List of biggest issues (as suggested by pontus)

Good list @Madchaser and a good call from @Avalanche_Pontus to ask for it.

Have the issues (PC/Steam) where mission progress is being blocked and sometimes NPC go mute blocking rewards until mission last item is viewed, been fixed?

I have been away for a few weeks, tired of all new stuff loaded into the game and old bugs ignored.

I started playing Generation Zero when serious bugs in theHunter: COTW was replaced by a new major bug at every update, helping out identify and clarify what caused them and sending in bug reports (plenty).

Well I figured I can as well go back to playing COTW until this thing blows over and check in later when the cool Resistance features work again and points/tokens/connections don’t reset. But I was surprised to see COTW work far better today than earlier.

So I suggest on top of my head that Generation Zero devs talk to the COTW devs in the next room (working for same company and all). Or if they are the same devs, then stop hating your job and talk to your boss about hiring more people :wink:

Oh, what lured me back was the new Resistance Weapons Pack! That one totally makes sense and this direction is much appreciated as requested in my earlier thread. So yeah, paid DLC work for fans of the game, but it only go so far guys.


I didn’t initiate this list, but Madchaser did. All kudos should go to him. :coffee:

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@Gysbert thanks for pointing out that blunder :sweat_smile: I corrected my previous post.


Is the DLC weapon duplication glitch on here? I’ll load in a new character sometimes and my plundra will have 900+ weight spontaneously added to it and it is exclusively DLC weapons and DLC ammo

No, ill add it to the list later.

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Hey, kinda new here. How is everyone?
Ive noticed some (sneeze all) of the weapons on the map seem to be respawning.
I’ve already recovered a second 5 Star magnus and a handful of others.
Any clue what this is? Is anyone else experiencing this?

That sounds like a new bug, haven’t heard of anyone else experiencing that. Once you pick them up they’re supposed to disappear forever.

Are you playing via Gamepass? Recently they got an unfinished update added early by mistake so that might have something to do with it.

Nah im not with the gamepass
I bought the game 1 month after its release

Ill give it a look over tomorrow when im done with my current save.

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In that case I’m not sure why weapons would be respawning.

well im not complaining since I lost my 5c Magnus literally 4 days before I found out about the glitch

Update on this, went to a few of the 5c weapons i had picked up on my old main save and none were there, AI-76, Kalucke 17 and .44 Magnus. I suspect this is a Xbox only bug as im not really willing to do this on the PS side of things as well, mainly since im mostly bored of the game.

thanks man, ill have to check other spots myself later

Please don’t use this topic for discussion, just for pointing on already posted big issues to add them to the list. Add a link and a short discribtion.

This one, if it’s a bug, don’t seem to be as negative.


@Madchaser sorry man

I’d be happy if the wrench icon worked again when a structure in the base needs repairs.

If you need the EMP schematic, just have someone who has the hacker skill active hack the computer for you before opening the door.

I’ve edited the list in a few parts.
Some issues have been solved, many persist.
Take a look at the list and feel free to write, if something can be marked as solved or something should be added to the list.

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  • LOC. Soviet outpost Location east of Hagaboda has no name and no icon.
  • 3rd Weapon in Soviet recon camp in Marshland is still not attainable. (or there is a underground entrance that we haven’t found)
  • 5th weapon in Salthamn seems non existent. (edit: should be fixed with new update)
  • Farmland Crater still says that there’s 0/1 beacon to be found. But there isn’t one to be found.
  • Several soviet locations in Marshland, have now 1/1 collectable, while no collectables were in the game.
  • Several soviet locations in Marshland, have now suddenly 0/1 weapons found, while I had all weapons found before New Dawn update.
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I have the same problem here there is a car at the church near Hageboda where the ramp is can’t be opened, even fire doesn’t help no matter what weapon, the vehicles don’t explode to get to the backpack or box