Level Caps Are Not Welcome & Here's Why

Maybe my suggestion is stupid, but anyways:

  1. Base skill tree can have the same level cap (31) or can be increased to 40
  2. Skill respec possibility (for example, by crafting a brain electrode and use it :slight_smile: )
  3. Add “Master” skill tree with buffs that slightly increased with each level. To access to this skill tree you must fill the base tree to the level cap. The skill cap for each buff could be 100. So, your XP after 31 lvl is not going nowhere :slight_smile:

The “Master” buffs can be like (can be discussed):

Auto weapons dmg 0.2%/level
Rifle dmg 0.2%/level
Pistol dmg 0.2%/level
Explosive dmg 0.2%/level
HP 1%/level
Gas resistance 0.5%/level


It would be nice ir level 31 be raised higher for am level 31 and no longer get xp.


Merged topics.


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Any ideas out there if they plan on increasing the level cap im stuck at 31 and theres alot more in the skill tree I choose to get more xp but now what the point if i knew that i woulda choose something else in the tree. Please tell me they will expand to level 40 or 50 or something .
Please get back


yes it would be nice to have an increase most of the skills don’t even contribute to you being an OP killing machine.


Same discussion topics merged.


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After reading almost the entire thread thus far (I’ll be honest - I skimmed some of OP’s less necessary comments) I have an elegant solution to propose.

Retain the perfectly acceptable skill cap, but add a tutorial on the first level-up informing players of the cap, to preclude future tears.
Then, introduce a system akin to that found in Fallout 76, whereby filling additional experience bars at max level allows players to move one skill point freely from one node to another, provided the prerequisites have been met.

Needless to say, moving a skill point which was a prerequisite for a subsequent, already unlocked skill, should not interfere with the continued functionality of said already unlocked skill.

I see no issue with the level cap. My only concern is the eventual redundancy of the experience gain skills. The solution I have proposed allows those skill points to be reassigned to more useful areas later, and also prolongs their usefulness if players feel the need to reassign other skill points.
Additionally, it provides a balanced method for players to gradually refine their build by leapfrogging skill nodes to achieve a precise, yet balanced, arrangement of skills and/or specialisations.


I think there should have to be a limit, having all characters playing the same in the end and then having only the minimal specialization differences would feel rather bland (and most would probably still pick vanguard, seriously I’ve only seen one hacker and one engineer so far, but this is a whole different topic).

I’m not the first one who would like to see a system that allows max level characters to gain marginal bonuses after reaching max level and the option to re-spec or move skill points as Anarchronist has pointed out. Gaining power should not only have to happen on a stat-basis, but also on a player-skill basis. This is why we have to learn to cope with those 30 skill points we get, but essentially wasting experience once levelled up is also not the perfect way. With marginal stat-increases that do not turn us into terminators we would have something to work towards while also getting to know our build better or being able to adjust it. But removing level cap would make us more overpowered than we already are and I’d like this game to not turn into destiny.


That sounds interesting.
I think having some missions providing additional skill points would also be another option to have more flexibility in spec’ing your character. 5 to 10 additional skill points over the entire map would be a welcome addition.
Since some skills seem to be just filler whole level ups are just to reach skills further down the line.


While I’m in two minds about the idea of level caps, in the one hand I’d love to unlock every thing, on the other there’s no reason to force choice. I think it would be difficult with the games current set up of switching between solo and online co-op on the fly.

However what I think is more important than a level cap is a better organized skill tree. one that makes choosing to specialise easier and better, I like the multi-strand idea, i.e military having one strand for attack and another for defense, etc. Perhaps the issue with being solo and online could be initially fixed by having a co-op skill tree, aimed at providing support to others or buffs based on squad size. Then those who want to go online can spend points there, those who just want to solo can ignore it entirely and focus on the core skills.

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I’ve seen done games reward items for bonus levels, e.g. recieving 5x advanced med kit and an adrenaline shot each time you “level up” after the cap


Absolutely agree. i only just discovered that there even IS a level cap and im level 14. It took me 16 hours of constant gameplay to get here. I do not want to now have to restart because i speced myself entirely to make leveling easier, not knowing theres a level cap. Its, super, SUPER annoying that i may have to restart and ssomehow get all of the gear ammo and weaponry i have gotten to my other character. Why would i force myself to do another 16 hours of solid gameplay to try to regain everything i have no just because the game doesnt inform you theres a max level and what it is?

Ive tried to get friends to play this game, none of them are interested, so this really does just kicks the solo players like me over. Theres no benefit


I only play with one character, and I too did not know about a level cap in the beginning. Should the game have told us? Some say yes and some (me) say no, because I adapt to what the game gives to me, I plan and learn on the fly. That’s how I want to play this game. When I read that people thought the game was too hard, I bought it, not because I’m very good, but because I wanted to see if I could make it in this unforgiving world. This game was cheap, what could I lose. I knew I wasn’t “a right in the face fighter”, so instinctively I immediate chose the stealthy approach for my character, and the skills that would help me the most with that role. And it worked fine, even without the skills I couldn’t get anymore after level 31. Now almost 700 hours later I survived and am still playing trying to find everything that is hidden in this world.


A majority of the skills in this game are of very low benefit to the player, thankfully, so making “mistakes” in what you pick doesn’t really affect gameplay that much.
That said, of course the game should tell you there is a level cap.

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COTW was capped at 40. It should have been the same and given the extra 10 Skill points

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Why should have that been the same? Why not accept the game as it’s offered? (not talking about bugs) The fact that you have to plan and find out the hard way that there is a level cap, makes the experience that more real and immersive.
I never understood all the changes and additions to the game people want.

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Why is this still so important? I still disagree with the first argument raised by this post, but I won’t disagree a level cap should be indicated, but not raised until either difficulty is raised, utility is raised, or skills reworked in a way that you can level yourself infinitely, but still don’t make it some superhero fantasy.

@AliasDJA You’re making a point about this other game, but I won’t deny an indicator for the level cap would be a nice indicator for those still thinking they’re deserving of more points.

Right now I see a different implementation helping this question without increasing level caps -
In-Game making a new save that lets the player restart the story. Not manual PC playerbase’s save file finnicking. Through the game, you can start a new save to start the story again and get the story/collectable XP, because it’s a massive difference in leveling AFTER you’ve made a ‘mistake’ with your skillpoints. I’ll agree that some skills don’t change too much the gameplay to make it a mistake, but it surely is frustrating when you’ve made choices you ended up not liking and spending your skillpoint there.

A skill respec after reaching max rank and re-leveling is also a solution, but NOT more points!

First name basis now eh? :slight_smile:

Well, I’ll tell you my thinking - the game that was offered was not new. Yes - the concept was but it was built on call of the wild. Because of this, early game play I compared to its foundations, and quite honestly it didn’t compare. In comparison, COTW wins hands down - but there have been some things that Avalanche, and even Bjorn has referenced directly from COTW.

I’ll say now, I don’t think the cap will ever change. There is somewhat I domino effect if that side of the game is adjusted and I don’t like the idea of them tampering with the skill tree. Going to level 40 won’t improve the game now -it’s too far down the line and not enough to keep it interesting.

So in essence - and to tag in Pufty’s comment - it’s now way, way down on the "to do " list. A lot more needs to be addressed and fixed as a matter of urgency and game longevity.

The only possible thing that I see could be introduced along the caps / skill tree ideas - would be the Prestige points in some way being used. But again…way down the line.

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Sorry. I will Edit. :innocent:

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Your OK mate, it’s all good./

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