FNIX Outpost Turrets keep shooting when destroyed

it’s only the little weekly missions anyway, as long as it doesn’t affect base assaults, that are main missions, but I haven’t checked those yet

yeah shooting at my companion

Problem: ghost guns.
Mission(one of the weekly missions): Sabotage an outpost
Brief description of the problem: When completing one of the weekly missions, namely “Outpost Sabotage”. After destroying the automatic cannons (guarding the outpost), the destruction animation is visible, BUT they continue to fire. Although destroyed.

Moved to report thread covering the issue.


Happens on Xbox Series X too.

This seems to be still a thing !? I shot the turrets off on two different days but they keep firing… :roll_eyes: :confused:
So this weeks mission is unplayable for me… :man_shrugging:

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just carry some extra med kits :slightly_smiling_face: and run to the wall, it’s really a minor thing that doesn’t really need a patch, it’s only the weekly missions that you need internet connection to get access to anyway, and once done :+1:, another 30 day wait, HOWEVER, if your new to the game, :cold_sweat:, first day players, might scare you a bit, otherwise

kill robots around wall from sniper rifle distancing, also carry some experimental medkits, the ones that refuel health, run up to the wall, hug the wall, find entry, :person_cartwheeling:, you will just have to take hits from the turret bullets, unless your neo from the matrix

As of August 23 2024 this bug is still happening, destroyed FNIX turrets remain active even after the turret model has been destroyed.

I’ve noticed that the destructible bases turrets whether destroyed from afar with a sniper or up close with an assault rifle will sometimes get destroyed, but not die. They are now invisible, immune to attacks but still shooting and killing me. It’s completely random, as when the bases rebuild themselves, sometime they actually die, sometimes they don’t. This makes attacking and infiltrating bases extremely difficult and annoying. I’m on an Xbox series S. even when I fully destroy the base, the invisible turrets still activate.

Moved to report thread covering the issue.


The outpost towers still fire even if they have been destroyed, noticed again in today’s mission (Fnix Outpost Sabotage).

really rediculous

Ditto. I just ran a side mission requiring me to get into a small installation. The turret were indestructible.

Rediculous indeed, let’s hope it gets fixed soon. Moved to main thread covering the issue.


Tried to play the assignment yesterday. I was able to destroy the turrets from a distance and was allowed to get close to the base, but without warning, all the turrets I destroyed started firing again and could no longer be destroyed. The assignment was broken, and I could not complete the mission.

Broken assignments sucks and what sucks even more, every time you start the game you are “tracking” the assignment and have to go into log to stop tracking and then you can track other things like when you get close to a fnix base.

I can still finish the assignment. I get, using tree cover, as close I can, then with medkit in hand run inside and find cover again. Open the first door, activate the generator, then shoot the generator when it comes up. While keeping in cover from the turret, fight the machines that get inside as well. When it’s safe run towards the second door where the loot is.

I see it as an extra challenge. :crazy_face:


Did about the same!

And on my way out there is this Firebird from nowhere so I turn a sharp right runing away, to get gunned down from the back by non-exsistent turret :skull_and_crossbones:

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I had that firebird just before, so I killed it. I have a few flying around where I shot their gun off. The key is to not damage other parts. It’s kind of fun to have them flying around and not be able to shoot. They can still drop balloon bombs or do some sort of fire blast.

If you want to consolidate everything about this to the one thread - mine is from August 22: