More complex survival

As long as it’s in a separate mode I won’t have to play, I don’t mind. But please know that this has been proposed before, and many pointed out that you’re in some building or other every twenty minutes, and they all have working electricity (and thus, fridges/freezers).
And if that weren’t enough, people would likely want access to the supermarkets.
Unless you avoid human dwellings altogether, food just shouldn’t be an issue in this setting.
If we’re adding busywork just for the heck of it, let’s at least make that pooping. Toilets already exist all over the place, and pooping is inherently funnier than eating. Also better use of developer time to only create one item (bog roll) as opposed to a dozen kinds of food.

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Yes. Please NO unnecessary features distracting from the intended game play. Such as constantly starving and freezing, or the endless and tedious need for collecting materials. I am so happy that this game is not a survival game. It is more like an exploration shooter. Love it.

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Well, you could do 2 things:

  1. Lower your graphics settings.
  2. Buy a better GPU (I play @2560x1080 on GTX1070 with all graphics settings maxed and it runs very well).

It’s already in its lowest settings.For an example in bunker it goes lower than 20 but in the open world it’s 60.

That’s strange. I sometimes get frame rate drops below 40 in very dense forest areas, but never in bunkers :neutral_face:

That is actually odd. What are your full system specs and what resolution are you playing on? @TanselCan3322

Admittedly, I have a 2080ti. But let’s test it. Bunker, you say. I am in the Salthamn safehouse bunker. Exited the living quarters, turned left and stared down the corridor. With graphics on the ‘Low’ preset and display set to 1920x1080 in fullscreen w/o v-sync I get 260 fps. You should at least be able to get upwards of 60, I guess. Unless the rest of your platform (CPU, RAM) is not limiting you.

You can use the statistics overlay coming with the MSI Afterburner to check on CPU load in game.

Have anyone noticed those thousands and thousands canned foods around?
All the military food, bunkers and houses? There would be canned food for years, alone in all the military bunkers & camps.

And much as i like survival games, i dont wont any survival aspect to this game.


Agree with Lonewolf, there’s no need to “race against the clock”. Casual world here. Plenty of cans lying around lol !

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It’s Swedish November I know some of the community wants hardcore survival mechanics, but some of it doesn’t want them. So I’ve thought of a way to Implement its up to you here it is. A “Body Heat Gauge” it would decrease faster at night, snowing and raining. You could recover it by campfires and going into buildings. When the “Body Heat Gauge” reaches 0 you start losing health slowly. The longer it’s empty the more drastic the effects on you are. For example your health decreases faster, stamina recharge would be affected, etc.

I like it, but have a different idea. You should eat more when it is cold. I know this game does not contemplate eating, but in a Fallout type game, as the seasons change, your food requirements should increase.

Were the only humans so far theres food everywhere how would that be balanced?

At the risk of sounding like I’m gatekeeping temperature, November isn’t that cold. I’m from the northern, Arctic part of Sweden and even up here where we’ve had snow since October, the temperature is usually above -15° in November. A shirt, jacket and pants is perfectly adequate to keep you warm. January, February and March are the worst months as temperatures regularly drop below -30°, but even then it’s usually fine with gloves, jeans, shirt, hoodie and a good jacket, as long as it’s not windy.

Houses would be no good to seek shelter in since most of them have at least one open door, and if you’re cold it’s important to keep moving. Fires are pretty much useless at really low temperatures as well. Just dress properly and you’ll never need to warm up.

Welp I tried :frowning: I thought it would be cool

I mean, it’s not a bad idea per se. It would seem a bit out of place on its own IMO but if they would implement a special hard core mode along with other survival elements it would make sense. Like, different garments have different levels of insulation etc. What immediately strikes me is how hard it would be to fire a gun when your hands are numb from the cold so there’s absolutely potential to build mechanics around it.

Yes i agree i feel like end game should be the interduction to said Hardcore mode

I don’t want this in my GZ.

Y not explain please

If they ever add an optional hardcore mode, I could see it as a working mechanic. Makes you want to limit exposure when travelling to the northern parts of the island :slight_smile:


Well said sir what do you think of end game being interduction to hardcore mode

I could see it being an option you check when you roll a new character, for example.