In another Avalanche Studios game: The Hunter: Call of the Wild, has much better MP join system in place than in GZ. 0L0 showcased it in here: Cheaters, when will you prevent this?
I too agree that better MP join system would benefit GZ MP in general, like:
- seeing the Host’s username
- in-game difficulty
- amount of players in host’s game
That, among other reasons, is why this topic was made: Code of Conduct when joining a coop game
Early days, i did have my game open for everyone for a while but since i had all my missions done and there wasn’t much else to do in my game, i stated to join other player’s games.
Now, i just can’t open my game for Anybody and i have to keep it Invite Only.
Reason why
I don’t need kids in my candy store. I’ve worked way too hard to get my Rivals collection to almost perfection, where Region score is maxxed out and every rival is a lvl 4 Tank. Currently only few rivals are hunters and harvs, that i need to take care of.
The matchmaking filter does work, given there are games to match your criteria. E.g if there are 2 open games where one is at Adventurer difficulty and another one is at Guerilla difficulty and if you choose Guerilla difficulty in your filter then you will be put into the Guerilla difficulty game.
Though, if there is no available game to match your search criteria exactly, then you’ll be put into the any other available game matching your other criteria (min player count and preferred language).
Decent idea but with a flaw: if post-end game player creates a new char and joins MP to level up his/hers 2nd/ 3rd/ 4th char, he/she would be put into low level player’s game, most likely new player for the game.
Sure, the char level range matches but the player skill/experience level has huge difference.
Another decent idea but again, with a flaw: kill amount alone doesn’t state how good/bad someone is.
For example, player who has killed 6000 machines but have died 3000 times is much worse than player who has killed only 1000 machines but died 100 times.
K&D ratio is the true number showing how good/bad someone is in the game. Also, K&D ratio isn’t for individual chars but for all chars combined. So, even when player with low lvl char joins but he/she has good K&D ratio, then that shows he/she does know what he/she is doing.
Speaking of K&D ratio, here’s a topic where to post yours and look for other player’s K&D ratio: Post your K/D ratios here!