Multiple Map Bugs

I play the PC version since the release on my gaming notebook

I always wanted to finsh this game to 100%. I colleted every mission, found all weapons locations in game, all collectable and discovered all secret place with help of this beautiul community. But the Log didn’t count my discovery effort (it says i only got 245 of 290 finished locations) and i finally discovered that my hole mape and log is totaly bugged. I made nearly 50 screen shots as proove for you to fix and search up for more bugs. And this screenshots are not all bugs that are there. Please help to search and fix the bugs. Its really frustrating, now over the huge playtime just sad…

Types of Bugs:

  1. Finished more missions then the locations have.
  2. Found more weapons then the locations have.
  3. Dobbled location marks
  4. Dobbled location marks with count bugs
  5. A lot of missing locations marks and some with dobble finished mssions or weapons!!!
  6. Bugged count/ i did pick up the weapon but it wasn’t count in the log
  7. Dobbled marked location with open collectable/ i got all collectable in the game
  8. Weapon is not reachable cause the mechanics of the location do not work

I think this is not only for me importent to fix, more for the new players who also want to finish a game that they begin to play too…
Here are some examples for some of my bugs 'cause im only allowed to post 5 screenshots. This bug are in every region, across the whole mape…

Images / Videos:

all this issus do not count as finished 100%

  1. Some location got more finished more missions then possible. Example (2/1 missions finished or 6/3)

  2. Some Locations where i found more weapons then possible

  • at the location “Yttervik” i got more weapons and collectable then possible…

3)4) Doobled location mark bugs/ Log count bug

  1. Missing location marks/ farms/ bunker entrys/ havens + some of the not marked things got more then possible quests/weapons/missions …, got a lot of screen shots without marked loc (cannot link them all here)

  1. in this following case loc “Linderbar Aprés-Ski” the picked up the weapon but it didnt count…

  1. Dobbled marked locations

  1. The weapon in Loc “Stenungäs Generator” is not reachable cause this read piller dosent move

Since your bug report topic covers several bugs at once, rather than one bug per topic, i’ll be locking this one. :lock: Moreover, since what you’ve reported here, have already dedicated topics in the forums, and several of them:

I suggest that you post your findings in appropriate topics, rather than listing them all in one topic.

Btw, welcome to the forums. :slightly_smiling_face:


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