Introduce yourself

Greetings everyone, Charlie from SoCal USA here. I’m 34 years young, have a family and currently employed by the USAF. Been into games since childhood, mostly console gaming. Last year I built my first gaming computer, so now I have some presence on PS, XB and PC. I like a lot of genres of games, but I love a good RPG or space sim. I currently spend a large fraction of my gaming time in Elite: Dangerous. I’ve been intrigued by GZ for a few months now, finally picked it up last week and have been enjoying it thus far.

Outside of gaming I also enjoy amateur astronomy, auto detailing and modification, radio control, and outdoor activities like camping and hiking. I used to do a bit of YouTube but just couldn’t commit the time to regularly upload videos. The problem with having too many hobbies is always time and money it seems.

I look forward to seeing how GZ evolves over time and I look forward to interacting with you folks of the GZ community!



Hello, my name is MotorexGTR32. I’m 37, and from Pennsylvania, US.

I am Deaf. Just simply because I was born with it and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s who I am.

I love 80’s retro, Terminator, Aliens, Robocop, Predator, Back to the Future! My first console is NES and got it back in 1988 when I was 5.

I started Gen Zero in a couple weeks ago and fell in a love with that game!

Anyone who want to play or need help, message me at MotorexGTR32 on Xbox One. Nice to meet you all!


Hi… My name is Don. 69 years old. South Carolina, US. Been playing it since it was released. Generation Zero is one of retirement enjoyables.


Jag heter SwedishPatriot även på Steam, jag är 54 år gammal, från Sverige och spelar för mycket spel. o Jag spelar bara på PC,:computer:
jag är pensionerad man .Jag bor nu i Thailand med min fru men besöker svergie mycket. Min Discord är Hoppa in och släng några ord.

Jag älskar alla typer av spel har spelat sedan 1980 med commandor 128 och vic kom ut , Jag gillar främst överlevnadsspel.jag spelar Arma 3 ,Day Z. m.m

My name is SwedishPatriot also on Steam, I am 54 years old, from Sweden and play too much games. o I only play on PC,: computer:
i am retired man. i now live in thailand with my wife but visit svergie a lot. My Discord is Jump in and throw a few words.

I love all types of games have played since 1980 with commandor 128 and vic came out, I mainly like survival games.I play Arma 3, Day Z. m.m


Absolut så rätt.:grinning:

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Forums are english only, to accomodate our non-swedish users. Please add an english translation your post :slight_smile:

I’m just wondering

I think we should have a Swedish section with in that case.

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Forum Code of Conduct.

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hai, im rachelle, gt is iren mayden on xbone, always looking to team up with other survivors.


Hejsan. My name is Lee and Im from USA. I was really interested in playing GZ because I lived in Sweden for about a year. In fact the apartment buildings in the game look exactly like the building where I lived. Jag gillar att prata svenska :sweden:. I don’t have a lot of time for playing games but I do like Generation Zero trotts allt.


låter bra. sounds good

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My name is Manu and am 55 yo.
Been playing video games since PS1 days and a bit earlier. Have been playing GZ on PS4 pro for last few months, platinumed it last month primarily solo and enjoyed every moment of it.
Currently releveling a 5th character after deleting one to redo skill tree bad choices made on first play through. Not very active on social media but do regularly look up this forum.



Name is Thomas, from the southern part of Sweden. 42 years old, working full time as an assistant nurse, married and with one wonderful daughter who also loves gaming and of course we play GZ together =)

Been playing games since the release of the commodore 64 and still at it. Pc is my main weapon but also on the Xbox and ps4 from time to time. I prefer open world, sandbox, survival, simulators, vr, storydriven and so on, theres many good games out there but nothing like GZ =) Nostalgia is strong with this one :blush:
Missed the closed beta :hushed:

See you around and god kväll :v: (Good evening)


Wow! Hello everyone, my name is Dale, I am 50 something (I stopped counting a while back) and a lifelong gamer.
Many of the posts rang a very familiar bell with me! I was initially put off by the unforgiving nature of GZ, but my stubborn streak kicked in and I am so glad it did! I have made what I consider slow progress, but I am enjoying every minute of it. Even the 400 plus times I have died😖
I really enjoy games with longevity, especially sandboxes, which Avalanche are very good at. The glitches are, on the whole, very minor and at times hilarious. Like riding my bike into a sapling and my character doing a hugely exaggerated crash animation. Or just stopping and falling off sideways… Getting a harvester stuck in the roof of a warehouse… falling through the floor of a bedroom… (which I did a bunch of times to find out if there was anything I could stand on. Spoiler alert; there wasn’t) :rofl:
I would like to be able to get into more buildings.
The detection range is scary at times. Especially with the Hunters, especially when backed up by the frakkin Seekers…
I have come from being a diehard Destiny junky (one and two) and its taken a while to get used to not being able to glide jump…
Also I have literally only just realised that the field radios are portable respawn points. D’oh!
Anyway, I am on ps4 and my name thingy is FinkleSummer.


Oh, and until I read this thread, I thought I would be the oldest person playing this game! I might be among the oldest, but clearly I am not alone. Oh, and my ‘review’ of GZ is - it feels like a mash up of Dear Esther, Fallout 3 and the movie War Games. In the best possible way of course! :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:

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Good to have you here, @Howie666. We can always use another adult :+1::wink:


Hi, I am 41 years old and working as a software developer now. I have been a university scientist earlier in my life (digging into the nature of the human mind). But as I like to develop and create things, I slowly progressed into more technical fields and at the end specialized in one of the many skills I acquired in the process. I am a PC nerd through and through, building my own machines since forever and knowing everything there is to know about modern PC platforms and performance optimization (or so I like to believe). :slight_smile:

I am playing PC video games since I was in elementary school. The original Duke Nukem 3D, Doom and Quake were the first true revelations in my gaming career. I still predominantly play first person (shooters, but not only) games (such as Doom 2016, Wolfenstein 2), but I have enjoyed many adventures (Monkey Island series and others), mystery games (based on Lovecraft, e.g.), horror shooters (STALKER series) and adventures/RPGs (Fallout) , atmospheric games (Fire Watch), stealth titles (Dishonored) and many, many more.

I have NEVER been as active in any internet forum in my life. I had planned on playing GZ with my brother for a while, but we postponed it time and time again due to the mixed reviews the game had received. Then we finally started and I was more or less blown away. Mixed reviews can mean that it is just the right game for you! I posted my first feature request here, I believe, and the discussion drew me in and now I am here. Love it!

I can have low patience sometimes. And I really can’t understand why people have opinions that are different from mine. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I sincerely apologize. Thank you for being here with me, guys!

PS: I have trouble focusing with my eyes and at the same time my head is always faster than my fingers. My first draft of a posting therefore has a lot of typos and even completely left out words, which is why I will edit my posts over and over again. Just so that you know.


I am an Xbox boi and my username is Spartan 117 pas

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My name is Nick I live in the UK and funny never introduced myself before, I started playing Gen Z around the time of the first lockdown. I really love this game as at first it was a way of virtual exploration and totally immersive atmosphere got me gripped and many a late night followed :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:!
I love the outdoors and have been hiking in Sweden and Norway also many visits to Finland.
I am looking forward to the next update and the year ahead, I have a friend I mostly Co op with and it’s been a lifeline during lockdown.
My gaming goes right back to Spectrum so you can guess my age :slight_smile: anyhow keep well all and happy hunting :ok_hand:


Hello everyone. My name is gabi and I have just joined this forum :slight_smile: