Interesting locations

As a note, that particular gun is one of the 7 ‘challenge’ guns in the area, and it’s extremely easy to fall into the boarded part of the lower tower when going for it, whereupon your only escape is fast travel. Also extremely easy to fall in-between the barrels, with the same result. Might want to suggest changing that tower some, or moving the rifle to a different place.


Not a bad idea, could be like, an invisible hitbox inside the tower or something.

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That’s fair enough. Thanks for letting me know… after all, with great power comes great responsibility. :+1:


Screenshots as promised:


Controlled by a Tick, it kept going up and down into the ground.

Until the tick was destroyed.

While yes, the bunkers found across the map have machines in them, they only have runners, not hunters, harvesters, tanks, or even seekers or ticks. FOA 4 has machines, but they are only apoc, not any other classes, because it seems to be the birthplace of the apoc class. FOA 5 was the lab, and the factory complex in the mountains, now that I realize, was the manufacturing factory of the machines, so in my opinion, FOA 2 should be a storage facility for the other 3 classes (proto mil and FINX)

As for the dungeon idea, I could totally see FOA 2 being a dungeon, with you going through the facillity to take out all the machines that are still in the depths of FOA 2.


There is still one major manufacturing line out there. It’s this deep base with Fredrik’s office in it. Railroad connects to it… That whole place has an assembly line and multiple parts of Tanks and harvesters, with it’s healthy amounts of dormant Runners and Hunters. A nice place to get a sense of helplessness :slight_smile: (Good screnshots too)

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I knew about that, its just that, that’s why I fixed my statement to “FOA 2 is massive storage complex for machines”. The factory complex is the one that makes the machines and sends them via railroad to the port complex to be distributed to Sweden. Just to clarify, we were both talking about the same factory, but you didn’t realize. If you wanna know what I’m talking about its along the lines of Millitary Base-Factory Complex and connects to the port to the west. (Forgot about the name, I’ll probably butcher it if I did remember it)

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To remember more easily:
Port complex - Muskudden
Actual factory - RÖ (Redovisningskansli Öst) aka Accounting Office East

If that is true, then how you’d explain this:


RÖ also counts as a bunker as well since it’s built inside the mountain.

Both the RÖ and FOA 4 are assembly and storage facilities of the machines.

FOA 2 is testing ground with walls built around to keep something in, not something out. Also, look at the spotlights at the top of the walls, they all are pointed inwards (like IRL prisons have them), rather than outwards.


Discussion moved to more appropriate topic.


So for FOA 4, I meant that it was a storage/factory facility for the apoc class, I wasn’t aware of the FINX seekers, but then again, wouldn’t FINX see it as another factory to produce his new class?

So what you’re saying is that anything that’s built inside underground or in a mountain is a bunker? Wow, I guess we can reclassify mines and quarries as “bunkers” Regardless, bunkers, according to Merriam-Webster, is “a bin or compartment for storage” usually found on a ship, (however, with the bunkers in the game housing machines and seems that its true intent as storage, this definition applies with my claims) and “a protective embankment or dugout, especially a fortified chamber mostly below ground often built of reinforced concrete and provided with embrasures”. This definition applies to the command bunkers, the “named” bunkers, and technically the air raid shelters.

A testing facility? Sounds reasonable, but what are the hatches in the testing arena? It could be the storage I was talking about. After all, the military needed somewhere to test their machines, but they couldn’t transport them because, you know the public, so they either have an underground railway system from the factory to FOA 2, or FOA 2 has its own factory. Also, I guess it makes sense that the walls are pointed inward, in case the machines escape. Even if machines attempts to escape are rare, they have extremely powerful weaponry.



I found this strange message on the back of a board in the safehouse below at Mullvadberget tunnels, anybody have a clue what it is meant? -1832, 1548


It simply means ”big and heavy” in swedish…


Topic moved to more appropriate topic.


OK, Thanks. :sunglasses: I thought it might been a clue to something more than just info of a tank, because it was in mirror image and it was sort of hidden on the back of the board.

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Well it IS a little interresting.
I don’t know that location, but the sketch looks a lot like the ones at the fandom site.

Don’t know the origins of those drawings though…
Some kind of diary (Calle?) but on the other hand, I’m not very far into the game yet.


There was also a photo of a location next to it but it doesn’t show on my first screen shot.

see here


Well it beats me… Could be nothing, but I’ll sure be on the lookout for a location like that!


Everyone who found the bear cave post a picture please.


Tenebris said in the stream its near the norra sathoholmen bridge in archapelago