More complex survival

Same feature request topics merged.

Do search the forums beforehand.


I like survival games, but many of them are not properly optimized, i give you an example “Stranded deep”, you are always hungry and thirsty, but strangely almost never tired, and time passes too much fast, and the worst part, even something basic as a “rock” does not spawn.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R on the other hand has those survival mechanics well implemented, but they have been part of it since the release.
Back to Generation Zero, it would not be a great idea, because it would bring more bugs, and the game is actually pretty good without those mechanics that have never been part of the game, changing that now almost 2 years after the release is like a slap on the face of the majority of people that bought the game without those mechanics and that did not want such a thing.
So, big NO from my part :sweat_smile: .
What I think that could be worth doing and easily accepted is that tier 2, 3 and 4 weapons loose their status, slowing decaying to tier 1 but being able to be repaired by equal weapons, having tier 5 (golden/yellow) and experimental weapons no decay at all for obvious reasons.
An Inferno/Brutal difficulty mode with decaying weapons, less ammo and gear, more machines and having +/- the difficulty level of the “2020 April update difficulty” is something that many might enjoy :wink: .

I don’t mind survival games, but the survival elements have to fit the story, and so far I think hunger and thirst are out. I would like to see maybe some weapon wear and tear, and with the current crafting, make cleaning and repair kits for the guns to fix them. You would have to find the schematics to make the kits. It fits more with the story, heck, maybe even give the bot weapon decay. but i think that may be another request.

I say no to survival, as it would make gz a bit boring, since you would be messing around with food and things, when most people on the forums like the game as it is. IMO the devs should carry on bringing in awesome updates and bug fixes, but just not survival ones. If others disagree with me that’s fine, and I wouldn’t mind if the devs had it as an optional mode, for people interested :slight_smile:. However, I think making sure the game works for everyone should be the biggest priority for them, as the game used to crash a lot for me, which was annoying, but now the devs fixed it, the last few weeks of gz for me have been awesome! :smile:



If a feature was added to the game, (maybe a tab in settings, or a DLC) that made it so you needed to eat food, and drink water, that might create a more engaging survival aspect of the game.
In fact, it could be more than just food and water. Flashlights could need new batteries after a while, (and the new ones could be crafted/scavenged) you could reinforce certain parts of your safe house with other recourses, etc.

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Same feature request topics merged.

Also, do search the forums.


That is a fantastic idea. I would definitely be pleased if they added that in the next update.

hello everyone … did not think to add the need for food and water to the game … so that the player is not current for HP but also thirst and hunger. . body temperature … in a certain revenge base to build with a farm … which will eventually be attacked … you have all for this clothes. in one mission I remember to build up the base … there is construction … just food to distribute.

Same feature request topics merged.

Also, forum search still works.


But weapons do not “decay”! You have to clean them, that’s all, until you wear it out which would take five years. Maybe after three months heavy fighting you might need to change the barrel, or the trigger sear, but you could do that at your workshop bench. The idea I see in some games where the weapon deteriorates in ten minutes is just stupid.


Weapons decay in Stalker and in some games, i explained it, if you followed that logic you would have understood.
I never compared it to real life!

Oh God! I couldn’t bear having to find another one - each one took me weeks to find! I’ve literally only just got the Exp Kpist, and another two weeks to find an extended mag. Let’s not go there. Five seconds and a bit of electrolyte on the crafting table if you like, but no more than that!

My proposal was that 5c and 6c(experimental) weapons and attachments do not decay.

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I can’t see any “obvious reason” why if the others did, they wouldn’t. What would be more interesting would be if you could upgrade a two crown, by cleaning it up. You might loot a new barrel off a machine, for instance. That might make sense, so that you start with the first weapon you find and gradually get it to five crown.

Why find the best versions if they are not special and can decay ! ?
That is obvious.
If anyone would follow your logic then it would be better to everything stay as it is.
Experimentals and 5c weapons are not standard versions so they should never downgrade to earlier stages.

Well, Experimentals yes, but FiveC are just a bit better than FourC, which are bit better than ThreeC.

But do understand, I am perfectly happy with things as they are. I was not in favour of crafting, but I am now. The possibility to generate 40 standard medkits in three minutes from stuff I was not aware of particularly collecting and of which I have tons saves hours of shopping. Explosive is quite hard to get enough of, but now I’ve discovered gas bottles have it, so I can do a Fast Travel loot of every warehouse with a Safe House attached and that eases things and a similar loot raid for adrenaline shots provides the copper, so now I’m a fan, but I don’t particularly want more - I’m perfectly happy as we are! :))

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I like this idea and feature, I would like to see it in GZ.
But what with people that don’t like/ hate this?
We could just adjust it in setting, completely turn it off or just make it weaker.