Feedback to November Update 2020

This is what happens with “The Hunter Primal”, the only problem is that to go and get all your gear you have to go to the T-Rex :joy:


All was well until the Reaper. Such a pity. The stress of having to worry about the game freezing again and again just isn’t fun. I’m giving up.

Reported this bug on PS4: # Random freezes on PS4 during Reaper fights

don’t mind the one…but 3…come on now…lol lol lol…the stuck in the wall I get allot & actually I do to the door to try and get them to do that cause they get stuck just long enough for me to kill them…but when it pops in outta no place…yea that’s a little much but I get that its been happening in the barns pretty much since the beginning…but when it got in the house…nope,…that’s when I had to write…I get the doggies in the house…but not a hunter sorry…lol lol lol…hunter in a barn okay as long as its one…lol lol lol lol…

How do you craft health kits?

Find the schematic and then use the crafting station

Ok. I couldn’t find it in the schematic location thread so I just had to ask

Tenebris has a vid on all the med kit schematics locations on YouTube

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I’ll check it out. Thanks :+1:

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No problem mate :+1: This is best community for a game in my opinion.

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Holy Apokalypse Tank !! What has happened into the Farmlands? Have they drop the Hiroshima Bomb on it? Ok… there is no radioaktive radiation in the Crater.

As i examined the Crater i had first fight down the both Tanks (FNIX and Apokalypse) to get into the Crater and then i had a long lasting, breathtaking fight in the ruins of the bunker.

Fortunately i could choose it for myself. Ok…Ok… i used two Adrenaline shots. But the debris of the destroyed Bunker. I think it was a Bunker system before, gave me enough cover to fight my enemies.
Then a Red steel door drawed my attention but i could’nt open it.

I think a new mission will appear at this place with the next DLC.

What is sad is, that so many farms are completely destroyed. But on the other hand it gives more the feeling of a post apocalyptic situation.

So Devs, well done! :+1: I’m looking forward what comes up in future. :smile:

I guess you didn’t look well enough.

Direct link: Schematics - Fixed Locations

I guess you’re right. It’s great with a good community that helps you when help are needed

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Ran into a weird couple of bugs… on PS4 one my 5 c grenade launcher is stuck in storage permanently. Every time I go to take it out my game crashes.

Two my rival seem to not be what they are supposed to be… for instance when I look at the profile for them it will say it’s a lvl 4 apoc Hunter only to turn out to be a damned apoc harvester lol not complaining about it just thought ide report

On the subject of the update I am amazed at how stable it is only other thing is it get SUPPPERR laggy around the new crater in the farmlands right when you get there but stops when you take out MOST of the enemies near there

Maybe it had some ammo attached to it. Try putting some HEDP rounds to Plundra and see if that helps.

I will try when I get back home haha thanks for the tip

Lately, the Tanks seem to be able to get up forested hills. That’s fun. What would be great is if the trucks were suddenly able to explode. That would fear the feces out of me, at least the first time.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Changing the Reaper spawn/drops