I see things differently now

Anyone heard about Emil? (not asking sweden)


I know for sure there’s going to be a clothing schematic on that little white table.


I just need to be careful when I go into the garage so I don’t get stuck in the door


bruh… I didn’t know you could buy terrain textures at Ikea

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Sure you can. But there’s always one screw missing :wink:

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yours comes with screws? no wonder mine doesn’t work

Eat more köttbullar. That’ll do the the trick

Jeg skal spise mer kjøttboller, maybe that helps

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That is so cool!!! And a little weird. Do all houses in Sweden look the same?

Is it New England?:face_with_raised_eyebrow:.

Since WW2 this is westernmost piece of Russia https://www.google.com/maps/@54.9405394,20.1625229,3a,75y,352.14h,94.44t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1saMoi1MUS3wIYN00vzWq6Cw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

I know that the conversation about washing machines are a few months old, but I wanted to let you all know my experience with their location. Currently, my washing machine and dryer are located in my bathroom, but it’s next to my shower and not in it. In my last apartment though, it pretty much was in the shower; but that’s because it was a really small bathroom and it was the only space available in the entire apartment.

When I was growing up, we always had our washing machine and dryer in a separate space outside of the bathroom, but that’s because we had enough space to keep it elsewhere.

Every apartment building here in Sweden I’ve ever lived in has had a communal room, usually in the building’s basement, with washing machines and dryers for the residents who don’t have any in their own apartments.

We also have laundromats but they are rare and private, where only people living in the same building (usually in dormitories) can use them. Private residences all have their own washing machine and some even have drying machines. Though, dryer is more of a luxury item and most people hang their clothes out to dry (e.g on balcony).

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Just an ordinary day in mid Sweden. A shipping container and bunch of Volvos in between the houses. :slightly_smiling_face:


:sunglasses: That’s uncanny…


Saw this on Facebook - Swedish Tank museum - Stridsvagn 103 C (s-tank)


To the left there’s a covered car. I bet it’s a BJORN. :slightly_smiling_face:

And notice the fuse box (!) on the side of the container. Is that a design glitch and should it actually be placed inside alongside all the deactivated military runners?

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The Stridsvagn 103 is a very interesting tank.



Yeah, a very special tank. Since the cannon was fixed, they had to use advanced suspension to elevate or dump. There was also a designated reverse driver in the crew (!)

Since the tank couldn’t shoot while moving, it wasn’t much of a MBT, but it could dig down for defensive tasks very well thanks to the blade at the front.

Btw, I love your nick, bro. :blush:


Wow, a BJORN for sale in my hometown for only 1 400 €! :astonished: