These are all across. They’re very common actually and do tie with real mithilogy, but don’t take away from their importance. There’s a lot of GZ devs referred stone circles, stacks and specifically serpents. Old map concept with a barely visible sea serpent, the runes on the rock and serpent, but with alpine even having a side quest with prophecies…
The devs really pushed for this to be notable, so I say it’s worth looking in to it
I came across in the last days gone bye, that the Rune stones are relatet to the Nibelungensaga that is connected with the Völsungensaga in Sweden. There where the Sigurdstones. Sigurd is related to the German Siegfried. In Sweden, there where seven Stones. Called the SIgurdstones. And one of them raised my attention. It was the Stone of Ockelbo that looks very similar to the stones in the game.
This is something what i like very much in the game. To visit such places.
You mean in the game world? I only found two so far, with the snakes on them I mean. Or did you mean in the real world? The ones in the game closely resemble the Runestone at the Swedish castle Gripsholm The ones in the Game don’t have such long curly tail.
I found two Runestones in the Game. One on Södra Saltholmen when you go from Saltham to Saltomen close to the Busstop. And one on Hjimfäll underneath the Klacksundsfryan Lighthouse.
Speaking of the runes, in the game, there is one side mission where NPC (Viviane) tried to decipher the runes on the large stone at Gudlög stone ship (Gudlögs stenar), on the East of Himfjäll.
I feel that she gave a longer interpretation than was necessary
Posted a completion translation to this stone and the one at Salthamn here Easter Eggs Compilation
Can post the completion here also, just to be safe