New Generation Zero Roadmap


New experimental weapons are coming. What do you think they’ll be? I think maybe the HP5. Maybe the AI-76 as like a new soviet experimental.

I’m rather excited for the “apple mystery mission” :apple: :green_apple: :apple: :green_apple:

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These both, @0L0 and @Juix… These are very interesting. I’m also interested in the performance improvements.

And I should have bet on an upcoming paid skin dlc.

Lured us in with the free skins so we wouldn’t complain when the dlc comes out.


I may or may not buy the skin DLC depending on price. I place very little importance on skins in game. Would rather spend my money on stuff that actually does something. But I’m sure they’ll look great. We’ll see.

I would, however, pay whatever the price of admission for a substantial story mission pack that expands the story and lore of GZ.


I agree with everything you just said man. The skin pack should not be more than 4 dollars though.


I’m willing to go 5-7 Canadian shekels to help fund future GZ development. Any more than that and I don’t think it’s worth it in terms of value added to the game for me. It’s not that I can’t afford it by any means. It just adds no tangible value to the game for me.

But I get it. Some people really love their skins. And I’m sure many will buy it.

I had to look up the exchange rate but were pretty close in the numbers. It’s definitely going to be one of the most bought dlcs though. We on the forums are just a loud minority compared to the people who play this game. There are like 2 dozen people on the forums regularly.

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Fully understand. Doesn’t do it for me. I’d rather earn something like skins in game to be honest. But I also understand the business model behind it. I know much of the younger crowd like their skins and esthetics in game. I care to a degree, but not enough to dish out a bunch of money for it.

A “road map” with a time span of 2 months (one of which has pretty much ended).

I used to think of the idea of paid skin pack in the game alaughable idea, yet here we are.


I dont want to sound like im always complaining, the last update seems pretty good so far, and i get it, they need money, and “you want more skins? pay for them” ok i get it, but someone has to say this.
The last 2 DLCs are a bit overpriced in my opinion.
5.99 for the tactical equipment pack and 6.99 for just 3 bikes is too much.
Alpine Unrest is an entire new big area with missions and collectables and its 7.99, which is cheap in comparison to the other 2 that are just “small extras”.


I don’t plan on getting this skin pack. I don’t place any value on camo skins. I might buy a HyperBeast or Howl skin pack tho.

However, I am really excited for the new experimental weapons!

I hope the devs make an experimental version of all the rest of the weapons, including the DLC weapon packs. An experimental AT-WAD would be awesome.

If they do that, for dlc guns, I hope they also introduce experimental ammo for the ones that have custom ammo types.


I have come up with what weapons, in my opinion, have the highest chance of getting experimentalized. The list is AG5, Magnus, and AI-76. The AG5 and the Magnus because they were the only 2 guns that didn’t have experimental versions but still got skins and the AI-76 because of all the stuff happening around the Soviet lore right. It might even be a soviet version of an experimental weapon. If not the AI-76 than the HP5 is next in line.

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Once an experimental Ă„lgstudsare was greatly wished by many.

If we think about used ammo we already have experimentals for:

9mm handgun
9mm smg
7.62 (twice)
Buckshot, birdshot,… You know. Shotgun.

Weapons with other ammo types fast become forgotten if you already have all experimentals.

The missing ammo types are:

As I don’t think that we will get an experimental version for all of them at once, but I think that there could be three more in the next update, I would choose the Älgstudsare, the KVM89 and the magnus.

I choosed the KVM89 for 5.56 because there already is a skin for the AG-5 and there might come a paid one for the KVM89 in future. You know, give them some tasty food for free and they might come back to buy more.

Oh and I don’t think that there will be experimental versions of dlc guns in near future. At least not for free for non-dlc-owners. And if they really add more content to already released weapon/item dlcs afterwards is nothing I would bet on.

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I completely agree. It’s a good idea to keep non-story DLC at a more level price.


Personally I’m hoping for the AG5, magnus, and the moller pp. The Algstudsare and the Mauser are just too weak to be worth the effort in my opinion, they seem like peashooters compared to even the moller, which has been disappointing to me since the game launched.


But experimental weapons don’t just are a bit better. They can have a special effect or special purpose.

I almost never used the 12G before I got the experimental one. It’s still not a killer but I always use it if I want to blow up cars with a single shot.

Just imagine what they could do as experimentals. Maybe even improved by experimental ammo.

There could be a radioactive experimental meusser with higher bullet velocity and radioactivity. Combined with explosive ammo it could shoot mini-nukes.

Or a möller which was combined with what experimental med kits do (healing, stamina) as support weapon. If you use medical ammo it could work like an adrenaline shot and gives powerful health regeneration for some seconds. Used with radioactive ammo it could give endless stamina for some seconds.

Or what about an Älgstudsare which “prints” its own ammo? You wouldn’t need to carry much ammo, because it replicates the used ammo itself every few seconds. No matter if you use normal or experimental ammo. (not strong, but no more manual reload, except if you change ammo type)

Any ideas for experimental magnus, AG-5 or KVM89?

i would prefer to get higher class robots. because its too easy for most players in the community. its understandable of why community want more weapons because theres not alot free weapons to use for strong players to like it.

i will say firebird is quite hard for me to kill it. but why does it say on spotting intel difficulty normal? its not normal its hard!

( just to clerify the game is reaching the point that theres alot robot types and classes and im starting to have way more fun because i need to act different for every type robots and classes im fighting.)

( example killing tanks the most simple way is any rocket launchers. runners just spray bullets with any smg. firebird uhhhh throw flares and then pansergevar theyre hovers and other components. )