It´s no longer a “Project”
I bet some Russian special forces have already that suit available for them.
I also know the British and USA forces also have a similar suit, though until we see them in action, it might take from years to even a decade or more.
But exoskeletons and power suits although limited in some areas, are no longer theoretical, it´s a matter of fixing issues, production and secrecy.
And cost per soldier, is the real reason you don’t see them. They even mention a similar issue in Batman Begins. Waynetech created the armor for the army, but it was simply too expensive to go beyond prototype for mass production.
I know that…even when everything is done and they work for many hours with no major problems.
The generic soldier will not get one.
It will be mostly special forces and other secret branches.
Although some visual and locomotion help Tech during battles will be slowly introduced to the front line generic trooper.
I found this. Jumbed over the fence and inside the shack you cn find this
And this
Really creepy place. Anyone know the story behind this?
Place can be found at - 691.532, - 2223.892
No one knows the story (i think), but it´s been discovered too xD
It´s been there since November Update.
I just call them the “Suicide cult”
First place they appeared was at Himfjall Island.
Yeah, seems like the devs have gone creepy, you can find these all over the island.
This one really creeped me out, on top of a hill inside a stand of sarsens.
“Stick” means “go away/ keep out” but in kind of a rude manor in Swedish.
I would translate it to “get lost” or “beat it”.
Absolutely. That’s a much better translation.
yeah stick is like go away or f*ck off or just like someone is like go away save ourselfs, that is what stick can mean, what i mean is like think if you are hunted by some hunters and your friend get shot and he/she says stick, rädda dig själv (go, save yourselvs)
Or as Gandalf would have put it: Fly you fools!
Stairway to hell
@AlexSilver35 since you’re not supposed to get down there and you used game glitch to do that, i deleted your replies. Because here (official forums), we do not discuss or show content achieved by cheating/glitching/exploiting the game.
Averholm Manor shows me 1/1 weapon and 0/1 collectables. I haven’t found it though. According to my notes it didn’t have an collectable before.
Is this to let me know I need to keep searching ?