New Generation Zero Roadmap

If they do that, for dlc guns, I hope they also introduce experimental ammo for the ones that have custom ammo types.


I have come up with what weapons, in my opinion, have the highest chance of getting experimentalized. The list is AG5, Magnus, and AI-76. The AG5 and the Magnus because they were the only 2 guns that didn’t have experimental versions but still got skins and the AI-76 because of all the stuff happening around the Soviet lore right. It might even be a soviet version of an experimental weapon. If not the AI-76 than the HP5 is next in line.

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Once an experimental Älgstudsare was greatly wished by many.

If we think about used ammo we already have experimentals for:

9mm handgun
9mm smg
7.62 (twice)
Buckshot, birdshot,… You know. Shotgun.

Weapons with other ammo types fast become forgotten if you already have all experimentals.

The missing ammo types are:

As I don’t think that we will get an experimental version for all of them at once, but I think that there could be three more in the next update, I would choose the Älgstudsare, the KVM89 and the magnus.

I choosed the KVM89 for 5.56 because there already is a skin for the AG-5 and there might come a paid one for the KVM89 in future. You know, give them some tasty food for free and they might come back to buy more.

Oh and I don’t think that there will be experimental versions of dlc guns in near future. At least not for free for non-dlc-owners. And if they really add more content to already released weapon/item dlcs afterwards is nothing I would bet on.

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I completely agree. It’s a good idea to keep non-story DLC at a more level price.


Personally I’m hoping for the AG5, magnus, and the moller pp. The Algstudsare and the Mauser are just too weak to be worth the effort in my opinion, they seem like peashooters compared to even the moller, which has been disappointing to me since the game launched.


But experimental weapons don’t just are a bit better. They can have a special effect or special purpose.

I almost never used the 12G before I got the experimental one. It’s still not a killer but I always use it if I want to blow up cars with a single shot.

Just imagine what they could do as experimentals. Maybe even improved by experimental ammo.

There could be a radioactive experimental meusser with higher bullet velocity and radioactivity. Combined with explosive ammo it could shoot mini-nukes.

Or a möller which was combined with what experimental med kits do (healing, stamina) as support weapon. If you use medical ammo it could work like an adrenaline shot and gives powerful health regeneration for some seconds. Used with radioactive ammo it could give endless stamina for some seconds.

Or what about an Älgstudsare which “prints” its own ammo? You wouldn’t need to carry much ammo, because it replicates the used ammo itself every few seconds. No matter if you use normal or experimental ammo. (not strong, but no more manual reload, except if you change ammo type)

Any ideas for experimental magnus, AG-5 or KVM89?

i would prefer to get higher class robots. because its too easy for most players in the community. its understandable of why community want more weapons because theres not alot free weapons to use for strong players to like it.

i will say firebird is quite hard for me to kill it. but why does it say on spotting intel difficulty normal? its not normal its hard!

( just to clerify the game is reaching the point that theres alot robot types and classes and im starting to have way more fun because i need to act different for every type robots and classes im fighting.)

( example killing tanks the most simple way is any rocket launchers. runners just spray bullets with any smg. firebird uhhhh throw flares and then pansergevar theyre hovers and other components. )

That depends on many things and sometimes is just a matter of balancing.

  • Which difficulty is set?
  • Which character level and which skills?
  • How do you play? Cautious or agressive?
  • Which weapons and ammo are used?

You can’t just add harder machines everywhere. Newer players which don’t have as strong characters and weapons could get difficulties following the story and finishing the missions.

The same counts for instead just raising the amount of machines.

For me no single machine is too hard. It’s just getting heavy if there are many and many different types of machines.

A firebird is strong, but beatable with good skills in targeting its turbines. But if there are some wolves and many lynx around it’s getting really hard.

I agree with that. Currently I don’t know what other machines have, but compared to others the firebirds are hard. Hard to hit effectivly and heavy armed.

What I want to say:
Bulletsponges are not cool and everything else… If you have thousands of experimental 7.62 shock ammo and .50 you can beat everything easily. With more limited ammo or at least limited experimental ammo most players don’t need stronger enemies.

The strength of this game always was a limitation. With limited ammo, first aid, ressources even easy enemies could become hard.

But many players always just want more. More health, more strength, more or stronger enemies and weapons. And because if you have everything it becomes boring, they just want more. We need limits or to limit ourselfs to keep it fun and challenging.

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you get a rocket launcher from just few main missions at arcipelago im not joking i started new character and world. the rocket launcher was at one of the bunkers I remember maybe its the military base mission.

and not only that my friend was getting too lucky from weapons boxes that he got 2 star rocket launcher inside the command bunker.

just to let you know higher class robots have higher chances to spawn if you have higher threat level. the new players are not strong enough to kill everything they see on other regions so the threat level will not increase its means the game will not be hard if youre an weak player.

for people adventure and skirmish and guerilla rarely happens.

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Good to know. I don’t know how the game currently would feel if you start from beginning.
If it scales dynamically with threat level in each region it would be fine.

But, wait a minute… My threat level is just high for farmlands and maybe forest region, but I still have heavy battles in north coast and marshlands and especially in mountain region.

Last week I traveled by motorbike through mountain region. You can see my route in the image (orange line). At the red circles I had massive battles or just flew to complete my route and to meet my friends at the end.
On this route I left 6 tanks and 10 harvesters behind me…and uncountable masses of hunters.

A full auto experimental weapon with a corrosive effect would be a nice touch.

How about special ammunition for the RPG-7 Maybe a warhead that leaves burning chemicals behind that has a similar effect as a sticky flare?

What I really want is an optic to fit the Carl G - they exist in real life and it would make distance shots a lot more doable.

That’s what I thought about, too.
5.56 rounds, of course.

It’s a dlc weapon. I don’t think that in a regular update there will be upgrades for older dlcs im this way.

I like that there is this difference between the carl g and the rpg. I don’t think it’s necessary to have scopes for it. For long range use a pvg :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Unless they changed it in the last 2 months, this is not true at all!

Threat level means nothing here, it only gets higher with more destroyed machines, and it spawns more rivals and eventually the Reaper, the difficulty does not change and you dont get more machines or “elite classes” (FNIX/APOC)
Being a “strong player” i wish that was true and that I would find small armies in every town, village guarding it and big concentrations of machines in the countryside, but the game engine, code and current generations cant handle that type of challenge.
Where did anyone give you that information?? @attacke27


Oh please god, not corrosive, nor heat modifications on the 5.56, please! With one being great against armor and useless elsewhere, and vise versa for the other, that sounds like the shotgun. Useful if you have nothing else, perhaps, but there are better options available. That being said, an explosive round effect for the 5.56 would be OP, even if the blast radius was small. It would also be useful all around, but not sure what the negative effect would be to counter the OP buff. Lol, perhaps a 1% chance the gun could explode in your hands per shot, an explosive version of the tar ammo.

In my eyes it’s hard to find a good special ability that isn’t already there at another experimental weapon or that isn’t just granted by experimental ammo, too.
And somehow the special ability should get additional benefits if using experimental ammo with it.

The experimental 5.56 ammo is something I almost never used. Well, I almost never used a weapon with 5.56, too.

I just thought about, I don’t know the correct words, reflecting bullets. An experimental KVM89 that can spray bullets that will be reflected up to 2 times by everything and therefore have a chance to hit multiple targets, even if you miss your primary target.

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I think I see where you are going with that, and you were right that reflecting wasn’t the right word. That would mean that the bullets would come back for you. If I’m reading your intentions right, I’m guessing you’re talking about some sort of ‘smart’ or tracking round that could seek an additional target or two after hitting the first, and that idea has some awesome potential. Perhaps that the rounds fired would seek an additional target if they impact on an enemy, and on the off chance that there is only one enemy the rounds could end up seeking you as a potential target if there are no enemies near enough. This might be a similar mechanic to the Exp LMG’s effect, where if the target is hit, and you are too close to the target, you will become the ground for the electric arc and take damage as well.

That is a really cool idea Madchaser! I’d use that weapon, lol even if it would most likely end up with my horrible and very violent death. Every engagement the risk/reward would have to be calculated, and could lead to a quick victory or a sudden death. Sounds like a blast!

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Thought more about ricochet, than intelligent bullets, but sounds interesting, too.

It would also make for a really cool skill, too. I think there’s a skill on the defensive side of the perk cards in fallout 76 that, when activated, gives the player a small percentage of a chance to avoid taking damage and returning that damage to the enemy that fired it. Lol, as much as I’d like to continue down that line of thought though, I think I’m going to stop trying to shake the present under the tree to see what’s inside of it and just be patient for the day the new exp weapons drop. We don’t want to overhype ourselves, otherwise we’ll be so focused on what we think would be cool and not be able to appreciate all the effort the devs put into these new works. With all the time and effort they put in, I’d say they earned that much from us.

And to the devs I say, “Make me proud, ladies and gents. You’ve done wonderful work thus far, and I’m looking forward eagerly. When I say that, please keep in mind that I’m a middle aged guy who feels like I have a rabid toddler on a sugar high wanting to know what’s in the update, but I’m holding that little rabid thing back, for you.”

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i gained alot information from just learning it in knowing every single time when robots attacks or waiting/realoading. rivals are like lords who increase threat.
( thats the reason why you lose threat level when you kill one of them. )

if you have automatic difficulty scaling on it will spawn more robots if theres nearby seeker in combat depending threat levels. thats what i learned it was true for me or I’m just too lucky for happening this alot for me.

when i stopped killing rivals, alot robots was starting to come in soo rivals were like lords of spawn machines.

alot locations will be always the same ammount of robots. example airport sometimes spawns harvester and tanks almost always in the airport.

the extra robots only walks around the field on the map acting like rivals. they can enter other regions but will rarely happens. thats why you hear alot gunshots from soviets fighting in open fields that robots never spawn.

im not sure about soviets because its take very long to figure out. way more soviet robots in marshlands. thats what i got in best information on soviets. theyre way more harder to figure out.

its still happening they only changed the name new players didnt understand. threat level is understandable name for new players.

Afaik Automatic difficulty scaling is only intended to work in multiplayer sessions, so keep that in mind…