[SOLVED] Progress not saved when playing offline on PS4 (PSN required)

i have tried numerous times after playing for hours to have the game saved.
But every time I start up the game again, all I can pick is new game. not continue???
If no answer I am going to have to return the game

you have to go to a safe house for your game to save buddy. or i believe you can force it to save by changing a peace of your clothing and waiting for the auto save symbol top right

I have tried both those things and I see a very brief save symbol, but when i restart the game it still only says new game?

have you tried uploading your game save to cloud storage seeing if that helps? or you may just need a fresh install of the game?

thanks, i will try both those


First, thank you all who have reported. The reports have been varied but we finally found a cause for what you have been reporting. We also found a workaround that will make you able to save your game.

If you are playing on PS4 and have never registered to PlayStation Network (please note this is not the same as having PlayStation Plus) you will not be able to save.

Some users have reported that they can’t save while playing offline, these players all seem to sign in to their PS4 with users never registered to PlayStation Network.

Workaround : Sign up to PlayStation Network (you will need to be online to do this step) and the next time you start the game you should be able to save. After that you can save during online or offline game play.

We are investigating a possible solution, but the above step will help you for the time being.


Im still having this issue. Even though the console has been registered to Playstation Network since i bought it several years back. Was playing offline some days ago and the game did not save my progress. Logged on to PSN and then it saved. The local savefile does not change its size no matter how far into the game im progressing. Can anyone confirm that their savefile changes size when they are saving?


Hello. I really enjoy this game. I have come across a problem. I have played this game for about a year and half now and I have just encountered a very big problem. I can not save my game. This has happened to me after several multiple hour game sessions this week. I have followed all instructions on fast traveling to a base and it still won’t save. I need help!!!

On ps4 my game does not autosave the autosave does not work every time I log out I lose everything can a Manuel save be put in because I really like this game or is this just a bug

Hi! is this offline, or are you connected to the internet permanently with your PS4?

i play offline on the ps4 base model

This has been reported to me before! I’m sure that it is a bug. Gonna check in with the devs about it!

thank you and I hope it gets fixed soon

I cant get my game to load on ps4. It starts out saying performing log in and then it goes to black screen with the loading cassette wheels and they just keep going and going. My internet is out today so I dont know if that is the problem or not

What update do you have on your ps4 the new update the devs put out should fix this

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I have the new 1.06 update installed. I just dont have any internet right now. That may be the problem I’m not sure

That probably is the reason but when your internet does get fix if it doesn’t work you probably have to reinstall the update I had the same problem with it on my ps4 and I reinstalled the update and it worked

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Thank you for the info. I will try that if the internet situation doesn’t fix it.

The problem is that you have to be logged into PSN for it to be able to save.

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If your progress isn’t saved on PS4 while playing offline and you aren’t signed up for Playstation Network (PSN - Not the same as PS+) please see the quoted text below for a solution;