Interesting locations

People are desperate for something funny in the middle of the apocalypse, so why not use time between boring and dying to try some mirror writing :grin:

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A friend of mine said there was thick fog and the sounds of howling wolves in this area
I’m used to the fog but I’ve never noticed anything to do with howling

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At that loc, the unique sound is more like eerie music than outright howling. But people hear sounds differently and to some, it may resemble howling.

Now why is there a map on the floor of Hagaboda in a house in Boo?

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Please forgive me if this has been discussed before. FOA 2 is a mystery as @Zesiir once stated. I just discovered a working button on one of the concrete silo surfaces. It might have been there for quite a while, but I never discovered it before now. If you press it, it turns from red to green with a “clanging” noise … but nothing seems to happen. I even tried to stand on the metal lid jumping up and down as if it would give in. It didn’t. Any clues? Is it part of “Fenix Rising” (which I haven’t had the time to play yet)?

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It has.

1st finding in here: Talk about the Planes and Airports in Generation zero
and 2nd repost in here: Norrmyra Artillery Base + FOA 2

As of what function it has, your guess is as good as mine. Also, FOA2 has been changed several times with last updates and it’s unknown what eventually happens with it.

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Has one potentially tried getting under it?

…huh. Never seen that before, must be a recent addition. Mysterious :thinking:

Can’t really find a way in. I wonder if the button actually activates another lid, perhaps on a timer. Or enables access through a gate/door nearby. If I am not mistaken, one of the perimeter gates are locked. But again, I’m just speculating here.

Someone got a look under it, back in May '20. Though, it could’ve changed since. Pics in this reply here: Norrmyra Artillery Base + FOA 2 (2nd pic).

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Here’s something interesting i found within the February '20 update:

Two maps. Left one shows attack plan on the Airfield but it’s the right one that is interesting.

Close-up of the right one. It looks as Himfjäll and bigger island above it are connected to the main island by land.

This may indicate that at some point of the future, when bigger map is also released, they both get connected to the main island. :thinking:

Here’s current map for reference.


cool, where did you find these maps?

Right, loc too. Stenbacka (Farmlands), (-304, -2372).

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Found the same map on the table in the little house in boo. Look at Gysberts Post.

Not only that, the entire landscape looks slightly different :thinking:

Have you take a look into the little hut in the north from Boo.
The scene inside is a little uncanny. This doen’t look like that FNIX has to do with it.
The corpses look like somehow arranged. It looks like that they where killed by a single shot.
Was it the iron church?? :thinking:
Thoughts ?


It looks like bigger island is smoothly part of the main island. :thinking: While Himfjäll has a land bridge.

Not only that, the entire coastline is slightly different, at least one facility is missing, and some of the smaller islands are also different.

Can you locate them and show ?
Specially the facility you mentioned??

IGA is missing from the map.

Edit: Others missing are Hjortqvarns Sagverk (sawmill), instead crossroad to the Himfjäll land bridge is there and town of Lerberget is also gone.