Most, if not all Experimental Weapons need to be Nerfed

Sorry. I just corrected myself to prevent further confusion.

I also call television shows and movies ‘Films’ just for future reference.

I did not edit any films either. I edited what I said, and as I have stated, I corrected one of my comments on this thread.

And trust me, I would much rather be editing films than going into architecture. :slight_smile:


I dont agree, leave them as they are!
Please dont go the way like other games, like Division2, where everytime you start the game your weapon is different again.
Leave them as they are, its so much fun!



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What is QFT? I googled it and it came up with scientific term.

“Quoted for truth.”
Should’ve just written “I agree”, sorry. :smile:

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Fascinating discussion. I feel moved to put my ten penn’orth in. As a long time Destiny addict, I have lived with Bungie fiddling with the sandbox and the meta for years.
Every time I find a weapon I like, it becomes too popular so - you guessed it - nerf time. For a die hard pve player like me, it was nothing but frustrating.
I like the .50, and the fire spitting assault rifle is sweet. But as I have to watch the ammo, I can’t just go charging around spraying bullets at everything.
In short, I agree. Please don’t nerf the experimental weapons! :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:


The only weapon I haven’t had randomly gifted on rivals is the shotgun. But from what I see I still fork out large mountains of shell casing on my feet. I think weapons like the AG4 are looking OP is because each hit the fire damage has a Short count of constant damage on components.

The sniper works how I feel it should. Goes through them and can hit other machines. Works amazing against hunters from a far when they line up.

Pistol I haven’t got to use yet cause before I got off today I dropped a lvl 3 fnix tank and got it. I hope it can take the place of an emp bomb but I don’t Know yet from what I read it sound best against runners, seekers and ticks for a chance to emp.

I don’t like the krisp submachine gun. But the higher rate fire just boost the dps is all.

Shotgun I’m still trying to get so no idea. I have seen people use it and it made me happy watching them dish out the punishment back on fnix hunters lol.

I (don’t) agree the experimentals are OP. If anything they need to be like @Zesiir said and some others in different post: lvl 4-5 rivals (Guns)only. Lvl 1 should give mass ammo. 2-3 clothing.

I also think experimental attachments and ammo should be the next edition.

“ I have spoken ! ”

I was thinking the same thing. They may seem OP now but if future enemies are more powerful I don’t want to have to dump 20 rockets and 150 .50 cal rounds in em to take em out.

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If people don’t like the exp versions then don’t use them. Let’s not ruin the fun for other players who are loving them. All the 5* weapons work quite well as is. I tend to use the lower classes for a more realistic play. There are so many choices/paths and ways to play this amazing game.

I have all 6* weapons except the grenade launcher. I have no use for pistol or shotgun. My opinion that is the fastest way to get killed. Love the AG4. It is my all around weapon of choice. For in bunkers and close up places I use the Krisp in rapid fire. In my travels I seem to come across more ammo for it so wasting ammo with it is not a problem for me. Now for the big stuff and very long distance the P90 is the one. I have the 5* grenade launcher and haven’t heard of anything better in the 6* except firing 2 grenades at once. It is easy to just miss a tank by the round going between their legs…… so would not want to waste 2 rounds. I imagine that if you were close 2 rounds would be a good thing. I don’t have one yet to play with. Might use the ‘V’ selector to choose between 1 or 2 rounds… but don’t know. So… Please no Nerfing…

So with the new apocalypse class machines, do people still think that the exp guns are overpowered?


Yes, even the new tank is not that hard to take out with conventional weapons.

Ran into two apo tanks near the normayra military base and between the hail of proxy mines and high rof guns on said tanks, the experimental weapons felt appropriately powerful. Fighting Fenix enemies can still get hairy if they flank you or start landing explosive fletchettes. Long story short i pretty much like the weapons the way they are. Agree not to turn this into a border lands style loot shooter, but a slow introduction of a few more weapons would be nice. The eighties were a good time for unusual weapons, like the spas 12, calico sub-machine gun, coonan auto mag, Beretta 93r etc.

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They’re too weak now.
Yes, you can defeat the enemies using them, but you’ll get bored halfway through.

Actually the apo tank is alot weaker than the fnix one. But I am talking about the apo hunters which are really tough guys and if they come in groups you better run…

Can you explain how you arrived at that assessment? I always felt the FNIX tank was unusually weak (only has tier 2 ticks, doesn’t have a shockwave, so you can basically walk right up to it and kick it over). Or is this a comment on the bullet sponginess of the FNIX tank vs the Apo tank? Thanks.

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Yes the fnix tank is already weak compared to the military one. But the new apo tank if you attack him at disctance only uses his “mine launcher” and that damage you can easy avoid. So as long as you dont shot off his gun you are fine… takes a bit longer to kill a apo compared to a fnix but you dont really get any damage from him.

Do you even know how hard some of the robots are I have experimental shotgun and it’s still very hard even with the best ammo

That is… VERY… relative.
Sure, they got armour, and some require a ton of that to put it face down in the mud, I agree.
But that is not hard, it’s… TOUGH… they are tough, some at least.

The issue is, I think, not in the ammo.
The issue, I think, is not in the weapons.
The issue, I!!! think…and I do not want to again be the annoying fart who keeps bringing up the same time and time again, but I feel I have to: it is the Machine AI.
All begins there.

I have had FNIX tanks just… staring at me being 30m to 50m away, shooting them… and they just… stand there, oblivious to anything.
I’ve had engaging packs of Runners from like 75m away, they ignored it.
The ONLY ones that act somewhat normal?
If they THINK even you’re there, click “Killer mode active, engaging enemy”.
Now, these too underperform at damage, but that is something else, point is, ALL machines should be like Ticks.
Spotted Click “Termination mode active, target acquired, Target engaged.”
It should be as fast as you read that line above.
300M, LoS allows you to be spotted?

If the AI is fixed, be assured, you will not find the ammo to be OP, trust me.
IF Avalanche was kind enough to test this with us, my point would be proven.
For it is that simple…
Much faster reaction speed, increased awareness and aggression range.
Nothing else needs to be fixed, just that…

Too bad I cannot prove this…

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In my experience, using that shotgun is a self-nerf. I’ve killed more things with sticky flares, or having robots shoot canisters.

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