Gnomes Mask and Gnomes Pod ¡Mysteries!

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I was reading back in this thread looking for this here, what you wrote. I see the :rolf: so that kick was a joke, I guess. Funny that I missed that the first time I read it. I told Aesyle, a second player can get it active by shooting it. The kick I totally forgot. It was working for her too, but 2 times and she got 4 masks out of it. The next 5 times the darn things wouldn’t spawn. But I’m sure she’ll get it working again.


What I was trying to say is that once the second player has shot / picked up a gnome, the gnomes will start to work for the host too.

If the second player then leaves / crashes (or is kicked) it should continue to work for the host if they choose to carry on solo.

Sorry if I didn’t come across clearly.

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Hey thanks so much for including this, it works so well , I got them to spawn 3 times 3rd I did enough carnage to activate them!
I got one mask and gave up after a while killing ticks as drops were pretty standard after that!
Anyhow on series X this is defiantly working :v::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Very nice, but I would loot all 100 gnome-ticks, because even the last one could be a mask.


Ahh ok ! Well I will no doubt spawn again and be more prepared :v:


This is ridiculous… basically every house in Hagaboda has a gnome inside… or two… or three :flushed:


There were around 4 in the NW houses today and one near the church !
Get them while there hot :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::v:
I forgot to say if this helps anyone, when fuse boxes stopped exploding, or doors didn’t open in some house, or cars wouldn’t damage, the gnomes had spawned in the locations in the map, I had to trash more in the town to get them active though !


But what do you do, if there isn’t anything more to destroy in Hagaboda?

Or are there more houses the gnomes may appear in?

:triumph: I must stop searching. I’ll go crazy.

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Big explosions or/and firework could also do the trick.
Put some gas-tanks near a fuel station, not to many because that might crash the game, 10 or so.

Here a map of possible spawn locations in Hagaboda which I found on Facebook, I added some more house where I found gnomes too.


I will try this on PS5 and see if it works, I know how crazy this hunt can drive you !
Good luck :+1::+1:


I tried this today on PS5 after update dropped, I did exactly same thing I did on Xbox infact even more destruction and nothing happened, not even a spawn.
I find this really disappointing as the vast majority of this game I’ve played on PlayStation, the grind for this seems pointless if it was never a feature back then and now!
Anyhow if anyone knows different then please add to this but as of my last run in PS5 no gnome ticks !
There doesn’t appear to be any plan to boost to PS5 and I can’t see the sense in this as it would be a much smoother game in parity with Xbox , I have to wonder if this is Microsoft 🫤

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Why would this be down to MS? Well, I guess it is, kind of but not in the way you expect.

GZ hasn’t had a Series X upgrade, but rather it can simply detect the Series X|S CPU so runs at a higher frame rate.

The reason the Xbox version is “gen9 aware” is down to the fact that the Xbox version was substantially re-tooled after they hit an impasse with their old framework. It’s still the old Xbox One version but running on the new CPU. No new GPU features or textures etc.

The devs hit an issue releasing the Resistance update on Xbox and it took over 7 months for them to work around it, as part of that work they had to migrate their framework from the old XDK to GDK, and it’s the newer GDK that allows them to tap into the Series X CPU for free (ish) as well as providing the framework for cross-play between Windows 10 and Xbox.

You can read more about it here;

I’m guessing a proper “next gen” version, which is what I think would be required for PS5 frame rate increase would take substantial resources and then they’d have to weigh up costs etc. alongside the return on investment.

As both a Series X & PS5 owner, I’d love a next gen patch for GZ and I really hope that the PS5 does get a 60fps mode!


Installed update. Spawned at Alby Church, fast-travelled to Hagaboda. Walked back towards Alby Church looking at the revamped scenery. Couldn’t open the door of a house. Went to the next house…


Ok I’m exactly the same position both consoles and more progression on PS5 , time will tell ! The Series X version and S run so much better I haven’t been able to go back too PlayStation version due to the frame rate, might not bother some but having tried both it does me!

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I just went to Hagaboda for the first time since the update and found gnomes for the very first time in about 10 houses. Problem was they were all inactive. Having read on here all you need to do is stir up a high level Fnix base I went and did this and returned to Alby church. All my gnomes had turned to ordinary ticks. Closed doors were now open but boxes etc had no interaction.
If I come across this again how can I activate them?
Also I had done nothing to have them spawn, it was directly after loading the game.

When they have already spawned but inactive, just stay in the town and shoot more cars, fuse boxes, firework boxes, explosions with gastanks, etc. But not too much. Then check back regularly where you saw gnomes, if not interactable, shoot up some more, and check again.

If nothing works, shut down to menu, and try again to spawn them.


I tried to spawn the Gnomes the other day, blew up Hagaboda with the M79. After a while the grenades did not explode and seemed to just pass trough whatever I was shooting them at.

Checked the houses and found gnome in a house near the church but could not interact with it, when I went out to destroy more stuff it was impossible and I could not interact with anything, i.e. boxes, backpacks, doors etc.

Anyone encountered this issue and have a solution?

At that point it’s best to either invite another player or quit and retry.

Other players will be able to interact with the gnome and once they’ve interacted with it then it will work for the host player too

This update has made them more prevalent got me. This morning I spawned at Hagaboda and wandered around. Found a house I couldn’t go anything with, sure enough a gnome was nearby. I hadn’t even fired a shot or seen an enemy.


Ok, I was under the impression you had to do all the exploding stuff to get them to spawn but now it’s a case of they spawn and then you do the exploding stuff.
They were just there this morning.
I only do solo to protect my game from all the MP bugs, glitches and crashes.