Hi, I am in Alnastet, I killed a couple of FNIX Hunters and Runners, died three times, escaped a Tank, picked up a collectible wooden poney but I cannot find the boat with a Gold AI.
Help plse.
EDIT : I found the docks, I found the right pier (watched a video on youtube), however the boat is missing . Playing PC, solo, June release.
Killing FNIX Harvesters and Tanks may give you (if you are lucky) the special weapons grade. Before the June update I had; Kpist, AG4, AG5, 12G Pump Action, Klaucke 17 and Pansarvärnsgevär 90, all special grade.
Worn Meusser hunting rifle can be found as part of the mission ‘The Hunter’ in the Björknas homestead (so, if you’re careful and play smart, you can actually get a worn one pretty easily before you could get the dilapidated one).
Also, there’s a Kpist SMG (unknown quality, I can’t pick it up due to some sort of bug) in the same green truck as the Automatgevär 4 at -2653, 3564 (and for those who care, the location is listed as Småbåtshamn).
Worn .44 Magnus can be found in Fiskbäck, in the truck you have to search as part of the mission ‘Safe Harbor’
Worn HP5 can also be found in Fiskbäck, near the aforementioned truck.
I have found a gold Klauke in a police car, close to the radio mast not far from Hagaboda. While this mast appears also in the quest Loud and Clear, I could pick up the pistol BEFORE taking the mission, just after killing some runners keeping the spot.
I thought is was a largely known location for a gold weapon, but I could not find any report here, so I am writing this.
Just found a worn Kpist at Hisings Udde (approximate coordinates -5627, 4362. It’s on a table in the green building there right next to one of the mixtapes.
As mentioned, I for some reason can’t pick up the Kpist at Småbåtshamn, but it’s literally right across from the Automatgevär 4 you’ve already got listed at -2653, 3564.
As for the HP5 and .44 Magnus in Fiskebäck, both are right near the police car you can find the 12 gauge Pump Action in. I’ll try and get a map screenshot posted later today.
The worn Meusser at Björknäs is kind of hard to miss if you’re following missions. Approximate cooridnates are 3788, 1813. I don’t remember the exact location in the house there, but I think it’s on the first floor by the bottom of the stairs.
A good .44 Magnus can be found at Hisingafyren, approximate coordinates -5685, 4507, right next to the mission completion item for the mission ‘To the Lighthouse’.
A good Automatgevär 4 can be found at -2420, 1725, lying on the lap of a dead soldier at the front of a green car.
A good Kpist can be found at 285, 1140 in a locked shed.
As we say in Sweden before and on the hunting season to other hunters: “Skitjakt på dig!” (“Shit hunt on you!”).
Or just “Shit hunt!” for short