Guess where it is? (refering to recent tweet)

Yep, I wasn’t right about that. But we had fun, I think, just searching and hoping it might be true.

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Thanks, you two. :blush:

About the picture possibly teasing a new location…
That was another little distraction as I also tried to find matching terrain but mirrored, as eventually seen from some other place that’s not accessible right now… :man_shrugging:

Hmm… seems a bit familiar… :thinking: Maybe I’ll have a look at that later… :wink:

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Dyviks Udde Ferry Pier looking eastwards ?

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Not sure if I ever saw such a ladder. :thinking:

  • two “islands” east of you
  • a safehouse west of you
  • on the left island there is light, so it’s populated and accessible.

It could take time to find the place.

Correct. It is at Dyviks Udde Ferry Pier.

You see them a lot at harbours and piers, but this one was more prominent.

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Minimal or maximal Feng Zhu?

I noticed that while on my search, too. And also that I never really paid attention to those ladders… lol :man_shrugging:

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Now, what do you think this engine is used for?

:thinking: Backup power supply ? :man_shrugging:

Edit: even though the generator seems to be missing… :thinking:

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If you know where it is, maybe that helps.

Well, at least I thought so, but it wasn’t. That location has two of them and not enough hooks hanging down from the ceiling… :man_shrugging:

Edit: P.S.: it’s similar with the location of the Feng Shui pic… You think you’ve seen that, but in real there are too many tents and camps to remember… lol

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At least I believe there are fewer soviet tents than barns in the game :sweat_smile:
If I just would have safehouses to spawn at…


It looks like the one at Averholm Manor.

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That’s right, the wine barrel might have been a clue.

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Surely you must have seen that poor Mr. Persson’s mailbox has been vandalised
by … ehm … Vandals!

Aso, facing south thats my guess (havent looked at amy answers)

Nope, it’s not in Aso. Different Region.
There are only 2 or 3 places with two Phone Booths next to each other.

I thought it was cider they were making because of all the apples, but I just found out that cider is just a specific type of fruit wine…

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That was my thought too. Let call it apple-cider, a white sparkling wine, the cheap Champagne.
Maybe the engine is used to press the juice and pump it in the barrels.

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There are, if I counted them all, 64 of these green squarish Soviet tents.
Hint: the tent in question is in the Marshland region, and you can’t see a hovercraft anywhere. :grinning: