go down easily with extensive armor protection, a Runner with Tank like health levels and Reaper like weapon damage effect.

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Should be the same as when you throw a hacking dart at a coop buddy.
Carni mentioned that players will come-up with things to do, that they never anticipated. :rofl:

Machin-Fuehrer.Læmmings into the 4.Ww…
Others in Machin-Zoo.
Terminate or not terminate …

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Storywise, the machine companion is stupid and pointless. This will be the first DLC that doesn’t end up in the shopping cart.

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The answer was already given on twitter.

No. You misunderstood.

For instance, is the buddy dropping a medkit or does it heal you automatically if it has a medkit.
How does it letting you know what he spotted. etc.
And what does the automatically looting module, exactly loot. I don’t loot everything.

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Just guessing…

  1. You can define an amount of health. If your health goes below it, the companion automatically heals you. Or it does heal us automatically in a short radius around it.

  2. You are actually able to mark items/ressources as “wanted”. Maybe the companion loots all of those wanted stuff, for example med kits. He provides some storage so I guess he’s using that for this behaviour module in general. But as written, he loots automatically.

  3. Good, question, idk. This wasn’t specified. But maybe it works like the spotting skill in coop (didn’t test it in singleplayer yet). So machines that are spotted by the companion become outlined with a red markup. If yes, does it also work like the skill that marked targets get more damage?

Edit: @Gysbert


I don’t agree. To me it would be very probable, storywise, that the Resistance would try to capture and adapt machines to help them in the fight. It fits perfectly.

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And that the point why I asked. Some things are not totally known yet. It leaves still some questions unanswered, and it’s part of the fun to speculate about that. :coffee:

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Yes it is.
I just think, refering to already existing mechanics, my ideas really could go into a good direction. We’ll see. Two more days. :coffee:

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Since the pet can store stuff, how does the pet travel when we fast travel? If it were like a cycle, and just stay where we left it, then you just grab it again at a cycle craft station, if it works the same: Does it lose the loot when left at last position and then crafted again? Does it run at high speed to wherever you are? Players and machines get stuck all the time, guessing this pet will also, what then?

How do you control the pet? Give it waypoints, it follows you with a little free range when you stop moving or you have a “wheel” menu of commands to choose from? Do you have a “leash” that you attach to when travel and release when you want the pet to act on its own, like looting.

Also, when looting does the pet loot independently or you do the looting but just have an extra menu to keep what you loot or to store it on the pet? or is there a few more keys we push to cause the pet to do things?

Is it available in both solo and co-op? If also co-op, the game at times, crashes or slows down when to much is happening on the map for some systems, how is this going to affect those systems with 4 more things always happening in a 4-player game with pets then you get swarmed?


That’s an interesting question.
I think it works like a motorbike. Motorbikes “remember” their health and fuel levels, why shouldn’t a companion do the same even with an inventory?

I don’t think that we may control it. I hope we can toggle if it is active or passive, but I don’t think we will be able to.

I’m interested to see this, too. I think it’ll be available. There is no difference between solo and coop in general. But maybe it’s just available for the host or the host has an option to allow the companion for guests.

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Guys, you know what would be interesting?
If the companion could revive us if we are down and dont want or dont have adrenaline shots.


It maybe like a medic skill set now, and the pet needs them in it’s inventory to use them.

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Do you think it works like a mobile version of the medic trailer?

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I have never used one, don’t do base defense. But was thinking more like a player that uses the medic specialist skill set. Doesn’t the medic have to have adrenaline shots to bring a downed player back up?

I only heard, I have also never been a medic.

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Just thought about it again… It leads me to another interesting question.

Playing in coop, one player having a companion with medic behaviour module: will the companion heal all players or just the owner? The medic trailer for example heals all players.

And will the spotter only mark targets for his owner or for all players, too?

I don’t think that the scavenger will loot for everyone who marked something as favorite (ressource/item).

But for the other behavior modules it’s worth a question.

And another one: If these two also affect other players, do they need to have the dlc for that as well, or will it also work for non-dlc-owners?

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Companion and PUPdate 🤸 was the named changed lol

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since the runner is a PUPPY lol

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