Level Caps Are Not Welcome & Here's Why

I like the skill cap. If they ever raise it I hope they don’t go above lvl. 36. The idea is to have 4 differently specialized characters, not one Über allround soldier. And remember, you can specialize already at lvl. 6…

The only complaint I have about the lvl. cap is the fact that the game gives you no hint that it’s there.
It’s very common that your 1’st character ends up as a prototype. But don’t worry, leveling up a second character is much quicker than your first. :slightly_smiling_face:

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@NJR87 I agree there should be at least some warning the first time tabing over to your skill tree, also idk I guess I just think that for as big as the world is and them adding to it still building a beefy character just seems fair besides we don’t know if they plan on throwing more toasters into the fray at some point that skills ya didn’t acquire would really help.

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Moved to a suitable topic.


Although a few people may have said that the skill tree should be completely unlock-able, if the devs think that would somehow make the character the “one punch man”, then maby they could make some kind of limit, while making the skill tree unlock-able. For instance, You can unlock all of the skills, but can’t use all of them at ounce. In fact, they could make it so people could use up to a certain amount,( let’s say the equivalent of 31 points) but you can use as few as you want ( all the way down to zero, if your so inclined).

I know some players think it’s functional, and even fun to have 2, 3, and 4 characters at one time, and I’m not saying the devs should remove that from the game. But not everybody wants to spread out a bunch of time over several different characters, over a long period of time, just so they can use all of the different abilities.

And another good point has been made. We don’t know know what kinds of bots will be added later, considering many good suggestions have been made in the past. So that’s yet another reason, to at least make all of the abilities available.

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And unless we play at adventure mode, even with all skills we will not be "one punch man, we will never be super powerful as long as the devs don´t add new skills.
Remember that half of the skills are basically useless, that leaves some tech, health and stamina (which everyone should have) and combat perks.

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I totally agree with you, you should be able to unlock all said abilities and perks

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I didn’t take the time to read everything and especially I’m bad at English :laughing:
But I sincerely hope that the developers will listen to us and give us access to all the skills. Please :blush:


I think it would do better with a bit higher level cap, and a way to maybe respec by doing certain repeatable missions or using certain resources, this would make it to where people who want to grind new characters get the benefits of not having to waste resources and benefits those who do not want to grind all the levels again. This also helps with those who regret getting certain perks or mistakenly get the wrong perk.

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Bro, yes. The deployable tick specialization, can i get a witness. Unless they tweak its damage output, its an entirely waisted skill point.

Something the devs could do is give us the option to rate the specialization. So, for instance, lets say somebody wants to buy (Sorry if this is redundant…but) the tick specialization, they could look at the rating other real-life players have given it. Let’s say hypothetically speaking, it has 1 out of 5 stars. Then, they might think, hmm…maybe I should think twice before i waist a kill point on Something so asinine. Then, if they decide to buy it anyway, and realize it’s absolut trash, they cant go on a rant saying that they should have been warned, or something like that.

There are far less useful skills/specializations in the game than Engineering specialization (latter i happen to have).

No. Just no.

There is no need for any kind of user rating system in the game. Unless you’re the one who buys things based on what other people tell you to buy (aka high rating).

Perhaps make the ticks the explosive variant? They wouldn’t be death dealers, but could strip armor and stagger.

Actually, they already are.

Ticks that spawn out from player placed tick pods, look like military ticks but function like FNIX ticks. Meaning that they run up to the closest hostile machine to them, do their jump attack and explode, dealing damage to that machine.


Fair enough.

So the tick specialization is just one example. There are other specializations/ skills that aren’t exactly as useful as we might think they are.


I see loads of arguments why to remove level cap and some why it is bad idea. Here, i present another one, showing why it isn’t viable just to remove level cap all together;

It takes a LONG time to level up past lvl31. Heck it even takes loads of time to level your char from 30 to 31.

Some numbers:
100.000 XP = lvl14
212.190 XP = lvl23
259.413 XP = lvl24 (about to level up)
424.144 XP = lvl29
479.373 XP = lvl30 (just reached lvl30)
548.874 XP = lvl31

Leveling up char works the same way as leveling up region score. You don’t need much XP/points to gain initial levels but to get the last ones, you’ll need LOADS of XP/points.

With this explained, it will be FAR faster to make 2nd, 3rd and 4th char and level them all up to lvl31, than spending near infinite amount of time on your 1st char, trying to level it up to lvl88 (to get all 87 skills).

Even IF, given that the devs set fixed amount of XP needed to level up past lvl31 to 100.000 XP per level, by the time you’ll get your 1st char from lvl31 to lvl48, you’ve collected the same amount of XP (1.700.000 XP) to level up 2nd, 3rd and 4th chars to lvl31, all of them.

However, if devs keep the current XP system, where more XP it is needed to level up than getting previous level, then removing level cap is utterly impractical. And i think this is the very reason why devs haven’t done so thus far.


See, thats a reason to take it away though. It would give people something to grind for. I know that some people only play the game half as much, because they dont see any reason to, since they cant level up any more. So, if the level cap was gone, sure it would take a while. But, your logic is “ dont remove level cap, becaue it would take just as long to level up one charecter than to level up 4.” So, to in the same amount of time that we could be levelling up 4 different charecters to hit the same roadblock, we could level up one, and actually be able to unlock all of the abilities, regardless of how log it takes, I would say thats worth it to grind for ALL of the abilities, rather than grind 4 charecters, and only be able to unlock a certain amoiunt of the skills.

Imagine playing a game for a year and you still have things to strive for? That’s what gets me dreaming on about no skill caps. It would be nice to have, but I don’t think this would be the right game for it without major changes. I’m not sure if I brought it up in this thread or in another, but I pointed out that the XP gain from missions in the one tree is pointless and a big waste of points due to the level cap. I still believe that should be changed, even if it means adjusting things within that tree to compensate for any imbalance. I also believe some of the specialties are unrewarding and could be more fun, but again some changes would need to be made for balance. I bring these things up because opening all the trees, no matter if it took a month or years to fill up, would cause some serious imbalance. It’s already pretty weird that a maxed character can play alongside with a fresh player. Imagine how quickly enemies would go down with all skills and now imagine such a player joining in on your game. How do you keep things reasonable?

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Well, one way the balance could be helped is to make the machine AI smarter. Just saying, their kind of dumb, so sure you can take some hits, but you actually need some kind of strategy to win. Another thing that could be done, is, not my most favorite idea, but Guerilla mode might be required for multiplayer. Again, like i said, not my most favorite idea, but its an option. Or, one thing that could be done is the bots might just have more armor.

I think what the devs should or could do is keep the level cap or increase but if they keep the lvl cap then in the event u hit Max they should allow you to refund skill points to put them to another branch of the skill tree so it’s not too op and it’s not limiting either


Yeah, some skills are almost useless, like the tick specialization.