FMTEL Assignments not tracking

i noticed i tried a couple more and only one completes the others refuse to track or complete.

3 weeks without playing and nothing has changed… sad…
None of todays assignments was tracked and the weekly “10 Harvester” one didn’t either… sad…

Two days ago the harvester one didn’t track for me, too. Yesterday it tracked, today I finished it.
No problems with the others.

But I have to add, that I deleted my apex account on monday after my session and restored it immediatly.

Once more “but” : no resistance-points, but rewards for the assignments.

hmm. i got ressistance points for destroying one of a few FNIX Bases that now spawn in forest region

I think you confuse that with the command points.

nope. destroying a FNIX spawned Base gives you 10 Ressistance Points. one of my challenges was to destroy one.

Since the Base Assault Update FMtel have worked for me better then they have for the whole time i have Played Generation Zero.
Though some quirks still remains:

  • Progress is not tracked correctly as the tracking numbers seems to update at 40%+ and 80%+ intervals, rather then +1.
  • You may have to destroy +1 or more additional objective targets for the Assignment to complete.

(That is how it is for Assignments with 5/10/15 Objective Targets)

Additional there seem to be a Bug with the “Weekly Resistance Progress”
Getting warded with points or updating the current amount of points earned?

  • First 1 Week: it progressed fine, throughout each day and assignment completed.
  • Second Week: It updated once probably when i completed the weekly, on Friday (giving me 12 pts), probably from all the Assignments I’ve completed throughout the week?
  • Third Week: After i destroyed 1/3 Wolves i apparently completed the weekly and it awarded me 18 pts instead of 3pts, probably the pts i had in Friday were were re-added or the pts since? since Friday, it have not updated since i completed the weekly yesterday (24-May).

Also, having the Option to Track the FMtel Assignments like Missions and Side missions would be neat ^.~


That would definitely be very nice!

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Great idea. But there is a risk that there will be too much trackers on the hud. But as you said “as an option” it would be ok.


Right now with the buggy tracking of finished assignments, it is hard to reach the tank rewards.

Would be sweet if the assignments wasn’t reset every Sunday, but instead kept tracking until you finally “filled the meter”.

This way assignments would still be relevant even if some are bugged or if you doesn’t check in every day.

With the current implementation assignments for the rest of the week can feel irrelevant if one is bugged (or failed) already on Tuesday.

In the future when assignments are working 100% this could mean that hardcore assignment hunters could reach tank level once a week and more chill players will eventually get there and can also get to feel the sweetness of completing the tank level.


Your suggestion would make no difference to me as I’ve not had a Resistance point for months now. The assignments occasional manage to count correctly and occasionally I get a meagre reward for completing one but never do I get any points.

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i’ ve only made 10 resistance points for completeing a hard assignment. completed it cause it was to destroy a FNIX Base.

What platform are you playing on?

i am on Xbox One Slim

Was Xbox1X but as of two days ago Series X.

I’m on a series X, and for me I never se the individual points when finishing a assignment. But “after I while” hours/days, all of a sudden I have a couple of points added when I check.

But usually I only reach ~26 points, not enough to make tank level.

Mmmmmm…not for me…so far…not yet

i see. its a pain though.

Still no points

Funny akward

2 Tank no points

Long bikeride no points

Bike map

Mine is a fits n starts thing but for the last two weeks I have collected the tank badge. Already on track again for that this week - if the points continue to tally (or attempt to).