Level Caps Are Not Welcome & Here's Why

I hope they scrap the current thing. And make a passive leveling system based on Job Paths rather than the restrictive and overly fluffed thing we have right now.

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Hello to all who read this. I just wanted to talk about the level limit which I’m sure many of you already have. Being honest, it sucks. It is no fun for me to be limited and not be able to get all of the perks I want; especially when I have to buy perks I don’t want to get the ones I do want. I have a couple simple solutions that I think would be awesome if the dev team could see.

The first being just to completely remove it; let the level cap be how many perks there are. Let people get everything in the game and if they buy a dlc that adds more perks, then increase the level cap when they purchase it.

My second option would be to increase the level limit to 50, and add a point refund system if you accidentally buy a perk, or realize you don’t want it. The twist is don’t make the point refund just an option in the menu, make it a usable item that you can find in the game (1 time use) so it is not abused. This would be helpful for people like me, who bought the tick pod specialist, and realized it is absolutely terrible and even after killing 100s of robots have still not gotten a single pod even with mechanic. If you could find these items around the map and refund your points that would be a good fix.

My last option, which is my personal least favorite, would be to have an infinite level cap, but make the perks cost more as you go up the tree, like the first couple perks are 1 point, then 2, and the specialist is 3. Although the 3rd one would be hard and annoying to grind for, it is better than not being able to grind or do anything at all.

If you see this please think about changing how the level limit works. Thank you!


Or you do a other caractere like me , the second caractere will be VERY easy to lvl up with the weapon you already have , just have to do some mess and kill tank to lvl up very very fast. In one of my fight i get like 6000xp in one battle , depend on what you kill and where you are . And you have some relais beacon to :grin::grin::grin::ok_hand:

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I’ve merged this with the main thread regarding changing the Level Cap and added some paragraphs to make the post easier to read.


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@IcyGingaNinja “Disastrous”, really? :thinking: GZ is built mainly as a co-op game. The idea is to get you to specialize in one of 4 categories, so you can build a team of players with different roles. Removing the lvl. cap would be ridiculous. You’re not supposed to play as a super soldier. Even raising the cap to 40, let alone 50, would unbalance the whole idea of specialization. I’m pretty sure the devs don’t want this, and I honestly hope they keep it the way it is. Maybe if they some day make the endgame harder, the cap could be raised to 35 or something.

If you’ve played Fallout 4, that game has infinite leveling and perk selection, something that shifted the game from RPG to action category. It upset a lot of the fan base, including me, but it pleased the new kids and the casual players, I guess.

I remember back before GZ was released. The devs specifically said this was meant as a co-op game. Sure you could play it alone, but you would have a very hard time with the toughest battles. I just hope they don’t water down their original concept because some players crave a more casual experience.

Also remember, leveling a second character is much faster than your first one.
I’m just finishing leveling up my second character, a Vanguard build. I picked these skills:


Tech, right:
1 p. Chemist
1 p. Lockpicking
2 p. Salvage

Tech, left:

Survival, right:
1 p. Stamina Recharge
3 p. Health Amount

Survival, left:
2 p. Stamina Amount
2 p. Running Speed
2 p. Carry Capacity
1 p. Steady Feet

Support, right:

Support, left:

Combat, right:
2 p. Reload Speed
1 p. Run and Gun
2 p. Armor
2 p. Armor Damage
1 p. Trigger Happy
1 p. Vanguard (Specialization)

Combat, left:
1 p. Aim Speed
1 p. Hip Shot Accuracy
2 p. Weapon Recoil
2 p. Weapon Sway


@NJR87 I play it in a co op version, and I enjoy playing with others, but the bad part is that most of the classes are pointless. Perks are useless, and you have to spend points of some of them to get the good ones, AND you can’t even refund and buy the best play style for you. That is why my favorite fix to this problem is adding items you can find that let you refund points. Removing the level cap was just an option, but you should definitely be able to refund point and the skill tree needs to be revamped. I mean how useless is the extra exp perk when you get to the level cap? The tick specialization never gives any ticks, the hacker perk becomes useless once your hacking chance becomes like 8%. Healing others? Why not just drop them a medkit. Why would you buy decreased weapon sway when there is the marksman perk. There are so many perks that are just wasted skill points. That is my problem with it. If they fixed the perks and let you refund, I would 100% be ok with being a hacker class or being a tank class or anything, but half the perks in the “classes” have nothing to do with this class.


The lvl cap should be at least 41 do to there is 83 clicks on the lvl upgrades

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Same discussion topics merged.

Also, search the forums before making a topic since chances are that someone else has already made the same topic.


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I agree some skills are “useless”, and some skills really need to be revamped. I don’t know what the devs themselves think about the skill tree, but they have had their hands full of fixing more important issues. Nothing about the current skill tree is game breaking IMO, and with my own Vanguard build I feel there’s nothing the game can throw at me that I can’t handle, on Skirmish at least. I may have to move to Guerilla to up the challenge a notch or three, but that’s another topic.
Anyway, I’m sure you probably feel like you’ve wasted a lot of skill points, and I just have to encourage you to build a new character. My second char. will hit lvl. 31 next time I play, and I will have used roughly 60 hours to get him from 0 - 31.
The skill tree may get a workover at one point, who knows? They should at least consider looking into it so that none of the specializations feel useless. I just don’t think raising the cap would be good for the game. :slight_smile:


Just as a Fallout 4 Second opinion, the problem is not about the Infinite leveling, the problem is that the game no longer resembles the older Fallout`s which had lots of dialogue and more choices, everything got better but the story telling and Dialogue got worst and simple.
About GZ having the character at level 50 does not make you Capt America, i specialized with Vanguard and weight and Health skills, the rest was about loot and faster reload, and i still have to be careful and act smart.
Having the skills extended to level 50 would only improve one or more defense or attack skills, the rest would be about survival or support skills, which most are pretty useless.
So if one thinks carefully about it, the player would not be as buffed as it would seem, which if it did i agree it would not fit well with the game.


I just think adding another 19 or 20 skillpoints is too much, and enough to render the specializations obsolete. I could agree with raising the cap to 36 or 41, but only if they add a 5’th machine class, and maybe eventually, a machine more dangerous than the tank. :wink:

As for Fallout:


I dream about waking up one day and reading that the rights to Fallout have been sold to Obsidian! :joy: Bethesda doesn’t know how to capture the correct Fallout atmosphere, IMO. I never even liked F3, because I played F:NV first, so after that F3 felt lacking in so many ways! Obsidian adopted the atmosphere, the great dialogues, the dark humor, and the general feeling of F1 and F2, something Bethesda never accomplished. I also think Fallout belongs only on the west coast of USA, not on the east coast. The american revolution setting of F4 just feels completely out of place for me. F76 I won’t touch…

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You know that there is a machine type more dangerous then a tank already in the game. It’s called the hunter spawn-machine aka harvester :sweat_smile:

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New machine types would be better, new enemies, new ways to terrorize the players, and the Reaper will appear one day :open_mouth:

I think Fallout belongs everywhere :sunglasses: an entire World devastated by Nuclear fire and secret weapons programs and abominations, it´s limitless.
But obsidian should lead the charge, if only they had the money and Betheda allowed, buying the franchise rights would be the best for everyone (one can Dream).

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Already the game is severely imbalanced in our favour.
Machines hardly pose a threat, even on “gorilla mode”.
Having even more opened in skill, would bring the game even more out of balance.

There is this simple logic that applies here.

While the Devs made machines more bullet spongy, and sure, it does increase the threat level a tad, it surely is not what the machines should be.

Often they take up to 12 seconds to figure out what is going on when fired upon, machines fall sometimes to a dead stop, not acting/reacting at all, their aim is often allover the place, and in normal mode, the 75’ish meter (or claimed 100 meter, but i seriously doubt that) isn’t that decent either.

Considering all this, a level/skillpoint cap is a necessity…

Once the above mentioned issues are solved, they can still change the cap to X.
For now though, it is good as it is, IMHO.


LOL :joy:

I agree that turning enemies into bullet sponges is a bad way to make them harder. This is mainly why I stay at Skirmish difficulty. Shooting too many bullets at a single enemy is boring and kills the flow of the gameplay. :slightly_smiling_face:


So TRUE!!!
But it does make it a tad harder nonetheless, which I aim for.
Difficulty over boredom, for me.

Hence I nag so much about fixing Machine AI…

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13 posts were merged into an existing topic: Storage box size

Then they can at least add the skill reset then

Personally the system as is is kind of moot once you hit peak level. Some players are right, if you waltz up to a place where you need another skill and you’re a solo player, you basically need to build another class loadout to be able to surpass that. I have a solution though, goes in line with the prestige points, rather than them just being “bragging rights”, they give you an extra skill point upon completion of obtaining every 2 prestige points you obtain, allowing people to really want to run those challenges and give those achievement hounds something to look forward too, rather than “hey look at this shiny new badge”. Because at current state, that is all prestige points do, and nothing more. It doesn’t really give anyone a major incentive to complete the challenges or continue playing the game after they’ve completed the storyline, besides a narcissist’s ego trip. The storyline itself, main game… with diligence, can be done in a little under 12 hours if you don’t focus on side missions and just press on through solo. Most of us like to do all the quests in the area to level up faster, but that doesn’t make you OP by any means. I’ve found though, the main things you really need to focus on is the weapon sway, armor shredding… run speed, and lockpicking… everything else is just situational. If you can aim properly, the scavenging perk is useless, and if you don’t build anything, so is the mechanic perk. Even with healing… there really isnt a need to spec into medic, when survival bandages are readily available. And if you spec’d into run speed and a little stamina regeneration, strafing around bullets from the enemies isn’t an issue. I havent played this game religiously. However, I realized it’s a scavenging game from the very beginning, So keeping what you plan on using a lot, and not picking up everything you see will make the gameplay much easier. This isn’t a difficult game, and personally i cannot imagine having everything unlocked. I wouldn’t say it would be over powered, but a lot of the skills are basically situational at best, and not many times do you run into those situations, if at all. I’ve made several players, and realized this to be cumbersome to have to switch, but after playing the game enough, spec’ing into first spec to marksman, then some in survival, and some into tech, makes for a good all around player, and you really don’t run into anything yo can’t pass this way.


This would bring even more imbalance, sir.
We are FAR too overpowering.
The machines went from threat to target.
Every shot that hit, seems just bad luck for us.

More skills open… seems very bad juju… sir…