Level Caps Are Not Welcome & Here's Why


I’ll just stop you right there before you go any further.
Don’t say players will be too strong cuz that shows that you did not read this topic page.
Please take some time to read the statics before saying what you just said. :+1:

If you read what was fully explained higher up this page…there is a comment that fully explains all of the stats / numbers & fully explains how by having all of the skills does NOT make the player overpowered.

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For anyone looking for the comment with all of the stats / numbers that I spoke about in my last comment…it should be #15 on the comments number bar.

Either let us unlock all skills or at the very least let us respec to try different builds.

Oh my word i missed that post , glad i did would of took a lot coffee eh @Vasdema you mate handled it proper good , all of you were just being you and then @NaturalGamer18 posted whatever that was ? Am still speechless :thinking: ermm coffee time , well its been 30+ Days now , and all is calm

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I’m okay with not being able to unlock all the skills but I do wish there was a respec option. You shouldn’t be able to just respec over and over easily though,
they would have to find a way to make you earn it. Maybe have it cost a full stack of adrenaline?


I’m ok with the current level cap the way the game is currently, but…

  • skill respec should be allowed. One needs a very different skillset playing solo or in coop. The skills I use when I play solo (mostly health, stealth and tech based) aren’t nearly as useful when playing with 2-4 players. That’s particularly true if multiple players are skilled similarly. I want high stamina and speed when playing solo so I can outrun large groups of hunters chasing me. When playing with a group, I’d prefer trade that speed for firepower and damage to take machines down. And for a new player starting out, it’s hard to know what to select. It’s easy to mess up your skills initially before you really know what’s going on. Seeing as starting a new character doesn’t start a new game, respec would totally fix that issue.

  • once new content is added to the game, more skills need to be added, and the skill level cap should be expanded. Right now, the skill tree looks rather absolute ending in specializations. Not sure how they’d do that.


Another down side to a low cap is after people hit the cap there’s no reason to play.
Its a great game but I’ll be caped long before I get the map explored, once I know I’m not gaining anything, I’m not going to be as excited to play as much and as a developer you want people to continue playing correct?
I’m level 14 on PS4, only have 3 bunkers explored, a small fraction of the map cleared and have all but 2 or 3 gold guns. Gold guns are to easy to get, once you get them the game is easy mode without even having all the skills.
Get rid of the cap and make bots harder to kill, the big ones are way to predictable in their movements.

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I Agree there should not be a level cap.

HOWEVER, and this is very important.
If there is no level cap, there need to be a system/mechanic, that makes it much harder to earn exp and gain skills. MUCH!

Also, the current skill system would need to be expanded, quite a lot.
NO ONE PLAYER, should ever be able to gain all skills. Even gaining half of the skills in game shouldnt be possible.

However, an experienced person, in this world. who is “max” level, should still be able to develop and gain skills/traits/Surströmming.

HOWEVER, gaining skills, should be something RARE and NEVER be based on exp alone. Since grinding exp, to get all skills = ruins things.

More skills! Biggest level cap, BUT in a way that no one ever gets even half the skills on one character!

Me and my friend both gave up on the game around level 12 when we realized that we wouldn’t be able to make the builds we wanted.

Why would you make a skill tree that forces you put points into skills you don’t want or need in order to get what you want, than severely limited the number of skill points avaliable?


I wouldn’t mind the level cap if they had sub-skills that could still gain exp on after reaching the core character cap. That would be a huge implement though.

I think your bang on, but had GenZ been problem free then maybe 4 months down the line things like level capping would have been addressed but there is a lot more to deal with.

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negative … not really !

I agree 100% this is the exact sort of game where a level cap is needed. I do however feel that it was to low a cap. I would think a cap at 40 would have been great like in theHunter: COTW that said I have zero problem with learning to play my characters role based on the skills & perks that I have within the cap system. it is a TRUE co-op where the RPG feel is real not like some games where it is not. Learn your role in the team & play it. If solo is your thing set-up a character for that…

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Do understand: exp is what unlocks skills, both are tied in together.
So, more Exp = more Skill points.

If further skills are developed over time, things will be an issue…

I to would like some more skill points available

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Absolutely not, I’d say.
For the already gone balance sake.
VERY bad idea.

Agreed no more skill points, you make a character add skills and live with the choices


Question? Why not ask to increase the lvl cap from 31 to maybe 40 or 50? Someone said it takes roughly 20 points to fill a skill tree but if you had 50 you’d either fill 3 1/2 of your favorite skill or 1 point in each as a jack of all trade. In my opinion 45 sounds reasonable, have the respec incase someone wants to switch up with their current character without having to make another character and the game will still be fairly difficult even with a lvl boost. Those apoc machines are rather rough anyways and i can tell its going to get worse. That and everyone should invest in the combat skill tree for improved combat.


I agree 100%, although i doubt they will change it.

As a solo player in this game. The power cap is really annoying and would like to see it become higher to get all the skills available in the game. However if we do get this, i don’t want to see One-Man-Armies running everywhere. Meaning i don’t want everyone getting every single active specialization and using them all at once.