Multiplayer issues

Yeah I think there should be XP groups 1-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-31


I wouldn’t want to be paired with a fairy that’s scared to pull the trigger. One of those sneaky types that play in the dark in silence doing missions for XP.

Machine kills would be a good stat to base it on however…

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yeah but i have killed a few thousand so…


5000 - 9999

10,000 +

In another Avalanche Studios game: The Hunter: Call of the Wild, has much better MP join system in place than in GZ. 0L0 showcased it in here: Cheaters, when will you prevent this?

I too agree that better MP join system would benefit GZ MP in general, like:

  • seeing the Host’s username
  • in-game difficulty
  • amount of players in host’s game

That, among other reasons, is why this topic was made: Code of Conduct when joining a coop game

Early days, i did have my game open for everyone for a while but since i had all my missions done and there wasn’t much else to do in my game, i stated to join other player’s games.

Now, i just can’t open my game for Anybody and i have to keep it Invite Only.

Reason why

I don’t need kids in my candy store. I’ve worked way too hard to get my Rivals collection to almost perfection, where Region score is maxxed out and every rival is a lvl 4 Tank. Currently only few rivals are hunters and harvs, that i need to take care of.

The matchmaking filter does work, given there are games to match your criteria. E.g if there are 2 open games where one is at Adventurer difficulty and another one is at Guerilla difficulty and if you choose Guerilla difficulty in your filter then you will be put into the Guerilla difficulty game.

Though, if there is no available game to match your search criteria exactly, then you’ll be put into the any other available game matching your other criteria (min player count and preferred language).

Decent idea but with a flaw: if post-end game player creates a new char and joins MP to level up his/hers 2nd/ 3rd/ 4th char, he/she would be put into low level player’s game, most likely new player for the game.
Sure, the char level range matches but the player skill/experience level has huge difference.

Another decent idea but again, with a flaw: kill amount alone doesn’t state how good/bad someone is.
For example, player who has killed 6000 machines but have died 3000 times is much worse than player who has killed only 1000 machines but died 100 times.

K&D ratio is the true number showing how good/bad someone is in the game. Also, K&D ratio isn’t for individual chars but for all chars combined. So, even when player with low lvl char joins but he/she has good K&D ratio, then that shows he/she does know what he/she is doing.

Speaking of K&D ratio, here’s a topic where to post yours and look for other player’s K&D ratio: Post your K/D ratios here!

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Now that’s a solid idea, that way covers stats of all characters as well.

There are those whoever who have ranked the rivals up through death and respawn. Something to consider down the line for sure if they consider looking into multiplayer.

I only bothered with multiplayer ONCE. Three stepping “reception” bars vs an actual ping number is the main turn off. I’m not joining a game without knowing how strong my ping actually is with the server.

There is no server in GZ. All MP games are played in host’s PC/console.

When I join i often greet the current players, fast travel close to them, check for hackers (or modders) in the player tab, then ask what’s the plan. Most multiplayer sessions end up being rival hunts, but sometimes we just go on killing sprees (good old airport lol). Occasionally I run into what looks like people playing for the first time, or bunch of people goofing around (player launching).

If someone joins my session I greet them then keep an eye on my map to track their movement. I’ve been able to prevent a few people from completing missions or killing my rivals this way.


These guys obviously had not been on the forum and read that as they decided to take advantage :cry:

Sadly, there is always someone who is willing to take advantage of other people for their own personal gain.

In GZ, that translates in one of the two or both:

  1. Completing missions for the host to gain easy and fast XP, thus robbing host for his/hers gameplay experience.
  2. Killing rivals without host’s approval to get the experimental weapons, thus voiding the time and effort host put in to spawn and level up rivals.

Also, i’ve seen quite a few people whom i’ve dubbed “vultures”. These players are the ones who immediately run up to you to check what you dropped to the ground and if there is anything value there, they will take it.

In GZ, it’s common to drop something on the ground when re-arranging your inventory. But for other people to grab it as soon as you dropped it is in my opinion very rude and equals with stealing.

Luckily, new list based inventory helps to remedy that issue since you can go over of your max carry capacity. But with old grid based inventory, where you had define amount of slots, dropping items temporarily to the ground were much more common during inventory sorting.

Of course, cheaters are completely in another ballpark and there’s not much to talk about those. Everything that is talked about cheaters is written in here: Cheaters, when will you prevent this?

To find good people to play with, you can look and/or ask around the forums since most people here do know what they are doing. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ve a video done explaining this should anyone ever need it.

Well, you could make a topic in Community Content subforum and put your video in there. This way, anyone who are interested in it, can view it, rather than sending you requests to view it.

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Aaand the frustration continues!
Random guy joins my game, and types:

we hunt 6 star weapon

Before I’m even done typing my answer, he’s already off, charging toward a lvl. 1 rival closest to him! I just terminate the whole game to shake him off… And this happens often! :confounded:

But what the actual heck? Where do these attitudes come from? Why is it not a natural instinct to respect the host’s boundaries? :thinking:

What do you do when raiders storm your game like this? :anguished:

And sorry, I just had to vent… :sweat:


This, along with no scaling a while back, made me play solo.
I also had my share of… well… not-so-fun-to-be-around folks.
Which further pushed me to keep my game closed off to others, and not join others.

I play to stay alive at all cost, since, that it what one would do in reality.
I went to help people out, who figured to engage machines guns blazing, forcing me to act, and thus kill me.
“But death is meaningless!” they say…
Sadly, it is.
There should be darn heavy penalties for death, dangit, so folks would take a more realistic stance on things…

That’s me. :slight_smile:

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Well, you can kick them from Multiplayer menu but that’s pretty much all you can do to keep them away. Eventually, even kicking players gets tiresome and all of that results in either of the two:

  • they get better of you and you let them do what they want
  • you close your game (Invite Only)

I’ve opted for the latter one.

Another thing, that can work but which i haven’t tried it yet, is to set your in-game difficulty to Guerilla with enabled Auto-Scaling.

While this doesn’t stop anybody killing your Rivals; it sure will make their life as hard as possible since machines hit hard on Guerilla and eat up ammo as well. And with enabled Auto-Scaling, game also spawns in more random roam machines, to scale better with more people in the game.


@Aesyle Yep, I think kicking a player should block him from re-joining you as well. I had to kick out a guy some days ago, but he just kept on jumping back in, so I had to set to invite only to stop him.

But I have also had some very fun sessions with completely random people, so it’s tempting to set it to “anyone” and see what happens.

I’m also under the impression that the majority of random players, play on Adventure difficulty. Whenever I join a random game myself, I always end up in a game on Adventure, even though I set my preference to Skirmish or Guerilla. By that I assume that most of the experienced GZ players stick to their own friends.

So yeah, finding a good game while meddling with random players is like rolling a dice. Or more like rolling 3 dices and hitting 18! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Now, before anything, I am NOT familiar with Steam, so hence this question:
Can’t you blacklist someone on Steam, thus preventing him to join your game?

If not, that should be a feat, really.

Question, what is your time zone, and what is the time you play, sir?
Providing it is compatible, I would not mind to join you, you’re a decent person… :slight_smile:
That is, if you do not mind an oddball in your game.

I don’t know. Could be possible? :slight_smile:

You’re welcome to add me on Steam, I have the same username in there.
And I’m in Norway, so the time zone is CEST right now, and CET in about a month. :wink:
That being said, I have complained here on the forum before (for which I’m sorry), that I don’t really have much time for playing. I’m usually playing 2 or 3 evenings pr. week, most often on tuesdays, wednesdays, thursdays and sundays. And usually between 20:00 and 23:00.
Sad thing is, I spend much more time on the forum than in the game. :woozy_face:

And no, I don’t mind an oddball! :smile:

It’s rule-breakers I don’t want in my game.

And people who don’t play, but just hang around their Plundra and refuse to talk.

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Understood, sir.
I’ll add you to Steam, throw me a note, please, sir, when you would like to go in game. :slight_smile: