Gnomes Mask and Gnomes Pod ¡Mysteries!

Thanks, but I already have all masks. I thought you would make a video, where you show a reliable way how to get active gnomes. That’s what people want to know who play solo.

I got it. :star_struck:

Ok, it is possible on ps5.
Took me a while, but worked.

First fought some time at ring fort and lilla hammarnäs, then went to alby church and visited every marked house. On the way I destroyed everything. After a few houses I saw flickering backpacks… They changed colours very fast.

I found 5 houses with gnomes, some doors were locked, some where open. It took me another while until I was able to interact with a gnome, but nothing happens.

Again after a while I was able to interact with one, again nothing happened but this time I saw purple lines around him every time I tried to select him.

And again after some time, one gnome disappeared meanwhile and the doors opened, I was able to interact with one which finaly spawned a gnome tick.

I got just the blue mask… But hey, it worked.


That’s cool. Are you going for all masks? :coffee:

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We’ll see. Took me a good amount of time…

oh my bad, i’ll take the video down.

:thinking: You didn’t needed to take it down. The video was a good effort.

Spawning inactive gnomes was the last month the easy part. To get them interactive, was always the tricky bit, especially on solo, and nobody seems to know a reliable method, because when and how a gnomes becomes interactive is not reliable.

I found a reasonable reliable method, but many times it just did not work, because you never do exactly the same thing. I then just shut down to menu, and tried it again. Within a ~week I had my masks.

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This is getting way out of hand… Salthamn too :confused:


This is starting to become a bit of a pain now. Hagaboda used to be one of my go to places for loot. Now every time I go there inactive gnomes are all over the place. I try for a while to get them active but get fed up and give up. Looting is now pointless trying because doors and boxes are mostly closed. Hagaboda ruined and now Salthamn will probably be the same.
If the gnomes are going to stay in the game please make it slightly easier for solo players, everything seems to be geared for MP at the moment.


For me it’s just the other way round, no Gnomes in Hagaboda and mostly no machines, except some Ticks… (that possibly failed to become a Gnome ? :man_shrugging: )

Went to Salthamn yesterday but no Gnomes and only about 5 Runners. Shot up the whole place but…

I guess it’s no Gnome masks for me then… :man_shrugging:

ive frantically searched for users on their discord to join my game to unbrick the gnomes.
I’m interested in setting up a gnome kill team, if not to help join the search, to at least have someone around to invite to a game so the gnomes activate.
my discord name on the gen z discord is norz; i play on steam.
*i will only gnome hunt if we wear different masks. we flex drip.

Patience, if solo run back and forth between the brown houses NW and the grey house next to Alby church and eventually you’ll find one that is active. Happy hunting.
Edit: clearify

Wow… today was the first time I managed to spawn Gnomes in Hagaboda and to also get them activated :+1:
The first time it happened in one of the brown houses NW but the space was narrow and after about 40-50 Gnometicks GZ decided to pass out. No wonder when I think of all those rattling sounds… lol
But I got two masks during that session (red and green)

That was followed by two 0 sessions with only inactive Gnomes around Hagaboda, or better said nearly inactive… At the end of the 2nd session I found an active Gnome in the grey house by the church but when I tried to activate it with “E” the process seemed to be stuck in the middle and nothing happened.
After that the pink outline was still there, but no “E to take” and the damned thing did nothing any more…

4th session I nearly gave up as nothing seemed to activate but the Gnome in the grey house by the church gave me a surprise… :sunglasses: This time nothing crashed and during that session I got about 6-7 masks with several duplicates but this time the blue, undead and machine masks found their way into my inventory… :+1:

I don’t really know why it worked today but to mention it, at the beginning of the first session I stumbled over 2 packs of Lynxes right behind the northern gate to Hagaboda. Seems to have been some kind of initial ignition, because after that the Gnomes spawned every time. :man_shrugging: But stayed inactive in 50% of the cases.


Not bad.
I’m still waiting for the undead mask, the machine mask and a third one. I have got red, green, blue and gold.
The two times I had luck in Hagaboda, there was no lynx at all in or around the town.

I had a couple of goes at Hagaboda yesterday. Every time I go I have inactive gnomes and have never found an active one. On both occasions, for the first time, I found one with a pink outline and the interact banner but nothing happened. does this mean I’m getting closer to an active gnome?

Keep trying, they will work eventually. Alternatively invite another player. As soon as they approach the gnomes they’ll start working for you. Usually.

Although, then you might hit the bug where you take damage trying to loot them. Just keep trying.

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Yep. Go out and make more mischief.

Had another two runs, one two days ago in the house by the church that gave me several masks but mostly duplicates. At least the yellow one dropped, too, so it’s 6/7 masks so far for me.

Yesterday the activated Gnome was in one of the brown houses NW of Hagaboda, 4 masks but all duplicates, sadly no gold/silver mask…

This is, where I often find gnomes.

At the orange circle often I find the first one.
Gnome in the kitche, door locked.

The green circle is my favorite one. Gnome in the kitchen, doors locked, but with the help of a tactical shield I’m able to reach the roof and to enter through the door of the balcony.

At the blue circle I often have a gnome in each house. About the half of them in general is still enterable. Gnomes in the hallway.


On a sidenote…

If you find an activated Gnome never get distracted and leave it alone, it might vanish… :confused:

I found an active Gnome, got distracted by some Lynxes strolling around on the outside, left the house to get rid of them, returned… and… :sob: So better don’t do this… :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

New potential gnome location. (Well, new to me)

Behold, the levitating gnome of Skrankebol.