Letter from the Development Team - April 12th

Then please dont play up the Fallout 76 fiasco. For the vast majority of the players of GZ the bugs suck, but they are not game breaking.

This is in no way like Fallout 76. They are not crapping on a beloved single player franchise like 76 is. This is not a full price game, and they dont have a loot box store unlike every single one of the multiplayer games that has come out in the last year.

There hasn’t been a game that has been perfect at launch since ever. Accept maybe solitaire or minesweeper.

Hell I am playing The Division 2 and its an ungodly buggy mess and the whole map could fit on the first little island of GZs map. Feet getting stuck in the ground and killed, Delayed explosion damage, Constant crashing, full ground clipping, falling out of the world, seeing through walls, joining others in multiplayer then crashes, and broken enemy AI issues. No one says anything about it because the hype train is already running down the positive track. They get a free pass. O and I still love to play the game regardless as to the bugs.

This community has been the most positive I have seen in while, because this is a genre people love. Comparing it to other games that are in no way in this games genre makes no sense at all.


Keep in mind that The Division 2 is waaaay more advanced and complicated game, than GZ will ever be. I also play TD2, and those bugs and glitches are mostly not even worth of mentioning compared to what the game offers (and YES, the world is smaller, but dense, packed with detail and activities, instead of this empty shell of a hunting grounds from theHunter, just with no life in it).
GZ doesn’t offer much - it’s like a Far Cry, just with empty world, without any plot, cut-scenes, and interesting activities - game about cleaning stunning, but hollow map - nothing more to it.
So it’s even more infuriating to see that for so little content in such an uncomplicated game, there are so many bugs, glitches and overall lack of polishing.

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Where are all the Adrenaline shots? Since update I haven’t found any. I really like the game, this just made it ridiculously hard. I play solo and the Adrenaline shots was making it doable. Why did you all have to change the finding of these. I understand that it makes it harder but it should’ve stayed the same. I mean at least it gave us an option to use them just incase players didnt want to, but now there are none to be found to use. Please hotfix this please so those of us that use them can continue too and those that dont use them doesn’t have to. At least we had that option, now we dont. Thank you for the hard work.


I just posted in the general discussion about how to farm adrenaline, if anyone in this thread is finding the adrenaline drop a bit much go check my post here; Adrenaline farming tips

as for @Wredny you’re full of positive vibes eh.

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Oh ok thank you very much!!

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No problem i hope it helps you! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for that @tene. It’s nice to see that it isn’t totally borked. Although that said, I think this “fix” for too much adrenaline is pretty janky at best. It’s nice to know we can still find it though.

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Yeah i mean we can’t say for sure what the intention was fully but i think if they intend to make lives mean more without taking away anything on death (which is tough to solve) there’s definitely a middle ground to be found here though. maybe decreasing stack size so its more of a player decision “do i stock lives or ammo?” would be better than making the action of getting them more difficult. of course that’s only just my two cents worth of an idea. :sweat_smile:

Agreed. Death was inconsequential when you could rock multiple stacks of 20 adrenaline. You die, revive, and continue fighting, rinse / repeat until you kill all the robots. You’d have to either suck really hardcore or have picked a fight far too big for your level / weapons / ammo to actually die previously. The balance was off and something needed to be done.

That said, the current mechanic removed a crucial item, but still allows you to farm it by putting the most awfully annoying mechanic in the way of doing so. It doesn’t make it harder. It makes it annoying, tedious, and frustrating.

To me, the no-brainer here would have been to reduce the stack size of adrenaline to 3-5 and slightly decrease the drop rate in the loot tables. This would have:

a. Made them rarer
b. Made carrying lots of them very detrimental to the limited inventory space

I would rather stock ammo and 2-3 stacks (depending on size) of adrenaline. There’s far more stuff I would like to carry than adrenaline, and stacks of 20 makes that far too easy.

Honestly, it feels like they overthought this problem and spaghetti coded an overly complicated “fix” in there to introduce this tedious new mechanic when changing 2 variables would have given the desired outcome without causing the panic from players that we’ve seen (and from myself included!).


After i installed the latest patch im now having to start again even though i got to the church and completed that mission. I am now back to just having my hand gun. Really annoyed about the crappy game save function.