Interesting locations

Speaking of the runes, in the game, there is one side mission where NPC (Viviane) tried to decipher the runes on the large stone at Gudlög stone ship (Gudlögs stenar), on the East of Himfjäll.

Her results are here:


I feel that she gave a longer interpretation than was necessary :neutral_face:
Posted a completion translation to this stone and the one at Salthamn here Easter Eggs Compilation

Can post the completion here also, just to be safe

I still don’t know what “smmasmmaa” means.


Could one of the M’s not be an E?

You did a good job, here is one more runestone (#3).

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No, I double checked. I wonder which Dev. allowed Nostradamus create the stones? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
All the stones have the same carvings.

Here are the runes:

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I wonder why the S-runes are mirrored on the stone. But the other runes are not.

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I don’t know :thinking:
I created this topic for just discussion about the runestones, I hope we can solve what smmasmaa means


IMO the “S” marks the end and beginning of a word.


In Mountain region there are two instances of Beredskapsförråd 104 (see pic which I edited to show both labels). Now I came across a mentioning of a location called Bergrum “Havsörnen”, which I never found on the map. The top 104 bunker is just one big room, like Bergrum “Myskoxen” and other Bergrums are also one room. So I am thinking this 2nd 104 bunker could be Bergrum “Havsörnen”. Anybody Ideas about this?

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In the translation
Havsörnen is sea eagle
Myskoxen is musk ox

So i come to the conlusion that the Beredskapsförrad what is near the sea is the Bergrum Havsörnen
and that one, that’s in the land is the Bergrum Myskoxen.

For Bergrum there is no tranlation


There’s also Bergrum ‘Bjornen’ (don’t know) and Bergrum ‘Vargen’. (the wolf)

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You are right Varge or Varg is swedish for wolf but for Bjornen there is no translation.
Pherhaps Bjornen is a Prename like Björn. When i get this on Norwegian than comes that is the synonym for bjørn.

Where is the Bergrum Bjornen?


It’s in the Forest region. aprox 2026, -1747

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Thank you :grinning:

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Helldriver one of the two is Beredskapsförråd 104, There can’t be two with the same number. That would be illogical. So I agree that the top one is wrongly labeled. I like Bergrum “Havsörnen” for the top one even more now you thought to translate the name. I did not think of that. And it is near the sea.

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I agree with you that one of them is wrong labeled and i think too it is that near by the sea.

Do you destroy the runners in the containers?


In the beginning cases I did. But I don’t think it is needed.

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I think in this point like a guerilla. Destroy the Infrastructure and destroy the supplies.

But I see also that it has no effect for the further game. Also when i destroy the Relais Antennas.


Some stuff you can do in the game world might not have any real effect to weaken the position of the machines, but for role playing it is fun to do. Relay Beacons are counted in your stats so you might want to find them all. I do occasionally find one I missed. And every beacon has a field radio.


Discussion moved to proper topic.



Map icons can be wrong. To know the true name of the loc, hike there and look what kind of name is displayed once you get into it’s proximity.

Made the hike and Southern one shows nicely that it’s Beredskapsförråd 104.
Northern one, however, doesn’t produce any name when you get there.

So, the question is, what is the Northern one’s name? That we learn from the “Lost and Found” main mission. The name of Northern one is: “Havsörnen”.

Relay Beacons respawn and there’s no point to count them. I’ve destroyed 400+ of them already.

However, if you want specific numbers, then:
Archipelago - 8
Farmlands - 9
Forest - 7
South Coast - 6
Mountains - 7
Marshlands - 6
North Coast - 6
Himfjäll - 6

Total - 55

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They do?! Under what conditions?
I have a very vague memory of respawning beacons, but the locations I’ve returned to or passed by after destroying a beacon have been empty for a long time.