FNIX Rising discussion

Yes indeed a cool idea but a scary one to. Could just imagine a prototype harvester carting apocalypse hunters to get fixed. Would the repaired Hunters follow the harvester that got them fixed

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In regards to people saying the truck looks out of place, have you seen the A-Team? (Did they show the A-Team in Sweden in the 80s?)

You know what would also be a new cool idea? So If we have to escort the truck then what if for some missions it was the other way round like the machines are moving the artillery or fuel etc and you need to take down their escorts with traps and destroy the machines fuel/artillery/or whatever

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Calle discussion

( i had to lenthon this because of ???)
i have dyslexia

couple that with the insane rocket spam (may hopefully be fixed) and calling most likely 4 apoc Hunters with gas and flamethrowers too.

I guess FNIX doesn’t wanna play anymore. But we are just getting started.

I am done being polite

Wait so is the DLC on anther island or a rework of the current ones? If its a rework then how would that work for paid DLC? Or is this DLC gonna be free? Like a big update? Sorry for all the questions

In the barn door appears to be a FNIX server

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It appears to mostly be on the main island. Though we may get another smaller island to explore. The new FNIX rising DLC is $8 USD

So then what if you don’t buy the DLC, do you think the player will be locked out of the new areas?

seems to match with Ängsnäs Manor

No. There will be a patch along with the DLC. The DLC is the main and side missions for the new stuff. The players that dont buy it will still get the melee weapons, and APOC harvester, and prone, thet will sti;ll have the whole main island. Some new bunkers and houses might be locked off, as they maybe mission specific.

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Ahhh, this makes a lot of sense. Thank you!

You are welcome. If you have any questions about the DLC i released a youtube vid discussing screenshots from the trailer. yt is MarkNcheese .B

I had the impression that this DLC would take place after you complete the main story for Alpine Unrest

Spoilers for Alpine Unrest DLC

since you show FNIX after defending the hotel that you/the resistance is quite capable, that could explain why FNIX sais he is impressed that we survived and how quickly we adapt

But i’m not sure how it will be for those who havn’t played Apline Unrest.

a sneak peak of what to come

(wired gaming is a great guy ; thank you GZ team for giving him this, to give us some insight to the fabulous DLC)

from the start of the DLC

Tenerbris infinite

( i know they are all the same picture )


Not sure how well noticed it was, but in the trailer around 1:03 ?
It looks like we can go prone?

And also an apocalypse Harvester, looks like it fires one/two huge missiles rather than a cluster of them as well as releases a nerve toxin to players too close.

I love it. Looks great. :+1:


Also noticed “trench line defence” in the DLC, how is that somewhat explained? - During the six weeks on Himfall? (I can’t spell it the alpine dlc) the army came in?
Or was it supposed to be a “It was here from the start” - That concept feels… off to me. But I’ll go with the army came in and tried to defend/set up base or something…