HEDP Rocket Schematic Under Floor (IGA Facility revamped)

I doubt preplaced schematics can be given from the rewards, only the ones that are gained through drops.

I saw people getting schematics in the rewards, and I just assumed that all schematics could be given in the rewards. My bad. :blush:

really? i should try it.

i prefer to patiently wait for a fix.

new 30gb update. base update. no change to HEDP Round Schematic Location.

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10GB on PC. But yeah, damn. I guess it wasn’t prioritized for a fix just yet.

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Dang, well lets hope that they at least fixed FMTEL. :unamused:

they did fix FMTEL. so were able to do challenges now

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Sort of. Today’s build a gate doesn’t seem to be working.

Drifting off the topic slightly?

Something bad must be happening if moving a piece of paper for a minute is not on the list of fixes.


i dont know. its a mystery. but i havent looked around the entire IGA Facility area.

has anyone checked to see if it is still under the floor?

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I did yesterday. It’s still stuck.

I threw everything I knew at it. Managed to get there - but there’s a sink hole there now and no longer even visible.

I have noticed that other things at the IGA facility are also sunk. Pieces of paper that you need for the mission Gas Factory are hovering below desks. You can still obtain them tho.

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Good to know ProCaptainAJ.

Thankfully I’ve finished the missions at IGA, the HEDP schematic is the only thing left there. And with the new additions to the base camp and being able to load HEDP into the grenade launchers this schematic is more important than ever. This really does need a fix.


I can’t believe it’s been 2 months and this schematic is still buried under IGA. Do they even know it’s inaccessible? You’d think that a schematic as important as HEDP would be a high priority to fix.

If they’ve been trying to figure out a fancy place to put it for the last 2 months, then in the meantime they should’ve just put it on the ground in IGA or something. I’m no game developer but this seems like a serious problem with a very simple solution. I’m pretty sure everyone would prefer it to be sloppily placed on the ground instead of entombed.

Maybe the fix will be part of the next update mentioned in the roadmap?

There is a seperate point for fixing issues, so I’m hoping that several greater bugs will be adressed.