Humorous incidents

Very much so. He had it coming. :smiley:

Tank abuse. I blame the parents.


Shouldn’t that be “Drowned”?


Looks to me like it should be “Gone to Mars”.


What I find amazing is, that he manages to land on his feet in almost the same place that he took off. I would have expected him to land in 27 different places!


How does that lot not kill him?


I dunno, I checked his health afterwards but it was only at 60%.

Far cry from the days when one orange pot would do it…!

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While not necessarily “humorous” I wanted to share a situation that occured during one of my sessions.

So, there I was, sitting in a barn and taking pot shots at Hunters through semi-open doors. I knew there was a Tank slowly patroling around the barn but he couldn’t quite get close to me thanks to the sturdy wooden walls. ‘Yeah, I will get to you later, big boy…’

I raised my sniper rifle, aiming down the scope to get the next Hunter’s vulnerable components under the crosshair. I held my breath, pulled the trigger, and…


… the Tank’s large foot comes crashing down on the ground, blocking my sight and catching a bullet that didn’t even scrape the paint off his armour. He totally knew where to look for me now, too.

You couldn’t have created a more memorable moment if you had scripted it.


I thought the punch line was going to be that the tank’s foot came through the roof and turned you to pizza.


I feel like avalanche studios are prophets we have ignored, as IKEA has recently launched the prototype concept video of their new furniture robot.

Classified IKEA Video

This will probably rival even the most advanced ballistic missiles which carry nuclear payloads, and the extremely advanced aircraft and drones which are commonplace in militaries these days. This is the end as we know it. The furniture robots will take over and conquer the world. Avalanche warned us, but we ignored them.

Edit: This is a joke.


That was hilarious, @Simulacrum_Protogen! :rofl: Yes, of course IKEA had to be the driving force behind all this. I eighties Sweden, only ABBA, IKEA, and Volvo had the financial muscles to pull a stunt like that. An ABBA robot would start to dance when getting excited, a Volvo robot would be too concerned about your safety to actually hurt you. But an IKEA robot would have you come and pick it up yourself, drive it to your home, assemble it in your living room, and - BANG - you’re dead. Thanks for pointing out, that it was a joke … I would never have dared to come near my BILLY bookshelf ever again if you hadn’t :+1:

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Harvesters fly too :rocket:

This one died and took off just by itself :upside_down_face:


No one
Ikea :new bot idea

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I’ll take this into consideration. :slight_smile:

First he shot volleys of mortar shells, and after meeting his demise he did a little dance :man_dancing:


Indeed , tanks are well known to be some of the best dancers on the world , but you dont want to make them angry .

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So there is an ABBA robot too. Cool!

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A meme because why not.


it´s not really an incident but a funny little thing, at coordinates 2575,963, 2856,988 there is a destroyed Tank machine that “talks” to you if you approach .