I have found another bug with the Robots/Robot Dogs

When the Robot Dogs me marked, or mee see, i shot on them, after on shot they, the robot dogs are then simply away from the scene

An another Bug i have found is: When I search a bag, nothing appears inside after opening it!

Just because every runner (or machine) doesn’t stand it’s ground even in certain doom, doesn’t make it a game bug.
I, for one, prefer different tactics from machines. Makes game more alive.

Also, not all loot bags/boxes contain loot. Some are empty. It is not a bug.
GZ isn’t an instant gratification game for entitled people.

If you mean vanish / försvinna, I think it’s the same I reported here: Bug, Disappearing Harvester Escorts (final update)


Ok? was that´s for an answer, when the robot dog me hunted i shot on them, he is not more on the map is no error? or bug? sorry? i will have points, and not thats the robots from the map away, thas not normal sorry, the robot dog just disappeared from me, it wasn’t even destroyed, it´s not normal, it is 1000% a bug, Because something like that shouldn’t happen in a game like this

The runners do disappeared for no reason so it has to be a glitch but the ones that run away are retreating as designed and they do come back

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It also has 0 to do with the harvester convoys because they are alone

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I think it’s related to any runners and no other machines but I could be wrong


Try a test. If there is more than one dog, kill one, but not the other. After about 20 seconds, look away from the dead body. See if the other dog disappears.
With convoys, it was the body cooling down that ‘caused’ the dogs to vanish. Maybe it’s the same here.
If you have IR scope, you can check with that.

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I do not mean that the robot dogs run away, but simply dissolve without a trace, and more often, or they run zigzag and do not run normally like a dog, which is also not normal

In your initial post, you said:

There is no word of them disappearing. “Away from the scene” can very well mean that they run away.
It has happened with me on several occasions. I shoot the passing runner, it fires back for a bit and then legs it. If i want to destroy it, i have to follow it and risk myself for the exposure of even more machines.

Also, you fail to mention was the runner pack a random patrol or guarding the harvester. Harv guard dogs do dissappear and that is known bug, also linked by Flick.

Runners in GZ are not actual, real life living dogs that they MUST follow the same movement pattern as real life dogs do.

As far as zig-zagging goes, real life dogs will do that, if tasked to. Here’s a short vid of cute doggos doing that:


GZ isn’t an instant gratification game for entitled people.

Well, that’s overly harsh.

I get what’s going on with seekers that have no loot, the game’s rolling to see if any of their components survived my rampage. But, it’s downright weird when you crack a backpack and there’s nothing in it. I’m not saying it should have fantastic loot, but given the way the game’s designed, it’s weird that there isn’t a flare or firecracker in it.

That’s not about, “instant gratification,” it’s about the game behaving in a peculiar way, infrequently enough, that it feels like it’s unintended.

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Isn’t it? Expecting loot from EVERY loot bag/box you open says it otherwise. And reporting it as a bug is even further conformation of that.
Having empty loot bags/boxes makes the game world more realistic, not broken, unless you are one of “those” people.

Btw, Seekers do have loot in them, not that often though. Also, you’d need Mechanic skill (preferably lvl2) to get loot from Seekers. So, there’s that.

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If the vast majority of backpacks, boxes, and other containers were empty, then you’d have a point, but, they’re not. If the game didn’t have a system of indicating a container was empty, you’d have a point, but it does.

The issue is, on rare occations, you’ll open a container and there will be nothing inside. So, what happened? The game won’t, normally, let you interact with empty containers, so these are a special case. Is there something hidden within that is inaccessible because we didn’t have the right perk? Maybe, but there’s no way to know, and the container locks after interacting.

It’s an anomaly. Once in awhile, the container gen script will return a null. This doesn’t feel like intended behavior.

But, yeah, please keep suggesting people are entitled, because they’re expecting to see some duplicate false fingernails and maybe a firecracker instead of nothing.

Yes, loot boxes have visual indicator of them being searched by having their lid open. But game doesn’t show if the loot bags are empty or not in any way from afar.

Once you get to the bag, there is either outline to “search” it or there isn’t any outline. If you search the bag it could be either empty or it has something in it. (Same with loot boxes.) What’s the issue with that? Need to find something EVERY time?

If there is no outline, it means that you have already searched the bag and can’t search it again until 4 in-game hours have passed since the time you last searched it.

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I don’t have the mechanic skill, and I get comm arrays, fuel cells and vision modules from seekers.

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It also depends on how you take it out. Shooting it’s thruster usually gives best rewards. Also, military and FNIX ones tend to give more loot than proto seeker.

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It depends on the health of the module at death. Taking out the thrusters is unlikely to damage the optics, fuel cell, or comm array. (Though they can be damaged anyway.)

Without Mechanic, the component needs to be at 100% health to salvage (I think), with Mechanic, it drops to 75% and 50% respectively.

As basically all loot containers do have loot I see it as an oversight during rushing the game to release (early access) that some of them have been forgotten to populate. At least for me it was containers in certain locations.

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but it is a bug.

post was locked so I had to screenshot instead of quote from it


Tough to argue with that :stuck_out_tongue:
Has policy changed since June?

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