Gnomes Mask and Gnomes Pod ¡Mysteries!

Well damn. They are evolving… :laughing:


You on PS5 and this is working now ?

Shield is a great tip :+1::+1:

But I’m not sure if I’m glad or sad about that, as the game now is in a state where it is very often very unstable.

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My gnomes finally activated over a couple of days and I got 4 masks(the basic colours) and many duplicates but now I only seem to “bugged” gnomes. A couple I have found that spawn invisible ticks. The sounds are still there but nothing at all visible, another has the outline but nothing else and yet another that has the outline and the interact button that doesn’t work.
Do other people have these other variations?

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Yes, I noticed this too.

The invisible gnome ticks often became visible after turning away or leaving the room.
Sometimes they just are below the ground. Then they either glitch through the floor or appear outside of the houses.

The last days sometimes there where multiple gnomes in one. By trying to activate “the gnome” a horde of tick gnomes (all gnomes activated by one action) spawned and immediatly killed me.

And yesterday me and my friend had a couple of lynx around who activated the gnomes in the houses by using their grenades. It was a hard battle against the lynx AND the gnomes.

That what some people would want… Hard fights. :wink:

I’m not the only one then. I haven’t had the multiple tick spawn but remember now that I had a gnome spawn a single tick that I couldn’t kill and it didn’t self detonate either.

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Yeah I get your point, I had the bug where I took damage from the ticks, anyhow let’s hope it’s resolved :v::v::v:

I had outline was unable to activate, only way could do it was to invite multiplayer, I haven’t invested much time since in this though !

If there is one thing, just one thing I hope the Devs manage to sort in any future update is to give the same gnome access to solo players as is currently enjoyed by coop players. After many days, weeks, months I have finally got some gnomes to activate and these then disappear and seemingly not to return.
This leaves the remainder in their kitchens and hallways mocking me. I can see them, I can also see semla in most of the kitchens but I am stuck outside looking through windows or half open doors.
Why do they mock me so? I can almost hear them sniggering.

I know I can go multiplayer but I just don’t want to risk messing up what little of my game still works.

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Hmm… I can’t confirm that anymore. :man_shrugging:

As a fellow solo player, the Gnomes work most of the time for me, approx 2/3rd of all tries. At least in Hagboda.
But it requires quite a bit of working towards that goal, like destroying (nearly) everything that comes in your way and running around between the possible spawn locations, looking if they spawned in, if they’re active and of course if they are accessible at all… ;-/

At least I’m able to reproduce the spawning process fairly reliable. It’s just the activation in a proper location, that seems to be pure rng. :man_shrugging:

But I had one occasion when I spotted an active Gnome behind a half closed door - or better said I activated it by shooting at it… - that I got a second activation at another Gnome in the neighboring house… :+1:

In short (or so…):
I tried to get a radio inside the house and got stuck in a hedge during that try…
Fast travelled to Hagaboda safehouse to run back… yeah… well… not so easy to get out when both doors are not responding…
Fast travelled to Alby Church then and all the way back to the brown houses…
“My” Gnome was gone by that time, but the one in the house to the right became active and was easily accessible through an open entrance door.

Thanks. I’ll try shooting the ones I can see but can’t get to and see what happens.
I’ve never managed to get a radio inside a half open door. I just feel that when I can’t find an active gnome it is just sitting in one of these inaccessible places.

Has anyone ever found a gnome in somewhere other than a residential house?

No. But they can essentially spawn anywhere a normal tick can spawn so it’s possible, in theory.

I quote myself, maybe it helps you.

In my game the orange and yellow houses always have gnomes that I can’t get to. The houses in the blue circle always have gnomes that are always inactive. My only successes have been in the houses between the yellow and blue circles and the ones near the West gate, but only the ones I can get into.

Do you have the tactical equipment pack?
You can use the tactical shield at the back entrance of the green marked house to reach the roof. Then you can enter the house through the balcony and get to the gnome.


Damn I’ve been trying for Days now to get active gnomes but even when inviting others to help nothing worked. They were invisible too me when triggered but could hurt me.
When see a corpse of a killed one in multyplayer
it crashes my game almost instantly.

Just incredibly frustrating…

Playing on X1. The old one.

Another “new to me” gnome location; Klinte

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