Map issues can go here

Not sure.
As far as I know for most missions they do not count for clients since the update that introduced the new worlds.

But a few missions, maybe especially some of the newer ones, do count.

At least it was like that with the apple murderer missions for me and my mate.

At the end there seems to be some coding confusions in each mission. Like if they have been coded by different devs who all have their own way of coding them. And some included the code correctly, while others didn’t. Or there is some new code which was integrated into the new missions because of this issue, while not all older missions have been updated with that. :man_shrugging:

But I did notice that if we play solo only, we normally always get the correct registering on the map. Conclusion: Play missions alone first before doing multiplayer. Or use a different world to play with friends. :thinking:

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I wouldn’t bet that this makes a difference, but who knows.

I meant use 1 world for solo only, and a second world for multiplayer only. That way you have the first world for 100% completion, and the other world for messing around with friends.

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I don’ t play multiplayer, only solo. I’ m Italian and here we have 2 seconds of delay so is unplayable online.

And I thought german internet is bad… :joy:

what lies under the floorboards here in Asö?

If you should crawl under the building from here, it is not possible because the gap is too small or the board is blocking the way.

It’s a dead Proto-Runner, it appears to have sunken through the floor somehow.

Minor issue.
Last few days, Steam PC, been having an issue with South Coast Region score being different for the first guest when in co-op and I the host. It started by the squad going there with the region at 21. First machine destroyed caused a rival and a Fnix base to spawn. We took out the base and the level stayed at 21. This was on my GF map so we also had to take out the hunter rival. The level dropped to 19 so we stay in the region to get it back to 21. The first guest that joined, after destroying a lot of machine in the hunter farms in the region. (hunter farms=areas like the manor that spawn a lot of hunters), he announced we reached 21 but I and the other two players stated it was still at just 20.

Came back the next day and we repeated the same thing and got the same results. The first guest that joins the map gets a different level reading than the rest.

EDIT: all other regions seem ok.

Also, last few weeks noticed a lot less crashing solo but in co-op, players are still crashing out of the map. Most the time they rejoin in a few seconds.

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You should make an own topic for this, that it can be followed up by the devs more concentrated.

@JuanEyeJack, @Zesiir
I don’t think that this is a minor issue.
Different data for different players in the same world always is bad and sound like something more in the background is going wrong. Who knows what else is affected and if it’s part of the crashing issues…

The first control point you unlock (Tyoveden) returned to a neutral control point because of the new patch

This is already reported, for further discussion and information about this bug check the following topic:

Reason I posted it here is because of the topic, and it is a map issue. And Zesiir has been doing a great job of sorting the “bugs” and bringing them to the attention of the dev team. It also could be I am the only player with this issue since it take two players in a co-op looking at the region level and then comparing them with each other. We stumbled on it by chance. But confirmed by two different players and two different times the game was started.

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Hello there, so while playing and collecting Machine Blueprints i found a problem on a certain place.

that bug appears on F23 Överby Air force base.

i Straight up fell down ofc, it was tricky how i had to get the Machine Blueprint there…

i Play on PC and i was in that moment completly alone, im not sure when this bug appeared or if its because of me (what i seriously doubt)

How i get the key of mulvadsberger Tunnel?

Not really an map issue.

But to answer your question - you do the missions from FNIX rising

It’s part of the Fnix rising DLC.

Thank you for this Answer

Map problem with UltraWide monitor (3440x1440)
Platform: PC
Look at the coordinates in relation to the mouse placement while moving.

The stations list appears on top of the location info.