The shock ammo i have, is 9mm handgun and .270. I haven’t unlocked the 7.62mm yet. Also, i’ve only used 9mm handgun ammo with experimental Klaucke.
After using it, i also see why some may consider it OP since when it comes to the damage dealt, the electricity arcs are constantly dealing damage over long period of time and you can dispatch even the largest of machines very easily and fast.
Due to that, it has the highest damage potential of all experimental ammo.
Should it be nerfed? I don’t think so.
If shock ammo would have the same ease of availability as regular ammo, then Yes. But it does not.
Instead, you have to first complete several base defence missions just to get the crafting schem. Once you have the schem, you need to spend quite a lot of resources, including Uranium to craft it. And only way to gain more Uranium, is to complete more base defence missions. Severely limiting its availability.
On top of that, you can’t use Ammo Packs to duplicate it either, at least that’s what i’ve heard of. Haven’t tested it personally.
So, if devs would nerf the shock ammo, what that leads to? For one, it reduces the fun of using it since it doesn’t produce the same level of satisfaction anymore. And for two, most people would be going back to the 2nd best option: experimental .50 cal.
Should devs nerf the experimental .50 cal as well? Because it is (probably) the best weapon in the game? Well, experimental weapons have been around for almost 2 years now and while there have been some folks who have asked nerfing it, nothing has been done as of date.
In the end, i view the shock ammo and experimental .50 cal as optional. There is no requirement to use either of the two and if you think it’s too OP for you, just stop using it.
That’s what i’ve done with experimental .50 cal and shock ammo as well. Haven’t crafted any more from the initial amount, to test it and while i do carry experimental .50 cal with me, i rarely use it. I keep it as a last resort, when hits the fan and i need to get out of it.