[IMPORTANT!] Popular Bugs List

(Is this the right place to do this???)
My whole screen is black can’t do anything (flash light is working) can hear background
But apart come that it’s just all black
Can’t do anything

Can only hear bunker computer noise

The invisible weapons thing, don’t know if this will help any… I still have an invisible Moller PP 3 crown, can’t remember what I did to make that happen, but I have recently also acquired an invisible experimental pvg 90, attached was an extended mag (whichever one gives you the 16 shots) and an 8-16 scope, can’t remember if this was 4 or 5 crown.

I had just picked up an experimental m49, went to try it out, shot a few rounds, then went to switch back to my e-pvg90, but was still stuck with the e-m49 in weapon slot 1. I tried dropping the m49, re-equipping my e-pvg90 and then picking up the e-m49, which worked except when I picked up the e-m49, it was placed straight into my weapon 1 slot, overwriting my e-pvg90 (which if I try to attach mods to weapons, still shows up in my inventory… somewhere…)

Don’t know if this helps any. Bit irritating cause now I’m a little reluctant to use the other e-pvg90 I found and the e-m49!

Same here, have a totally useless fast travel point as blocked from stash box due to locked doors. Almost three months now & not fixed.:sunglasses:

What is the current status about the Uttern and Märden command bunker green locked doors? do they still bug out after their respective “clear” bunker missions?

If it’s unchanged on the list, it’s still an issue.

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@Zesiir one bug you have listed World #1 is back again. Had as you know re-started the game to play this great story again Marden worked fine for awhile now boom back to not opening. Just wanted you to know & here is a newer thread on it.

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I know, I recently updated the list :slight_smile:

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The Marden bunker door bug is universal, i also have it, i have been to other bunkers, it`s the only one with the door panel in Red (LOCK)

PS4 version
My save is new (bought the game in October 2019)
Current game version Rivals update
Solo session


I recently had the opportunity to make a video that explains how gas masks don’t work, to keep up with the times.

It’s been added to the list. I for one want this to be a working thing ingame.


Me, too ! But even though I know they don’t work I equip them when necessary, just to keep it “real”


If you have “base resistance” which makes it stop at 25 (for me) don’t you have to be wearing one?

I thought that was how it works. It is odd though. Either all clothes are “useless” atm, then the gas mask should not be necessary. Because its your “base resistance”. Or your gas mask does work, then you would not need the skill.

Gas mask mechanics are complex. Filters decay, filtering is not perfect, could make a science of it. I’d prefer all clothes not to work atm, and base resistance to be enough.

If you look through the missions ingame, it’s explained that it’s the kind of gas that doesn’t need to be inhaled to be dangerous. Mere skin exposure is harmful. So it would make sense for the mask to, perhaps offer better resistance by allowing health to tick down slower, or perhaps give the benefits of the Chemist Perk. But as of right now, it does neither.


I’m pretty sure that when Pontus was playing on stream one time, it looked like the gas only took him down a bit then stopped hurting him. Was that from a perk because I’ve never been that lucky? I always die like in the video. I find it pointless to even put it on because it also blocks my vision and makes it to hard to fight machines in the gas.

He had the Chemist Perk, it makes your health drop to 20-something rather than you getting killed from the gas.

I thought so, thanks

Just completed Beyond the Barricade on PC yesterday, so it seems to be fixed. Don’t know if you are still keeping this list updated, if so, this can probably be scratched off (might need a second opinion though :slight_smile: )



I am, thanks for reporting it! We’ll see if others experience the same, so it can be scratched off the list.


@Zesiir on Xbox the Marden Bunker bug has been fixed.

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Great to hear, I’ll update the list.